The Best Seeds To Try In The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth

The Best Seeds To Try In The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth
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It’s no secret that when it comes to build diversity and replayability, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth goes above and beyond other roguelikes and offers players virtually endless variety and fun. This is partly thanks to the seed function, where every run is assigned a string of eight letters and numbers unique to that run, allowing players to replay a run they discovered or to try one with a specific set of powerful items or modifiers.


The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth: Best Characters

The Binding Of Isaac offers lots of characters for players to use in their runs, and these are the best of them.

With over four billion seeds to choose from, no two runs are the same. Some may offer overpowered setups early on, while others drastically alter how the game functions on a basic level.



The God Mode

  • Makes Isaac invincible
  • Achievements disabled
  • DLC

​​​​​It doesn’t get much simpler than this. For anyone who has ever wanted to enjoy the Isaac experience while being completely untouchable, this is the perfect run. The run does not come without its quirks. For instance, sacrifice rooms become completely non-functional, as while Isaac will flash indicating he has taken damage, no health points will be deducted, which makes some items useless and others outright broken.

Activating this seed will also display the Easter egg prompt “Dog Mode”, an amusing play on words which is another staple of the Isaac franchise.



Instant Brimstone

  • Brimstone from devil deal
  • Achievements Disabled
  • DLC

How does starting a run with one of the most powerful tear mods sound? Turns out it’s pretty good. Brimstone completely alters Isaac from a crying child to an unstoppable force, allowing for rooms to be cleared in a matter of seconds and bosses to be deleted from the basement. The best parts about Brimstone are the items players can pair with it. Make it heat-seeking, bounce off of walls, or turn into a moving death ring. Having this much power so early on makes the rest of the run a breeze and there are plenty of items along the way that make this seed even more ludicrous.

And to cap it off, the seed also comes with a free HP up in the treasure room, mitigating the lost health from the devil deal/sacrifice room and allowing the build to really start rolling. Simply spawn in, enter the sacrifice room below, and take the left chest to be transported straight into the waiting arms of brimstone.



A Respawning Challenge

  • Enemies and bosses respawn once Isaac leaves the room
  • Pickups will not respawn upon completing rooms a second time
  • Achievements disabled
  • Base Game

Sometimes killing Mom once isn’t enough or perhaps a later boss is proving to be a challenge. C0MEBACK allows players to have a sandbox-style experience while keeping the core gameplay intact.

This seed is particularly enjoyable as it can act as a practice tool for difficult end-game bosses and for replaying the more fun and exciting fights without the need to restart the run. The downside is the respawning of regular rooms as well as bosses, but the thrill of defeating bosses like The Lamb over and over more than makes up for this.



Damage Overload

  • Cricket’s head; damage amplification
  • Achievements Disabled
  • DLC

A nice simple run that starts with a hefty damage spike. Cricket’s head comes with a flat damage increase as well as a decent multiplier, which means any damage added to the build becomes outrageous.

While other seeds can be flashy or funny, sometimes all it takes is a nice damage buff to get the Isaac excitement going. The run also has the benefit of a shop room early on, allowing a soul-heart to be collected, which makes Isaac tankier and hit like a truck. This one is found in the treasure room to the left of the spawn.



Utter Hell

  • Challenge seed with incredibly low stats
  • Deadgod file as Eden
  • Base Game (Can disable DLC to access)

A hidden, grueling challenge that is as much horror as it is hilarious. Eden as a character always comes with their ups and downs. Either the game decides to gift the player with a potent starting combo or to ruin the entire run from the start.


Best Roguelikes That Offer Freedom In Playstyle

The freedom of creating unique playstyles is one of the major draws of the following roguelikes.

This seed chooses the latter, setting all of Eden’s stats to incredibly low numbers and forcing the player into five-minute-long encounters in rooms that would normally take 30 seconds, Even clearing the first floor is an achievement in itself, as despite having a few additional black heart containers, the lack of damage output and kill power makes it one of the hardest runs in Isaac.



This Seems Familiar

  • Superhot inspired modification
  • Time slows while stationary, while tears behave normally
  • Achievements Disabled
  • DLC

A nice crossover in both genres and styles, by slowing down the game itself, Isaac goes from a fast-paced rogue-like to a top-down tactical shooter. Superhot is a fan favorite in the VR/Shooter genre and bringing the core gameplay element over completely alters how the game is played.

Players can experiment with using the modifier as a tactical tool for dodging incoming shots or can hunker down and remain stationary for extended periods, allowing damage to be dished out and heart loss to be effectively impossible.



The Speedrun

  • 30-minute timer, after which Isaac begins taking damage every second
  • Achievements Enabled
  • Base Game

Playing fast has always been a great way to pick up some extra items from the boss rush or take down challenging foes like Hush, but never this extreme. Choices have to be made between sticking around and exploring the whole floor in hopes of becoming stronger or moving on to save those valuable seconds.

Later on, there are a few treats that turn the run from a mad dash to the finish, to a godlike build of pure destruction which eliminates the worries from the ever-ticking clock.



An Inverted Nightmare

  • Inverts all movement and firing keys
  • Achievements enabled
  • Base Game

Get ready to flip the controller over, as this seed is a challenge for even veteran Isaac fans. Though it sounds simple, undoing hours of muscle memory is significantly more punishing than it may seem. Another Easter egg seed, this modifier adds another level of difficulty on top of the diverse set of problems that the player must overcome to triumph.

While the built-in and modded challenge runs provide their own unique difficulties and challenges, DRAWKCAB will take several attempts to master and will have players questioning which way is up.



No Pain No Gain

  • Sacred heart + Crown of Light floor one
  • Achievements Disabled
  • DLC

Sometimes a seed has a few hidden treats for the player to find. In this case, it’s 4 times the damage, six full hearts, homing tears, and a boatload of cash to cap it off.


The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth – Best Challenge Rewards

Completing these challenges in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is no easy feat, but they offer tantalizing rewards for those willing to take them on.

Crown of Light is a very interesting item as it gives the player a greater incentive to remain untouched for as long as they can. That being said even if things get a bit hectic, a handy bomb buddy will help take care of any remaining enemies in the room.

The player cannot take a single point of damage from enemies to access. That being said:

  1. Clear the entire floor, picking up all bombs, items, etc.
  2. Enter the sacrifice room and allow Isaac to take damage from the spikes.
  3. Use heart pick-ups found throughout the floor, including those hidden in the spiked chest.
  4. Continue to damage Isaac until transported to the Angel Room, in which the sacred heart can be picked up.
  5. Return to the Sacrifice room and take damage one more time for Crown of Light to spawn.



NES Style Pixelation

  • Permanent retro-vision
  • Achievements enabled
  • DLC

A purely cosmetic seed but a unique nostalgic experience for any fans of NES aesthetics. Isaac has always been praised for its art style, direction, and design, having a unique hand-drawn style that offers both a cute and horrifying experience. Add a retro filter and all the existing enemy and item designs, and it’s a recipe for a gorgeous twist on the already flawless experience

The seed also gives players an almost analog horror-style playthrough, as there are certainly some unsettling horror-inspired aspects of the game that are only elevated by a more primitive and simplistic setting.

The Binding of Isaac Rebirth Tag Page Cover Art




Dungeon Crawler


November 4, 2014


Mature 17+ // Mature 17+ Blood and Gore, Crude Humor, Violen


PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii U, New Nintendo 3DS, PC, Linux, macOS, iOS


Nicalis, Edmund McMillen

OpenCritic Rating


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