- Pokemon designs are inspired by animals, dinosaurs, and mythological creatures, creating a diverse range of species.
- Many fossil Pokemon are based on dinosaurs, such as Tyranitar resembling a T-Rex, and Lapras inspired by a Plesiosaur.
- Various Pokemon, like Aerodactyl and Sceptile, draw inspiration from prehistoric creatures like the Pterodactyl and Velociraptor.
Pokemon come in a variety of shapes and sizes, as well as from a plethora of inspirations. When Pokemon Red & Blue was released in February 1996, many of the original 151 Pokemon were based on animals such as turtles, mice, and cats. Over the years of expanding the franchise and creating new creatures, designers have been looking at various animal and mythological inspirations to create new Pokemon.

Pokemon: 6 Best Spin-off Games Ranked
Pokemon spin-off games are ideal for fans who want to try something new and innovative. These are the best spin-off releases.
One of these inspirations has been dinosaurs, which have had roots in the design of Pokemon even back in the first generation with the designs of Lapras and Aerodactyl. Generally, many of the fossil Pokemon have become more likely to be based on dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures, but there have also been a variety of non-fossil Pokemon that are also based on dinosaurs.
Updated February 21, 2025 by Ben Painter: Pokemon come in all different shapes and sizes with their designs taking inspiration from pretty much everything found on Earth at this point. There are ‘mons based on plants, objects, myths, and even dinosaurs, the creatures that once roamed our planet millions of years ago. Dinosaurs are a common theme in media, the Jurassic Park franchise, the ARK: Survival Evolved video game, and even the iconic animated series The Flinstones.
These are all examples of the influence that dinosaurs have had. This, of course, has bled into Pokemon also, with Pokemon directly just being dinosaurs, but others just being influenced by them. This update adds three more Pokemon that are based on dinosaurs.
- Type: Water/Rock
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire (Generation 3)
- Best Move: Head Smash
- Level It Evolves: N/A
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: N/A
Although not based on a dinosaur, there is certainly an ancient vibe to Relicanth as it is based on the coelacanth fish, which has lived on Earth for many years and was thought to be long extinct. There is also an in-game explanation of the Pokemon that states that it has remained unchanged for 100 million years in the age of the dinosaur Pokemon.
There is a dinosaur-like jaw to Relicanth, and the fact it is a rock-type means it has an ancient quality to it, just like most of the Pokemon revived from fossils. Dinosaur may, however, be a stretch.
Relicanth’s Base Stats:
HP: |
100 |
Attack: |
90 |
Defense: |
130 |
Sp. Atk: |
45 |
Sp. Def: |
65 |
Speed: |
55 |
Total: |
485 |
- Type: Rock/Bug
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire (Generation 3)
- Best Move: X-Scissor
- Level It Evolves: level 40
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: N/A
A Pokemon that evolves from Anorith, which is revived from the Claw Fossil in the Generation 3 games. The evolution line’s main inspiration comes from the anomalocaris, which is an extinct species of arthropod. Anorith is essentially just one of these creatures.

Every Pokemon Game For The Nintendo DS, Ranked
The Nintendo DS was an amazing console for Pokemon games, and these great titles prove it. But which among them is most beloved by fans and critics?
However, Armaldo’s design is a little different as it expands on this concept and stands on two legs, much like a dinosaur, giving it a more advanced appearance. Armaldo’s body shape is similar to that of Tyranitar, Aggron, and Groundon, all of which take heavy inspiration from therapod dinos.
Armaldo’s Base Stats:
HP: |
75 |
Attack: |
125 |
Defense: |
100 |
Sp. Atk: |
70 |
Sp. Def: |
80 |
Speed: |
45 |
Total: |
495 |
- Type: Rock/Water
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Red & Blue (Generation 1)
- Best Move: Stone Edge
- Level It Evolves: level 40
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: N/A
Kabutops and its pre-evolution Kabuto draw their designs from eurypterids, ancient arthropods who are related to the modern horseshoe crab. Although there is a clear inspiration here, the fact that Kabutops stands on two legs means that there is some dinosaur inspiration to this ancient Pokemon.
Its skinny body and scythe-like arms can be a nod toward the velociraptor, although a loose inspiration, there is clearly something here to Kabutops.
Kabutops’ Base Stats:
HP: |
65 |
Attack: |
115 |
Defense: |
105 |
Sp. Atk: |
65 |
Sp. Def: |
70 |
Speed: |
80 |
Total: |
495 |
- Type: Dragon
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Black & White (Generation 5)
- Best Move: Giga Impact
- Level It Evolves: level 38, then 48
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Tera Raid Battles, Evolve From Fraxure
The Dragon-type Haxorus is the Ace Pokemon of the anime protagonist and Unova Gym Leader/Champion Iris. But the Pokemon is directly based on dinosaurs, specifically heterodontosaurus, which means “different toothed lizard.” The Pokemon Company took this one further and gave the Axe Jaw Pokemon, well, an axe jaw.
In the game, Haxorus is an awesome Pokemon with good all-around stats but a massive emphasis on Attack. This refers to its origin and the heterodontosaurus, which would use its teeth as weapons, much like the blades on Haxorus’ face.
Haxorus’ Base Stats:
HP: |
76 |
Attack: |
147 |
Defense: |
90 |
Sp. Atk: |
60 |
Sp. Def: |
70 |
Speed: |
97 |
Total: |
540 |
Therapod Dinosaur
- Type: Poison/Ground
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Red & Blue (Generation 1)
- Best Move: Superpower
- Level It Evolves: level 16, then when exposed to a Moon Stone
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: N/A
Nidoqueen is a bit of an almagation Pokemon, based mainly on a Kaiju of Japanese science fiction. But it has traits of rhinoceroses, gorillas, rabbits, porcupines, and also of therapod dinosaurs. Looking at Nidoqueen, there is a clear T. Rex appearance to it, something that it shares with its counterpart.

5 Pokemon World Locations That Will Never Appear In The Games
These locations from the Pokemon show are extremely unlikely to ever become available to visit in games. Here’s what these elusive locations are.
The Drill Pokemon can learn a wide variety of moves, such as Fighting, Fire, Electric, and Ice types, which is a factor in its amalgamation design. It also includes the Dragon moves Outrage and Dragon Pulse in its movepool, which further explores the Dinosaur element in its design.
Nidoqueen’s Base Stats:
HP: |
90 |
Attack: |
92 |
Defense: |
87 |
Sp. Atk: |
75 |
Sp. Def: |
85 |
Speed: |
76 |
Total: |
505 |
Therapod Dinosaur
- Type: Poison/Ground
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Red & Blue (Generation 1)
- Best Move: Megahorn
- Level It Evolves: level 16, then when exposed to a Moon Stone
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: N/A
Just like its female counterpart, Nidoqueen, Nidoking shares a similar origin, based on a Kaiju, but has traits of rhinoceroses, gorillas, rabbits, porcupines, and theropod dinosaurs. But Nidoking looks a bit more like a dino with its larger tail, bigger horn, and overall more menacing appearance.
Removing its porcupine-like ears, Nidoking would basically be a standard-looking dinosaur. One of the signature Pokemon of Team Rocket Boss Giovanni, Nidoking has left a lasting imprint on the franchise, and it is a real wonder why it was left out from the roster of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
Nidoking’s Base Stats:
HP: |
81 |
Attack: |
102 |
Defense: |
77 |
Sp. Atk: |
85 |
Sp. Def: |
75 |
Speed: |
85 |
Total: |
505 |
- Type: Water
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Gold & Silver (Generation 2)
- Best Move: Thrash or Superpower
- Level It Evolves: level 18, then 30
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolve from Totodile, via Croconaw, Totodile can be found in the Savanna Biome (after boosting biodiversity)
The Starter Pokemon of Generation 2 is certainly based on a crocodile or alligator, one that can stand on its hind legs. Its menacing appearance can be matched with its high attack stat, making use of a powerful Thrash move.
Crocodiles and alligators are some of the oldest creatures to walk the earth and there was a large species of croc, which walked on the ancient lands known as the ‘deinosuchus’. Feraligatr’s appearance certainly suggests that this is no regular crocodile and GameFreak may have taken inspiration from its ancestors from a previous time. The Water-type is certainly a trait of the deinosuchus who roamed the waters of what is now the United States.
Feraligatr’s Base Stats:
HP: |
85 |
Attack: |
105 |
Defense: |
100 |
Sp. Atk: |
79 |
Sp. Def: |
83 |
Speed: |
78 |
Total: |
530 |
- Type: Ground (Regular Form), Ground/Fire (Primal Form)
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Ruby (Generation 3), Pokemon Omega Ruby (Generation 6) (Primal Form)
- Best Move: Eruption
- Level It Evolves: N/A
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Alfornada Cavern after receiving the Groudon Treat from Snacksworth (Only one)
Groudon’s in-game lore is very similar to a dinosaur one as it is an ancient creature that has been resurrected in the modern day. The idea of Groudon of the land and Kyogre of the sea battling it out for domination is tied to the Hebrew legend of the Behemoth and Leviathan. However, Groudon is depicted a lot differently, resembling that of a therapod dinosaur with spikes and armor plating of an Ankylosaurus.

Pokemon: The Regional Bird Of Each Generation, Ranked
Regional birds have been a staple throughout the Pokemon franchise. But how does each bird from every generation stack up against its peers?
In Omega Ruby, Groudon received a new form known as Primal Groudon. This further emphasizes the dinosaur inspiration as the word primal is commonly associated with the dinosaur world.
Groudon’s Base Stats:
Normal Form |
Primal Form |
HP: |
100 |
100 |
Attack: |
150 |
180 |
Defense: |
140 |
160 |
Sp. Atk: |
100 |
150 |
Sp. Def: |
90 |
90 |
Speed: |
90 |
90 |
Total: |
670 |
770 |
- Type: Steel/Rock (Normal), Steel (Mega)
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire (Generation 3)
- Best Move: Double-Edge
- Level It Evolves: level 32, then 42
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: N/A
Like most powerful Pokemon, Aggron’s origin is tied to a legend. This time, the Korean myth of the Pulgasari, a creature that eats iron.
However, Aggron also looks like a therapod dinosaur and some may interpret its three-horn structure on its head to be that of the iconic dinosaur, the triceratops. Some dinos were known to have armor plating, something that Aggron has in its design, and also a reference to its high defensive stats in-game. Aggron’s Mega form certainly takes this plating to the next level. Now covered in steel, it even loses its Rock typing in its more powerful state.
Aggron’s Base Stats:
Normal |
Mega |
HP: |
70 |
70 |
Attack: |
110 |
140 |
Defense: |
180 |
230 |
Sp. Atk: |
60 |
60 |
Sp. Def: |
60 |
80 |
Speed: |
50 |
50 |
Total: |
530 |
630 |
- Type: Water/Dragon
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Sword & Shield (Generation 8)
- Best Move: Dragon Rush
- Level It Evolves: N/A
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: N/A
Dracovish is an interesting Pokemon as it is a hybrid of two different types of fossils, the Fossilized Drake and Fossilized Fish. It is the Drake element that is dinosaur-related.

30 Best Dual Type Pokemon, Ranked
Those looking to have dual-type Pokemon on their team have several options to choose from. These, however, are the best dual-types by far.
The bottom half of this strange-looking Pokemon appears to be based on a Stegosaurus with its iconic spines reversed to appear on the belly of Dracovish. Along with the other Fossil Pokemon of Generation 8, the true ancient Pokemon are never revealed, so somewhere out there in the world of Pokemon is a true version of the Fossilized Drake, but this isn’t in any of the games.
Dracovish’s Base Stats:
HP: |
90 |
Attack: |
90 |
Defense: |
100 |
Sp. Atk: |
70 |
Sp. Def: |
80 |
Speed: |
75 |
Total: |
505 |
Dromaeosauridae & Plesiosaur
- Type: Electric/Ice
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Sword & Shield (Generation 8)
- Best Move: Blizzard
- Level It Evolves: N/A
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: N/A
Just like with Dracovish, Acrtozolt is an amalgamation Pokemon of the Fossilized Bird and the Fossilized Dino. Both of these are references to a dinosaur.
Its top half appears to be based on a Dromaeosauridae, specifically a velociraptor, as it is commonly theorized that velociraptors are feathery creatures and are related to modern-day birds. However, this weird Pokemon is also based on a completely different species in its bottom half, looking like some form of marine dinosaur such as a plesiosaur, mosasaur, or ichthyosaur. This combination certainly makes for an interesting creature. It’s a shame that gamers may never see the original creatures of these fossils in a Pokemon game.
Arctozolt’s Base Stats:
HP: |
90 |
Attack: |
100 |
Defense: |
90 |
Sp. Atk: |
90 |
Sp. Def: |
80 |
Speed: |
55 |
Total: |
505 |
Dromaeosaurid & Stegosauria
- Type: Electric/Dragon
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Sword & Shield (Generation 8)
- Best Move: Dragon Rush
- Level It Evolves: N/A
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: N/A
Dracozolt is one of Gen 8’s Fossil Pokemon, a dual-type Electric/Dragon-type resurrected from combining the Fossilized Bird and the Fossilized Drake.

Pokemon: 10 Features That Were Cut From The Games
Pokemon games have a wide array of features and mechanics, but not all of them stick around for the long haul.
Like the other Fossil Pokemon in Pokemon Sword & Shield, Dracozolt appears to be based on the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs, the first dinosaur sculpture in the world. These sculptures, commissioned in 1852, are based on fossils now known to be incorrectly assembled. This is why Dracozolt looks so mismatched – its top half is based on the Dromaeosaurid, and the bottom half is based on Stegosauria.
Dracozolt’s Base Stats:
HP: |
90 |
Attack: |
100 |
Defense: |
90 |
Sp. Atk: |
80 |
Sp. Def: |
70 |
Speed: |
75 |
Total: |
505 |
Dunkleosteus & Plesiosaur
- Type: Water/Ice
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Sword & Shield (Generation 8)
- Best Move: Blizzard
- Level It Evolves: N/A
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: N/A
The last of the Sword & Shield fossils here, Arctovish is a Pokemon based on an ancient fish and an ancient marine reptile. Its head is reminiscent of a dunkleosteus, a large fish that swam in the waters of the ancient Earth. However, its fins appear to be based on those of a coelacanth, another type of ancient fish.
Just like Arctozolt, its bottom half is a marine dinosaur like a plesiosaur, mosasaur, or ichthyosaur. This ‘mon makes much more use of this as it is a Pokemon that swims instead of using its back fins as legs. Arctovish and its counterparts may also reference the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs, which are scientifically inaccurate dinos, combinations of various creatures, just like these Pokemon are.
Arctovish’s Base Stats:
HP: |
90 |
Attack: |
90 |
Defense: |
100 |
Sp. Atk: |
80 |
Sp. Def: |
90 |
Speed: |
55 |
Total: |
505 |
- Type: Dragon/Ground
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Diamond & Pearl (Generation 4)
- Best Move: Dragon Rush
- Level It Evolves: level 24, then 48
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: West Province: Area Two (Water Tera Type), Great Crater of Paldea, Area Zero, Tera Raid Battles (5★, 6★)
Cynthia’s terrifying ace and the pseudo-legendary of generation 4, Garchomp, is without a doubt one of the best-designed Pokemon of the franchise.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Every Mythical & Legendary Pokemon (& How to Get Them)
When compared to some of their predecessors, Pokemon Scarlet & Violet are a little light on Mythical and Legendary Pokemon at launch.
Its design takes inspiration from a few things. There is a large shark element to it but also of a Dromaeosauridae, a dinosaur that has a similar stature to this Pokemon, and it has similar fins/wings on its arms like the Dragon/Ground Pokemon has. Dragon-types are the most like dinosaurs and Garchomp is no exception.
Garchomp’s Base Stats:
Normal |
Mega |
HP: |
108 |
108 |
Attack: |
130 |
170 |
Defense: |
95 |
115 |
Sp. Atk: |
80 |
120 |
Sp. Def: |
85 |
95 |
Speed: |
102 |
92 |
Total: |
600 |
700 |
Therapod Dinosaur
- Type: Rock/Dark
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Gold & Silver (Generation 2)
- Best Move: Hyper Beam or Giga Impact
- Level It Evolves: level 30, then 55
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Tera Raid Battles (5★, 6★)
Large inspirations for Tyranitar’s design are based on the Japanese kaiju genre of movies featuring giant monsters and in this case Godzilla, largely. This Rock/Dark type just looks like a dinosaur and no one can say otherwise, specifically a therapod dinosaur, one that can stand on its hind likes such as T-Rex.
Tyranitar is the pseudo-legendary of Generation 2 and is the largest and most fearsome creature to live on Earth. It is fitting that some of the strongest Pokemon in the games are based on dinosaurs.
Tyranitar’s Base Stats:
Normal |
Mega |
HP: |
100 |
100 |
Attack: |
134 |
164 |
Defense: |
110 |
150 |
Sp. Atk: |
95 |
95 |
Sp. Def: |
100 |
120 |
Speed: |
61 |
71 |
Total: |
600 |
700 |
- Type: Grass/Flying
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire (Generation 3)
- Best Move: Solar Beam or Outrage
- Level It Evolves: N/A
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: West Province: Area Two, Area Three, North Province: Casseroya Lake, Tera Raid Battles (4★)
Tropius is a third-generation Pokemon based on a banana tree and a generic sauropod, a class of gentle, herbivorous dinosaurs. Its long, curved neck resembles a Brachiosaurus, though it’s very unlikely that the Brachiosaurus was ever able to fly.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Which Gym Should You Go to First?
Though Pokemon Scarlet & Violet allow players to visit Paldea’s gyms in any order, the levels of the leaders’ Pokemon mean there’s an optimal order.
Tropius’ gentle nature is emphasized in Pokedex entries from Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire, which states that it is popular with children and that it loves to eat fruit whenever it can.
Tropius’ Base Stats:
HP: |
99 |
Attack: |
68 |
Defense: |
83 |
Sp. Atk: |
72 |
Sp. Def: |
87 |
Speed: |
51 |
Total: |
460 |
Theropod Dinosaur
- Type: Dragon/Ice
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Scarlet & Violet (Generation 9)
- Best Move: Glaive Rush
- Level It Evolves: level 35, then 54
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Tera Raid Battles (5★, 6★)
The origins of Baxcalibur, a ninth-generation Pokemon introduced in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, are cool. While Baxcalibur is likely inspired by kaiju, it also has traits of many types of dinosaurs due to the sails on its back.
Most interestingly, it has traits of the Concavenator, a theropod dinosaur with a crest on its back and quills on its forelimbs very similar to Baxcalibur. Fossils of this dinosaur were first discovered in Spain, which links thematically to the game, as Paldea is a region inspired by Spain and Latin America.
Baxcalibur’s Base Stats:
HP: |
115 |
Attack: |
145 |
Defense: |
92 |
Sp. Atk: |
75 |
Sp. Def: |
86 |
Speed: |
87 |
Total: |
600 |
- Type: Rock/Ice
- Game Introduced: Pokemon X & Y (Generation 6)
- Best Move: Hyper Beam
- Level It Evolves: level 39 at night
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: N/A
Aurorus is one of many Fossil Pokemon based on dinosaurs. In Pokemon X & Y, Aurorus is the evolution of Amaura, which is a resurrection of the Sail Fossil. Hitoshi Anga designed Aurorus to be based on a sauropod, in contrast with Tyrantum, Gen 6’s other Fossil Pokemon.
Aurorus’ color-changing scales and name are based on the Aurora Borealis: bright, colorful lights in the sky visible across parts of the Northern Hemisphere.
Aurorus’ Base Stats:
HP: |
123 |
Attack: |
77 |
Defense: |
72 |
Sp. Atk: |
99 |
Sp. Def: |
92 |
Speed: |
58 |
Total: |
521 |
- Type: Grass
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Gold & Silver (Generation 2)
- Best Move: Petal Dance or Solar Beam
- Level It Evolves: level 16, then 32
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolve from Chikorita, via Bayleef, Chikorita can be found in Coastal Biome, Torchlit Labyrinth (after boosting biodiversity)
Meganium was one of the first starter Pokemon to have been based on a dinosaur. Meganium was based on Sauropods such as the Brachiosaurus, which exhibit many similar physical features to the Generation 2 starter. These features include the creature being quadrupedal and having a long neck.

Pokemon: 10 Best Semi-Pseudo Legendaries, Ranked
Players interested in the subsection of Pokemon known as Semi-Pseudo Legendaries may want to know how they stack up.
Funny enough, it seems that the personality of many Sauropods was taken into consideration when designing Meganium. Sauropods are predominantly herbivores, which makes sense considering that Meganium is a grass-type Pokemon.
Meganium’s Base Stats:
HP: |
80 |
Attack: |
82 |
Defense: |
100 |
Sp. Atk: |
83 |
Sp. Def: |
100 |
Speed: |
80 |
Total: |
525 |
- Type: Water/Ice
- Game Introduced: Pokemon Red & Blue (Generation 1)
- Best Move: Hydro Pump
- Level It Evolves: N/A
- Location In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Polar Biome, Tera Raid Battles (5★, 6★)
Lapras is certainly one of the most beloved Generation 1 Pokemon of all time, mainly due to its unique, lovable design and power in battle. That said, however, as beloved as this Pokemon might be, not many fans consider the origin of its design.
Lapras was designed after the prehistoric Plesiosaur, which was a monstrous dinosaur that roamed the oceans long before any of the animals we know and love today did. Both creatures have long necks, fins, short tails, and a blue-colored appearance.
Lapras’ Base Stats:
HP: |
130 |
Attack: |
85 |
Defense: |
80 |
Sp. Atk: |
85 |
Sp. Def: |
95 |
Speed: |
60 |
Total: |
535 |
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