Antiquity Age Civs Tier List

Antiquity Age Civs Tier List

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At the beginning of every game of Civilization 7, Antiquity Age Civs must be selected after you choose a Leader. In Antiquity, your main priority is achieving one of the four Antiquity Legacy Paths and creating a solid foundation to build upon in Exploration and the Modern Age. There are a total of ten Antiquity Civs in Civ 7 to choose from when setting up a game – but when it comes to the best Civ 7 Antiquity Age Civs, there are a few standouts and some that aren’t quite as good.


Civilization 7: All Leaders, Ranked

This Civ 7 Tier List ranks all Leaders based on the strength of their Unique Leader Abilities and how easy it is for each Leader to secure Victories.

Though every Antiquity Age Civ can achieve an Antiquity Victory if you play into their strengths, some offer such powerful abilities or are so well-tuned for their respective victories that it’s hard for other Civs to match up. This Civ 7 Antiquity Age Civs Tier List ranks every Civ in the Antiquity Age based on how easily it can achieve one of these four Legacy Paths, and how well it sets players up for strong Exploration and Modern Ages.



Best Maya Legacy Path: Scientific

Civilization VII Antiquity Civs Tier List Every Antiquity Civ Ranked Civ 7 Maya
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  • Skies of Itzamna: +0.5 Science on the Palace for adjacent Vegetated Tiles

    Maya Civics

    • Rain of Chaac: Unlock the K’uh Nah Unique Building. The Altar gains Science for adjacent Vegetated tiles.
    • Lords of Xibalba: Unlock the Jalaw Unique Building. Hul’che Unique Ranged Units and Jaguar Slayer Unique Recon Units gain Stealth in Vegetated tiles.
    • Calendar Round: Completing Techs grants a small amount of Culture, and completing Civics grants a small amount of Science.

    Maya Unique Units & Infrastructure

    • Jaguar Slayer, a Recon Unit that can start combat and set Traps.
    • Hul’che, a Ranged Unit that can see and move through Vegetated Tiles.
    • Jalaw, a Happiness Building with Culture adjacency for Quarters.
    • K’uh Nah, a Science Building with a Science adjacency for Vegetated tiles.
    • Uwaybil K’uh, which grants this City Production every time you research a Technology.
  • Maya Favored Wonder: Mundo Perdido
  • Maya Starting Bias: Vegetated, Tropical



Best Aksum Legacy Path: Economic

Civilization VII Antiquity Civs Tier List Every Antiquity Civ Ranked Civ 7 Aksum
  • Civilization VII Antiquity Civs Tier List Every Antiquity Civ Ranked Civ 7 Logo Aksum Icon
  • Kingdom of Natural Wealth: +2 Gold on all Resources

    Aksum Civics

    • Periplus of the Erythraean Sea: Unlock the Hawilt Unique Improvement. Increased Resource Capacity in Settlements on Coast or Navigable Rivers.
    • Monumentum Adulitanum: Altar and Monument Buildings gain a Culture adjacency bonus with Hawilt Unique Improvements.
    • Book of the Himyarites: Dhow Unique Naval Units get the Swift keyword, letting them ignore enemy Units’ Zone of Control.

    Aksum Unique Units & Infrastructure

    • Tankwa, a Trade Ship with increased Trade Route range that cannot be pillaged.
    • Dhow, a Naval Unit that grants increased Combat Strength on Coast Tiles and can create a naval Trade Route.
    • Hawilt, an Improvement with a Gold Base yield that gets Culture from adjacent Wonders or Hawilts.
  • Aksum Favored Wonder: Great Stele
  • Aksum Starting Bias: Coastal, Rough


Civilization 7: List of Each Civ’s Starting Bias

This guide allows players to quickly check each Civ’s starting bias, making it easier to strategize before starting a game of Civilization 7.


Han China

Best Han China Legacy Path: Scientific

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  • Nine Provinces: The Capital and Towns gain an additional Population with their first Growth event

    Han China Civics

    • Zhi: Unlocks the Great Wall Unique Improvement. Science Buildings gain an adjacency for Quarters. Increased Settlement Limit.
    • Li: Increased Influence on the Palace.
    • Yi: Chu-Ko-Nu Unique Ranged Units gain increased Combat Strength when defending.
    • Junzi: Increased Science in the Capital.

    Han China Unique Units & Infrastructure

    • Shì Dàfū, a randomized Great Person with one of ten abilities
    • Chu-No-Ku, a Ranged Unit with zone of Control and higher Defense. Has increased Combat Strength when attacking adjacent Units.
    • Han Great Wall, a Fortification that adds Culture and increased Happiness for adjacent Great Wall segments. Can only be built in a line.
  • Han China Favored Wonder: Weiyang Palace
  • Han China Starting Bias: Grassland



Best Rome Legacy Path: Scientific

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  • Civilization VII Antiquity Civs Tier List Every Antiquity Civ Ranked Civ 7 Logo Rome Icon
  • Twelve Tables: +1 Culture on Districts in the Capital, and on City Centers in Towns

    Rome Civics

    • Exercitus Romanus: Unlock the Temple of Jupiter Unique Building.
    • Civis Romanus: Unlock the Basilica Unique Building.
    • Legatus Pro Praetore: Gain a free Infantry Unit in new Settlements that you found. Increased Settlement Limit.
    • Senatus Populusque Romanus: Increased Social Policy in the Government. Increased Settlement Limit.

    Rome Unique Units & Infrastructure

    • Legatus, a Army Commander that can create a new Town every three Promotions
    • Legion, an Infantry Unit that gains Combat Strength for every Roman Tradition in the Government.
    • Basilica, a Gold Building with Influence adjacency for Culture Buildings.
    • Temple of Jupiter, a Happiness Building with Culture adjacency for Happiness Buildings.
    • Forum, a QUarter that adds Culture and Gold for every Roman Tradition in the government.
  • Rome Favored Wonder: Colosseum
  • Rome Starting Bias: Grassland


When Should You Convert to City in Civilization 7

Here’s how long you should wait before you convert your town into a city in Civ 7.



Best Maurya Legacy Path: Militaristic

Civilization VII Antiquity Civs Tier List Every Antiquity Civ Ranked Civ 7 Maurya
  • Civilization VII Antiquity Civs Tier List Every Antiquity Civ Ranked Civ 7 Logo Maurya Icon
  • Dhamma Lipi: You can choose an additional Pantheon after unlocking Mysticism.

    Maurya Civics

    • Acharya: Unlock the Dharmashala and Vihara Unique Buildings.
    • Vyuham: Infantry and Cavalry Units gain increased Combat Strength when adjacent to each other.
    • Ayurveda: Increased Healing for Units adjacent to a Purabhettarah Unique Cavalry Unit.
    • Mantriparishad: Increase to all yields in Settlements not founded by you. Increased Settlement Limit.

    Maurya Unique Units & Infrastructure

    • Nagarika, a Settler that grants extra Happiness on City Halls.
    • Purabhettarah, a Cavalry unit with increased Combat Strength against Fortifications
    • Dharamshala, a Happiness Building with Science adjacency for Quarters.
    • Vihara, a Happiness Building with Culture adjacency for Mountains.
    • Matha, a unique Quarter that increases the Happiness of this City
  • Maurya Favored Wonder: Sanchi Stupa
  • Maurya Starting Bias: Vegetated



Best Khmer Legacy Path: Scientific

Civilization VII Antiquity Civs Tier List Every Antiquity Civ Ranked Civ 7 Khmer
  • Civilization VII Antiquity Civs Tier List Every Antiquity Civ Ranked Civ 7 Logo Khmer Icon
  • Ksekam Chamnon: Urban Districts on Rivers do not remove the natural yield of the tile.

    Khmer Civics

    • Mousong: Unlocks the Baray Unique Building. Improvements, Buildings, and Urban Districts do not get pillaged by floods.
    • Amnach: Yuthahathi units gain increased Movement.
    • Chakravarti: Increased Growth Rate for the Capital. Reduced Happiness for every other City.

    Khmer Unique Units & Infrastructure

    • Vaishya, a Merchant that is Immune to Flood damage and ignores movement penalties from Wet tiles.
    • Yuthahathi, a Cavalry unit that has increased Combat Strength but low Movement, and is Immune to flood damage.
    • Baray, an Improvement that adds Food to all Floodplains in this Settlement.
  • Khmer Favored Wonder: Angkor Wat
  • Khmer Starting Bias: Floodplains, Tropical


Civilization 7: How to Build the Library & Academy

Libraries are crucial buildings in Civilization 7, especially if gamers are trying to complete a Science Legacy Path – here’s how to build them.



Best Egypt Legacy Path: Culture

Civilization VII Antiquity Civs Tier List Every Antiquity Civ Ranked Civ 7 Egypt
  • Civilization VII Antiquity Civs Tier List Every Antiquity Civ Ranked Civ 7 Logo Egypt Icon
  • Gifts of Osiris: +1 Production on Navigable River tiles.

    Egypt Civics

    • Arrival of Hapi: Unlock the Mortuary Temple Unique Building. Minor Rivers do not end Unit movement.
    • Scales of Anubis: Unlock the Mastaba Unique Building. Medjay Unique Infantry Units generate Gold when stationed in a Settlement you own.
    • Light of Amun-Ra: Increased Gold on the Palace. Increased Settlement Limit.

    Egypt Unique Units & Infrastructure

    • Tjaty, a Great Person that grants one of ten possible effects
    • Medjay, an Infantry Unit that has increased Combat Strength in friendly territory
    • Mastaba, a Culture Building with Gold adjacency for Desert tiles.
    • Mortuary Temple, a Building with Happiness adjacency for Navigable Rivers.
    • Necropolis, a unique Quarter that grants Gold every time a Wonder is constructed in this City
  • Egypt Favored Wonder: Pyramids
  • Egypt Starting Bias: Desert, Navigable River



Best Greece Legacy Path: Cultural

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  • Civilization VII Antiquity Civs Tier List Every Antiquity Civ Ranked Civ 7 Logo Greece Icon
  • Demokratia: +3 Influence per turn on the Palace

    Greece Civics

    • Ekklesia: Unlocks the Odeon Unique Building.
    • Agoge: Unlocks the Parthenon Unique Building.
    • Symmachia: Adds Culture for each City-State you are Suzerain of. Increased Settlement Limit.

    Greece Unique Units & Infrastructure

    • Logios, a Great Person that grants one of ten possible effects
    • Hoplite, an Infantry Unit that has increased Combat Strength if adjacent to another Hoplite Unit.
    • Odeon, a Happiness Building with Culture Adjacency for Quarters.
    • Parthenon, a Culture Building that gains Influence if placed on Rough Terrain.
    • Acropolis, a unique Quarter that gives the Parthenon Gold for every City-State you are the Suzerain of
  • Greece Favored Wonder: Oracle
  • Greece Starting Bias: Grassland, Rough


The Best Starting Strategy for Civ 7 (Best Civilization VII Build Order)

Understanding the best Civ 7 build order can put players firmly on the path to success, while failing to do so can lead to a swift and brutal defeat.



Best Persia Legacy Path: Militaristic

Civilization VII Antiquity Civs Tier List Every Antiquity Civ Ranked Civ 7 Persia
  • Civilization VII Antiquity Civs Tier List Every Antiquity Civ Ranked Civ 7 Logo Persia Icon
  • Hamarana Council: Infantry Units receive +3 Combat Strength when attacking.

    Persia Civics

    • Spada: Reduced Military Unit maintenance.
    • Satrapies: Unlocks the Pairidaeza Unique Improvement.
    • Achaemenid Empire: Adds Gold for every different Civilization you have captured a Settlement from.

    Persia Unique Units & Infrastructure

    • Hazarapatis, a Commander that starts with the Initiative promotion
    • Immortal, an Infantry Unit that heals for a set amount after defeating an enemy Unit.
    • Pairidaeza, an Improvement that adds Culture and Gold.
  • Persia Favored Wonder: Gate Of All Nations
  • Persia Starting Bias: Desert, Plains



Best Mississippian Legacy Path: Economic

Civilization VII Antiquity Civs Tier List Every Antiquity Civ Ranked Civ 7 Mississippian
  • Civilization VII Antiquity Civs Tier List Every Antiquity Civ Ranked Civ 7 Logo Mississippian Icon
  • Goose Societies: All Buildings receive a +1 Food Adjacency for Resources.

    Mississippian Civics

    • Earthworks: Unlocks the Potkop Unique Improvement. Gain increased Production towards constructing Buildings.
    • Cah-nah-ha: Increased Resource Capacity in the Capital.
    • Waahih: Burning Arrow Unique Ranged Units can pillage tiles at range with a reduced Movement cost.

    Mississippian Unique Units & Infrastructure

    • Watonathi, a Merchant that gains Gold per Resource acquired when creating a Trade Route.
    • Burning Arrow, a Ranged Unit that has increased Combat Strength against Fortified Districts and Siege Units. Applies the Burning status to tiles for two turns.
    • Potkop, an Improvement that adds Gold and Food for each adjacent Resource.
  • Mississippian Favored Wonder: Monks Mound
  • Mississippian Starting Bias: Flat, Rivers

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February 11, 2025

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