Drink Links are the best times for Majima to engage in a range of conversations, from small talk to a heart-to-heart in Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii. Once you’ve gotten to know your crew on the sea, you’ll earn the chance to deepen your bond over an alcoholic beverage or two.

Adding naval combat into Like a Dragon is a bold move that pays off incredibly well.
Being the captain of a pirate ship demands plenty of Majima’s time, but he can always find moments to bond with his crew, get acquainted, and enjoy their backstories when you’re not surrounded by pirates in battle. Masaru Fujita is one of the most fascinating members of your crew, so kick back and enjoy some quality time with Majima’s first crew member.
How To Start Masaru Fujita’s Drink Link
This Drink Link unlocks after having five Bond Chats with Masaru across the seas.
The five Bond Chats are:
- A Beefy Chef
- Fried Seagull
- Evolution
- Crime and Punishment
- Rare Delicacies
After you finish your fifth chat, Masaru will invite you out to have a Drink Link with him in the Crew Quarters area below deck on the Goromaru, so head there when you’re ready.
In the Crew Quarters social area, you’ll find Masaru behind the bar – approach him and select the option to “Drink with Masaru” when you’re ready.
What To Say To Masaru Fujita: Choice One
The conversation begins with Masaru acknowledging this as his first ship with a Yakuza captain, which leads into some background on Masaru’s life.
Masaru talks about his experience with nude beaches, prompting him to question if Majima even remembers what those are. The three options to respond with are:
- Ah, fuck it, I don’t remember.
- Beaches where you can hang out naked.
- Beaches where the dunes look like tits.
As tempting as it might be to select one of the others, the serious and correct answer is “Beaches where you can hang out naked.”
If you say you can’t remember, Masaru won’t believe you and think you’re just feigning ignorance because you’re embarrassed.
Masaru laughs at the fact that you may have lost your memory, but that bit of information stuck with you.
What To Say To Masaru Fujita: Choice Two
The conversation will flow from your response about nude beaches until, eventually, Masaru takes the opportunity to prove that, despite denying an obsession with women, he is very interested in the cosplay bars and hostess clubs in Japan he’s heard about.
Majima tries to direct the conversation elsewhere to Japan’s other attractions, leaving you to pick between:
- Great comedy.
- Anime.
- Moe moe Kyun.
The correct answers are Anime, which Masaru admits to loving, especially all the cute girls he wants to protect, or Moe Moe Kyun. The latter even prompts Masaru to ask about Maid cafés, which sounds right up his alley.
This is one of the rare occasions where there’s more than one favorable choice.
Masaru wants to hear more about what Japan has, which prompts Majima to tell him about all the nitty-gritty details in the rest of the Drink Link.
After the Drink Link, your bond with Masaru will deepen, raising his max level to 50 and strengthening his Squad Leader Bond Trait to be “Marine Cuisine Bonded”, which Greatly boosts Attack and adds Poison Resistance.
The previous version of the skill, “Marine Cuisine”, only boosted Attack.

Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii Will Let You Explore All Of Honolulu
Wherever Ichiban went, Majima can go too.
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