Hardest Tales JRPGs

Hardest Tales JRPGs

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Among the many monolithic JRPG franchises that exist today, the Tales series stands out as one that brought a truly innovative mix of real-time combat and larger-than-life stories to the genre. There are a whopping seventeen mainline titles in this series, and plenty of them are great for JRPG beginners looking to get an idea of what this iconic genre has to offer.


10 Best JRPGs For Kids, Ranked

For younger gamers looking to get into JRPGs, these games are excellent beginner JRPGs for newcomers to the genre.

Not all JRPGs are made from hugs and clouds and cookies, however – there are plenty of titles that would prefer to crush your hand rather than hold it. The Tales series is no exception to this rule, and mixed in its huge swathe of titles are some truly difficult games. Some of these games are difficult simply because they’re antiquated, while others have huge difficulty spikes, gruesome early game slogs, or final boss fights that would make even a Shin Megami Tensei fan shudder. For those looking to try out a difficult Tales game, keep these titles in mind.


Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

Two Characters Stand Between The Player And A Game Over



August 29, 2003





With an engaging, highly emotional story and graphics that, while a touch dated, are still incredibly charming, it’s no surprise that this is one of the most fondly remembered Tales games, even considering its flaws.

Focusing on the story of Marta and Emil, these two characters are integral to every battle, and if they both fall, then it’s an instant game over, even if other companions or monsters are still up. It’s a difficult balancing act to match their synergies in battle and keep them alive.


Tales Of Rebirth

An Atypical Healing Mechanic Adds A Level Of Challenge



December 16, 2004


Namco Tales Studio


Namco, Namco Bandai

Healers are a prevalent feature in many Tales games, and perhaps what makes Tales of Rebirth so interesting is that is strays away from this genre archetype.

Players need to rely on a system of skills that passively regenerate HP instead of a dedicated healer, as there are no true healers in the entire game.


Tales Of Arise

A More Recent Tales Title With Plenty Of Challenges



September 10, 2021

OpenCritic Rating


Currently the latest game in the Tales series, Tales of Arise has many quality of life and ease-of-use features that players of older games would have happily accepted, alongside some of the best graphics in a JRPG to date.



9 JRPGs With Timeless Graphics

There’s a long line of JRPGs whose graphics have aged out with their launch consoles, but these JRPGs have visuals that have stood the test of time.

Despite the many modern conveniences that come with this game, it’s still no pushover, even for players that are familiar with the series. In particular, the bosses and enemies tend to be incredibly tanky, and these damage sponges can be deceptively lethal even if they aren’t hitting players with the highest amount of damage purely because of how long they stick around.


Tales Of Legendia

The Jumps Between Difficulty Levels Are Brutal

This title brought many features to the Tales series that haven’t really been expanded upon since, keeping it as one of the more unique installments in this series.

For veterans to the Tales series or JRPGs in general, the particular style of momentum based real-time combat will take some getting used to, but the main point of difficulty here is simply the unexpected surges in difficulty that will often accost players without them realizing they’ve suddenly hit another bracket of enemy levels and power.


8 Best Top-Down Action JRPGs, Ranked

It’s less common to run into a top-down Action JRPG these days, but in their heyday, this genre featured some excellent and often overlooked games.


Tales Of Xillia 2

Unconventional Combat Mechanics Make This Game Difficult



November 1, 2012

This is certainly one of the more divisive entries in the Tales series, with many fans being quite critical of the game both in its own right and in how it finishes off the story first established by the original Tales of Xillia.

The complex combat in this game, the strange critical hit system, and overall the way that party members are guided into certain class niches that leave openings in party composition make this game all-around quite difficult.


Tales Of Destiny: Director’s Cut

A High-Stakes Classic In The Series



September 30, 1998


Namco Bandai

A revitalized take on one of the earliest titles in this series, the director’s cut of Tales of Destiny brings with it some revamped features, but doesn’t diminish the intense difficulty this game is known for.

Tales of Destiny has some incredibly high damaging enemies, and the real-time combat brings with it swift attackers as well as tanks that both have ways to keep players on their toes.


Tales Of Zestiria

Unrelenting Bosses Define This Game



October 19, 2015

Many JRPGs are known for their difficult boss fights, but in Tales of Zestiria, nearly every major boss battle brings with it a DPS check that punishes players who have not paid enough attention to their grinding. Combat in this game moves swiftly, and it’s easy to think from low level enemies that things are going okay, only for the next boss to pummel the player’s party.



6 Hardest JRPGs Published By Sony, Ranked

These ruthlessly difficult JRPGs that Sony has published over the years will give even the most seasoned genre veterans trouble.

Bosses often have lethal AOE attacks that can wipe out a party, as well as unique abilities that force players to act very strategically in every stage of the fight.


Tales Of Vesperia

No Tales Game Has Difficulty Spikes Like This One


Action RPG



January 11, 2019


Namco Tales Studio

The other Tales games on this list bring their difficulty to certain facets of the game. Maybe the boss fights are difficult, or perhaps the combat leaves players vulnerable to high damaging attacks.

The difficulty in Tales of Vesperia is a far more volatile beast. Random enemies can occasionally wipe out the party with no warning, bosses can be spike in difficulty mid-battle and completely take players unawares. There’s almost no point in the game where players are safe from a random difficulty spike that can completely redefine how they tackle each encounter.


Best HD-2D JRPGs, Ranked

HD-2D JRPGs bring the nostalgia of classic JRPGs to the modern era, and these games are the best of their kind.

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