How To Beat Madlantis Mania In Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii

How To Beat Madlantis Mania In Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii
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The Madlantis Pirates’ Coliseum is your hub for naval engagements in Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii, with three major segments to choose from. While Quick Clash and the Tournament of Captains offer more variety in their rank challenges, Madlantis Mania is focused on hopping onto enemy ships with your best Boarding Squad.


Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii Preview – RGG Continues To Prove That You Can Teach An Old Sea Dog New Tricks

Adding naval combat into Like a Dragon is a bold move that pays off incredibly well.

While Quick Clash maintains a consistent length for its battles, the Madlantis Mania fights will become longer and more difficult as you progress through the ranks. Skip the ship-steering, and cannon firing so you can perfect your up-close and personal fighting in Madlantis Mania.

What Is Madlantis Mania?

The Madlantis Mania Challenge Menu in Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii.

Unlike Quick Clash, Madlantis Mania skips the naval portion of battles and takes you straight to the up-close and personal combat ​​​​​​of boarding battles.

Further separating itself from Quick Clash, Madlantis Mania only features two battles for each rank, for a total of ten battles, compared to the 16 in Quick Clash.

You’ll engage in crew-to-crew boarding battles, where your sole objective is to eliminate the deck crews of the ships you face off against.

However, while the number of battles in this mode is standardized, the number of rounds varies from two to five grueling levels at the top rank.

How To Prepare Your Crew To Win Madlantis Mania Fights

Since these fights solely involve your Boarding Crew, you should adjust your Crew Formation to improve your boarding squads, putting all your best options together and ignoring your Cannon and Machine Gun sections, for now.

Don’t forget to adjust your Crew Formation once you switch out of Madlantis Mania if you re-arranged some of your better cannon operators to be in your boarding crews.

Given the lack of a naval section, Madlantis Mania will feature multiple deck fights in succession, with varying timing cutoffs for achieving an S-rank corresponding to the number of rounds.

You can preview how many rounds each segment will feature below the Base Reward and Battle Difficulty indicators in the Madlantis Mania menu.

During battles, you can also see how many rounds are completed and how many remain on the top right of your screen while in battle.

Your time will pause after each round and immediately start again once the following round begins.

The following early-game crew members are excellent choices to add to your Boarding Squad if you have them available:

  • Jason
  • Amiable Pirate: Leo
  • Theo
  • Masaru
  • Human Bronze Statue: Bronson
  • Peter
  • Rafael
  • Ranko Sarutobi

Once you move into the later battles and fully max out your Boarding Squads, they should look something like this, even if you haven’t spent a ton of time recruiting members:

Support Squad

Boarding Squad One

  • Jason (leader)
  • Amiable Pirate: Leo
  • Peter
  • Hibiki, the 14th Best Host in Kamurocho
  • Nickelle Kidman

Boarding Squad Two

  • Masaru (leader)
  • Elena
  • Theo
  • Ranko Sarutobi
  • Rafael

Boarding Squad Three

  • Robson Caetano da Silva (leader)
  • Natasha
  • Lucas
  • Steve
  • Hammerhead

Boarding Squad Four

  • Misaki (leader)
  • Swordsman Kengoro
  • Carnal Sister Yoh
  • Carnal Sister Yuka
  • Lumberjack Hayashida

As always, feel free to adjust these squads depending on who you have recruited and who is leveled up.

How To Win Madlantis Mania Battles

The Captains and First Mates on the opposing crews should be your first targets, as they can use special skills to empower their crew and decimate yours.

Your Starboard, Machine Guns, and Port members of your Cannon Squad will not receive exp for each battle won.

You should upgrade two areas of Majima’s abilities for success in these fights:

  1. Sea Dog Style
  2. Stat Boosts

Sea Dog Style is the better option for taking down crowds of enemies at once thanks to the cutlass boomerang tosses and chain hook.

Use the chain hook to quickly move around the battlefield while doing damage to your foes along the way.

This is the most important tool for maximizing every second of battle, allowing you to escape from tight corners or throw yourself into the fray.

You should also invest in Sea Dog Supremacy: Perfect Guard as early as you can, as this will help you decimate the competition by essentially parrying incoming attacks to create openings.

Furthermore, upgrading Majima’s Max Health Boost and Attack Boosts will ensure your attacks deal the most damage possible while allowing you to survive a beating.

You can get by with Attack Boost Plus and Max Health Boost Plus up to rank three, but at rank four and beyond, you should upgrade to the Extreme Boosts to ensure that you’re keeping up with the difficulty of the battles.

What Rewards Do You Get From Madlantis Mania?

Majima's crew collects their Madlantis Mania Rewards And Rank Up in Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii.

Winning all Madlantis Mania battles will take time and thousands of dollars and points in upgrades, but the rewards are fantastic and should help sustain the cost of winning with minimal farming.

Here are the base rewards you can expect for each fight:


Battle Name

Total Rounds



Beginner Mania


  • $800
  • 1,000 Pirate Reputation Points


Beginner Mania: Round Two


  • $1,200
  • 1,000 Pirate Reputation Points


Intermediate Mania


  • $2,000
  • 2,000 Pirate Reputation Points


Massive Mania


  • $2,400
  • 2,000 Pirate Reputation Points


Shooters’ Garden


  • $2,800
  • 3,000 Pirate Reputation Points


Power Mania


  • $3,800
  • 3,000 Pirate Reputation Points


Prisoner’s Paradise


  • $4,000
  • 4,000 Pirate Reputation Points


Mighty Mania


  • $5,000
  • 4,000 Pirate Reputation Points


Nightmare Carnival


  • $6,200
  • 5,000 Pirate Reputation Points


All-Star Carnival


  • $8,000
  • 5,000 Pirate Reputation Points

Achieving an S-rank in these battles offers huge rewards that will help make the other combat instances in the main story much easier, as you’re focused on upgrading Majima’s overall damage and health.

This is the best area to level Majima up by consistently hitting an S-rank in the highest-ranked battle you can; it also boosts your pirate crews’ levels for naval battles.


Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii Will Let You Explore All Of Honolulu

Wherever Ichiban went, Majima can go too.

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