Survivor (& Where to Get Them)

Survivor (& Where to Get Them)

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As Cal Kestis prepares for war against the Empire in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, players are going to need to amass an army of goods to ensure that the fight is easier and that Cal is more powerful than ever before. Luckily, that’s made possible, and fairly easy with a selection of great Perks that can upgrade Cal’s fighting prowess and total survivability.



Star Wars Jedi: Survivor – Every Lightsaber Stance, Ranked

Every lightsaber stance in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor brings something to the table. Here’s how they stack up.

There are 25 perks in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, and while players can only have a limited amount active at once, it’s always nice to have a decent variety available so that players can experiment with their own unique Jedi build, so we’ve listed some of the best out there than are must-haves.



Increase Lightsaber Damage After Using the Force

Equilibrium perk
  • How to Get: Purchased from Zee in Pylon’s Saloon for 5 Datadiscs

Perk Slot Cost



Using a Force ability increases the damage of the next lightsaber attack.

Equilibrium is a relatively easy perk to acquire since players just need to purchase it from Zee. There’s no running around and solving puzzles required, and the reward involved is a nice perk that provides players with an increase to their lightsaber damage shortly after using a Force ability.

Force abilities and lightsaber attacks already form the perfect combo, so this really is something to invest in for players who might use Force Pull on an enemy and then finish up with a lightsaber strike that will deal more damage than ever before.



Increase the Block Meter to Negate More Damage

Resilience perk
  • How to Get: Complete the Chamber of Duality during Find the Gyro (Main Mission)

Perk Slot Cost



Block meter is increased.

Resilience will help players who rely on defense more than their other abilities, as it will increase the total block meter before Cal is staggered by enemy attacks. This is helpful against melee enemies and those who shoot blasters, as Cal can block for longer while players decide on their next tactic to win the fight.

While it’s not an absurdly powerful increase, it will be notable to players who want to tank an extra hit or two with their lightsaber, so think about using this one when fighting enemies that have a few lethal attacks in rapid succession that are hard to parry but easy to block.



Regenerate Health to a Minimum Amount to Survive Longer

Fortification perk
  • How to Get: Found in a hidden cave to the right of the Forest Array Meditation Point, Koboh

Perk Slot Cost



Life regenerates up to a minimum amount.

The Fortification perk is going to help players who struggle to juggle their health and their Stims, as it’s going to allow them to regenerate their Life, but only to the minimum amount, so that doesn’t mean players can just rely on this passive health regeneration to get through every fight that awaits them.


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Players can create a seemingly infinite amount of lightsabers of unique designs thanks to the plethora of parts found in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Being able to heal somewhat will benefit players, especially with some truly tough fights ahead for this Jedi. However, don’t rely on it more than Stims, as the only way to truly make it out alive after a hurtful attack is from BD-1’s Stims.



Break Enemy Guard Easier Than Before

Shatter perk

Perk Slot Cost



Attacks are more effective at breaking enemies’ guard.

Shatter is one of the most cost-efficient perks that players need to have. Shatter will allow attacks to break enemy guards far easier than before, which essentially means that players can wail on them with their lightsabers and chain up combos, knowing that the enemy’s guard will break soon enough.

When an enemy blocks an attack, it can be frustrating for the Jedi who just wants to slice off some limbs, so luckily this aggressive combat perk will benefit players who want to hack and slash without having to wait for a counterattack.



Stagger Enemies When Healing and Negate One Hit After Healing

Centered perk

Perk Slot Cost



Enemies in a small area are staggered when Cal is healing. Cal can take one hit and not be interrupted.

Healing is essential to survival, but it can also be a death sentence. Players will only really heal in the middle of combat, but that short break from the action leaves them open to attack, and attack enemies shall as they see a nice vulnerable Jedi for hitting and shooting.

Luckily, activating a Stim with Centered will stagger enemies who are nearby, and Cal can also absorb a hit while taking the Stim which will deal no damage to him, effectively providing him with a brief window of invulnerability.



Use the Slow Ability to Gain Health

Patience perk

Perk Slot Cost



Using Slow also refills some Life.

Slow is one of Cal’s best Force abilities, as the ability to prevent enemies from moving fast and reacting well enough to dodge a lightsaber swing is going to aid players in all the right ways as they fight against the Empire and other threats.


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If the third Star Wars Jedi game will be the final Cal Kestis story, there are certain Star Wars planets that fans would love to explore.

To make Slow even better, the Patience perk will refill Life every it’s used, so while it’s not the biggest amount of health gain in the world, it’s still very useful for players out of Stims, or those who have only lost a dent of health and do not want to waste a Stim.



bd-1 heals cal

Perk Slot Cost



BD-1 carries an extra Stim for Cal. Stims will not refill to max until Cal rests.

Fellowship furthers the bond between BD-1 and Cal by allowing the Jedi to have yet another Stim. Stims are used for healing, and while plenty can be found in-game, it’s always nice to have an extra so that there is even less risk of death than ever before.

Sure, players will need to rest to get it back, but that’s definitely not a big deal when Meditation Points are scattered everywhere, and an extra Stim can easily mean the difference between life and death.



Regenerate Force Meter Passively

Chamber of Connection

Perk Slot Cost



The minimum level that the Force Meter automatically regenerates to is increased.

Recuperation might be a challenge to obtain since players need to complete another Jedi Trial, but it’s definitely worth it for those who like to use the Force in combat. The Force out of combat doesn’t require a meter, but when in the middle of the fight, if players want to Slow, or Push, or Pull, and other Force moves, they need to wait for the regeneration of the Force Meter to kick in.

To speed up the process and allow Cal to fight with the Force with every engagement, Recuperation comes in handy by allowing the Force Meter to regenerate above the minimum level for an extra use or two.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Tag Page Cover Art





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