Reverse: 1999 – Best Willow Build (Psychubes, Team Comps, & Skills)

Reverse: 1999 - Best Willow Build (Psychubes, Team Comps, & Skills)

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Reverse: 1999’s Version 2.3 introduces a much-awaited Arcanist during the Chronicles of Uluru: London Dawning event. Willow is a 6-star Plant Arcanist who deals Mental Damage. She’s an Attack-type character and the first true Poison Damage character. She works well in practically any team, and that’s because she’s a great DPS.


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Lopera in Reverse: 1999 is a Support unit that works well as a Burn buffer and universal buffer in any team. Here’s how to craft a great Lopera build.

Her skills are rather interesting in comparison to previous characters, and if you love to strategize during battles, she’s the one for you. Willow deals all kinds of damage, but scaling her off Poison is the best since it’s triggered with each turn. Here is everything you need to know about Willow’s build and how best to utilize her.

Willow Skills, Explained – Reverse: 1999

Reverse 1999 -Willow Skills, Explained

Willow is essentially a DPS built for Poison teams. Her most noticeable skill (Hag’s Bane) is a special kind of skill that allows her to scale her damage off how many times it has been triggered in a turn. Her Ultimate (In The Fire, In The Shadow) is her main mode of damage and works rather differently. The Ultimate increases her Moxie while also depleting it to inflict even more of Hag’s Bane.

To simplify, Willow is a Burst DMG DPS who applies status effects onto her enemies. She basically converts multiple instances of Poison into even more deadly Poison, which is Hag’s Bane, and as long as enemies are inflicted with its status, they will take constant damage. It is recommended to capitalize on this, as the more Hag’s Bane is resolved, the higher her Genesis Damage is. You can also create these instances through Willow’s Ultimate as it allows her to inflict multiple stacks of it.

Best Psychubes For Willow In Reverse: 1999

Reverse 1999 -Best Psychubes For Willow

When it comes to Psychubes, Willow’s signature Offbeat Strides is the best for her. It basically maxes out her Moxie the moment she steps on the field. Moreover, it also increases her Genesis DMG, DMG Taken Reduction, and Poison Damage. With her Moxie at maximum from the start of the fight, it means you can utilize her Ultimate well. For a second option, you can use Her Mournful Face, which is your budget option Psychube for Willow. It’s great because it increases Poison damage by 40%, and that’s something you definitely need for her.

Next, you can try out either Silent and Adoring or Transcendent Love on her. Both of them have their own attributes, but their ATK% substat is what’s most beneficial for Willow. Silent and Adoring basically stacks up damage for Willow when her Channel ends, and Transcendent Love helps her stack up Crit Rate and Crit DMG. Blasphemer of Night is your last best option if you don’t want to invest in a Psychube, and it’s great because it helps Willow Poison application.

Best Resonance Build For Willow In Reverse: 1999

Reverse 1999 - Best Resonance Build For Willow

Since Willow is built for DPS attacks, it’s best to use an ATK-centered Resonance build on her. You need to focus on getting as much flat ATK on her as much as possible to maximize her Poison damage bonus. Her main build for frequency would be Equibalance (Generalized), and her Alternate could be Placidity should you wish. Right now, that’s the best option for Willow in a mono Poison team — or any other you plan on slotting her into.


Reverse: 1999 – Best 37 Build (Psychubes, Team Comps, & Skills)

Reverse: 1999 players looking to make use of 37 can follow this guide for tips on how to best utilize her follow-up attack-centered kit.

Best Team Compositions For Willow In Reverse: 1999

Reverse 1999 -Best Team Compositions For Willow

Since Willow is the first true Poison DPS In Reverse: 1999, she is everything you need to complete your Poison team. She works extremely well with other Poison characters, but you can also pair her with other potential teams should you wish.

Willow + Tuesday + Sotheby

Reverse 1999 -Willow + Tuesday + Sotheby

This is the ultimate Poison dream team you can create in Reverse: 1999. Tuesday and Sotheby are both Plant Afflatus like Willow, and it’s been confirmed that Willow works best when Tuesday is in a team with her. Unfortunately, you might have to get Sotheby’s Euphoria to accurately make use of the damage output. For the fourth spot, you can either use Kakania for healing, Mercuria for cosmic energy buffs, or Vila active critical buffs.

Willow + Tuesday + Isolde

Reverse 1999 -Willow + Tuesday + Isolde

The same can be said for this team if you don’t have Sotheby. Isolde makes a fine replacement as you can double down on Willow’s Poison damage when she’s on the field. For the fourth slot, feel free to use whichever character you like for either survivability or damage buffing.

Willow + Jessica + Sotheby + J

Reverse 1999 -Willow + Jessica + Sotheby + J

This is your ‘fake’ Poison team, and unfortunately, it’s not the most recommended among players. But, this could be your temporary team until you have the opportunity to grab Tuesday when her banner releases. Quite frankly, Willow doesn’t work well unless you have Tuesday on your team. There will be a noticeable change in damage output, and Jessica is your substitute option until you get Tuesday. Willow and Jessica are both DPS here, so you can either bring in Kakania or Vila for Support if you want. Once you do get Tuesday, swap Jessica out for her and switch out Sotheby for J. J is a wild card as he provides great AoE burn application, which works well in certain situations.

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