Best Ways To Farm Ethereal Egesta, Sharkstone, And Squid Tentacles In Lad: Pirate Yakuza

Best Ways To Farm Ethereal Egesta, Sharkstone, And Squid Tentacles In Lad: Pirate Yakuza

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As you progress further in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, you’ll eventually unlock Julie’s Gearworks, where you can craft new cannons for the Goromaru, Rings for Majima, as well as a few other items. For many of these, there are three core crafting materials you’ll need that are harder to track down than you’re regular Components Quality Components, and Superb Components.


“You Can’t Make A Serious Majima Game” Say Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii Devs

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These materials are Ethereal Egesta, Sharkstone, And Squid Tentacles, and you’ll need them to create some of the more humourous cannons in the game, as well as three rings. Here’s what you need to know. All three items can mostly be found in the same way, though Ethereal Egesta has another, less pleasant, way in which to find some.

Gunpowder Bill’s Cart

The best way to farm all three items is to shop at Gunpowder Bill’s Cart in Little Japan. He’s a wandering NPC but tends to be found in the enclosed field area just east of the Shrine.

Getting involved in a fistfight near him will cause him to flee and eventually despawn.

It is random which of the three item he has available in his cart, and there’s a slim chance he’ll have none of the items available. He only ever stocks one Sharkstone, Squid Tentacles, or Ethereal Egesta at a time, if he has any at all. He also stocks five Components, three Quality Components, and three Superb Components at a time, if you need more of these.



Squid Tentacles




Ethereal Egesta




Quality Components


Superb Components


Gunpowder Bill’s is the best way to farm all three items, as fast travelling to the Shrine (Drop-Off Only) taxi point is only a short distance away, and by fast-travelling you reset the NPCs. You can purchase from Bill until he sells out, then choose this taxi point again, purchase again, rinse and repeat.

Pick Up Driftage

The most natural way you’ll come across these materials is simply by picking up debris drifting in the ocean while sailing the Goromaru. Driftage are the items floating on the surface of the water, and the ones with the blue glow are items (the ones you want), while the gold ones are money.

You’ll probably rack up a fair few items this way by playing naturally, but it’s not the most reliable way to track down the remaining few you need at any given time.

You can also use Material Nets on the Goromaru to pick up different materials. While we personally haven’t received one of these three items from this method, it’s entirely plausible that it’s possible.

Majima near a net on the Goromaru in Like a Dragon Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii.

Sea Merchant Ships

Merchant ships are found in safe areas near lighthouses when sailing. There are two types of civillian ship:

  • Merchant ship that sells wares
  • Civillian vessel that proposes a trade

It appears mostly random which merchant and wares will appear at different lighthouses, and the game itself states “Depending on where and when you spot them, their item lineups may change”.

We personally found the West Hawaii lighthouse tended to have a merchant with Squid Tentacles, but this wasn’t always the case. Presumably, other merchants can also offer Ethereal Egesta and Sharkstone too. Additionally, the civilization vessels may propose a trade that gives you one items you need, and we personally found one that offered Squid Tentacles.

Because of the random nature of these, this is far from the best way to farm these items.

If you happen to be in the area, it’s always worth checking their wares and proposed trades, but Gunpowder Bill is the best way to get all three items quickly.

Toilets (Ethereal Egesta Only)

Majima near toilets in Anaconda shopping center (east) in Like a Dragon Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii.

Ethereal Egesta is the exception to these crafting materials, in that it has one extra way to obtain it – searching toilets. When you search toilets in restrooms, you have a good chance of getting an Ethereal Egesta. After some time, toilets do replenish as well, so you can later re-use them.

All Crafting Recipes That Require These Materials

The Shark Cannon in Like a Dragon Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii.



Materials Required


Shark Cannon

  • 50x Components
  • 30x Quality Components
  • 10x Superb Components
  • 10x Sharkstone
  • Cannon Power: 200
  • Reload Time: 7

Super Shark Cannon

*Only becomes available once you have crafted the Shark Cannon.

  • 100x Components
  • 50x Quality Components
  • 20x Superb Components
  • 20x Sharkstone
  • Cannon Power: 300
  • Reload Time: 7

Egesta Cannon

  • 50x Components
  • 30x Quality Components
  • 10x Superb Components
  • 10x Ethereal Egesta
  • Cannon Power: 250
  • Reload Time: 11

Super Egesta Cannon

*Only becomes available once you have crafted the Egesta Cannon

  • 100x Components
  • 50x Quality Components
  • 20x Superb Components
  • 20x Ethereal Egesta
  • Cannon Power: 350
  • Reload Time: 11

Captain’s Squid Launcher

  • 75x Components
  • 45x Quality Components
  • 15x Superb Components
  • 20x Squid Tentacles



Materials Required


Additional Traits

Shark Ring

  • 50x Components
  • 30x Quality Components
  • 10x Superb Components
  • 10x Sharkstone
  • Attack: 380
  • Defense: 40
  • Bullet Defense: 0
  • Blade Defense: 0


Squid Ring

  • 50x Components
  • 30x Quality Components
  • 10x Superb Components
  • 10x Squid Tentacles
  • Attack: 0
  • Defense: 200
  • Bullet Defense: 100
  • Blade Defense: 100


Brilliant Ring

  • 50x Components
  • 30x Quality Components
  • 10x Superb Components
  • 30x Ethereal Egesta
  • Attack: 60
  • Defense: 240
  • Bullet Defense: 120
  • Blade Defense: 120

Drains the Heat Gauge slowly when equipped.


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