Sniper Elite 5: All Workbench Locations

Sniper Elite 5: All Workbench Locations

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Rebellion Developments’ Sniper Elite 5 arguably still represents the tactical shooter franchise at its best, even though the 2022 entry has technically been surpassed by more recent releases. However, Sniper Elite VR: Winter Warrior and Sniper Elite: Resistance are closer to spin-offs than proper sequels, and the latter (especially) shares a lot in common with the fifth numbered entry. While hardly the first great game in the series, Sniper Elite 5 took numerous leaps forward, improving on a few core elements that allowed for a more satisfying overall experience.


Sniper Elite: Resistance – All Workbench Locations

Players need to find all the workbenches in Sniper Elite: Resistance to have all the weapon attachments available.

Although not as big of a selling point as the slow-motion bullet camera, collectibles are a big part of these projects, and Sniper Elite 5 is far from an exception. Workbenches are one of the main collectibles in the game, all the while serving a useful purpose by permitting players to upgrade their arsenal of weapons. Therefore, players genuinely benefit from finding all 24 Workbenches in Sniper Elite 5, a task that is easier said than done.

Updated on February 20, 2025, by Mark Sammut: Sniper Elite: Resistance is currently the new hot property, with the 2025 game receiving a mostly positive reception. If somebody is on the fence about trying this entry, they can check it out through Game Pass, provided they have access to an Xbox or PC. Alternatively, they can just revisit Sniper Elite 5. If they do so, they might need some guidance to unlock all the Workbenches.

Mission 1 – The Atlantic Wall

Sniper Elite 5 The Atlantic Wall

There are 3 Workbenches in Mission 1: The Atlantic Wall.

The Atlantic Wall Workbench 1/3

The 1st Workbench is found in the Starting Area of Chapter 1. After breaking into the room and taking care of the enemy unit, players can find the Rifle Workbench on one side of the room (directly behind the guard).

The Atlantic Wall Workbench 2/3

The 2nd Workbench is found near the Optional Objective: Destroy the Gun Battery. From the Gun Battery, players should head northwest until they see a small building. The Pistol Workbench (the perfect Workbench to upgrade one of the many OP Pistols) can be seen as soon as players open the door.

The Atlantic Wall Workbench 3/3

Players can find the 3rd Workbench in Marcel’s Home. The SMG Workbench is located on the third floor, under a French Resistance flag.

Mission 2 – Occupied Residence

Sniper Elite 5 Chapter 2 Occupied Residence Workbench

There are 3 Workbenches in Mission 2: Occupied Residence.

Occupied Residence Workbench 1/3

The 1st Workbench can be found toward the right side of the map (east of the main residence). Players must enter the rectangular building (closest to the road) and take out an enemy unit, looting his body for an Armory Key (the Armory is within the same building). The Pistol Workbench is located in the armory and lets players use the Welrod Pistol (a top-tier Pistol in Sniper Elite 5).

Occupied Residence Workbench 2/3

Sniper Elite 5 players can find the 2nd Workbench, west of the main residence, near some wheat fields. Players should head toward the back of the L-shaped building (Chateau Stables) and climb up some vines. At the top, players will find an SMG Workbench next to a French Resistance flag.

Occupied Residence Workbench 3/3

The final Workbench in Mission 2 can be found within the main Residence. From the main courtyard, players should locate a ramp that leads to the cellar, where they’ll find the Rifle Workbench under a Nazi flag and some stolen antiques.


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Mission 3 – Spy Academy

Sniper Elite 5 Spy Academy Workbench

There are 3 Workbenches in Mission 3: Spy Academy.

Spy Academy Workbench 1/3

Players can find the 1st Workbench southeast of the Academy. The Academy is a hotspot for Invasions, so players should prepare for one while looking for the Workbench. Once in the southeast area of the Academy, players should hop onto a nearby ledge that leads to an open room. Players will find an SMG Workbench further inside that room, under a French Resistance flag.

Spy Academy Workbench 2/3

The 2nd Workbench is found on the Academy grounds, but players must obtain an Armory Key to access it. From the south side of the Academy, players should head up a set of stairs, then turn right into a room with some guards. After looting the Armory Key from a guard, players will need to head back out but instead of going back down the steps, head up a set of stairs nearby. At the end of the stairs, players will find the Armory (blue door) with a Pistol Workbench inside.

Spy Academy Workbench 3/3

The final Workbench in Mission 3 is found on the outskirts of the Academy (northwest of the main building). Players will have to climb up a section of a wall and then a tower. Once at the top, players will be able to see a small room with the Rifle Workbench. There are some guards around this area, so players will have to decide whether to end their lives or spare them (a unique gameplay mechanic fans enjoy in Sniper Elite 5).

Mission 4 – War Factory

Sniper Elite 5 War Factory Workbench

There are 3 Workbenches in Mission 4: War Factory.

War Factory Workbench 1/3

Players can find the 1st Workbench in Mission 4 inside the Smelting Vat building. The Workbench (Pistol) is located inside an Armory on the second floor, so players need to kill/incapacitate the nearby guards to obtain an Armory Key.

War Factory Workbench 2/3

The 2nd Workbench is found near the Scrapyard, in a building with two large green doors. Once inside, players should look for a locked green door that leads into a room with a ladder. Players will find a Rifle Workbench at the end of that ladder.

War Factory Workbench 3/3

The 3rd SMG Workbench is located north of the Shipping Warehouse. Once in front of the orange building, players should head up a ladder to find a locked door. Players will need to use a Charge Satchel or locate the Armory Key to open the door.

Mission 5 – Festung Guernsey

Sniper Elite 5 Festung Guernsey Workbench

There are 3 Workbenches in Mission 5: Festung Guernsey.


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Festung Guernsey Workbench 1/3

The 1st Workbench players can find in Mission 5 is located inside the belfry of a church. Players can access the belfry by climbing up some vine at the side of the church. The Rifle Workbench will allow players to create even deadlier rifles.

Festung Guernsey Workbench 2/3

The next Workbench can be found in the northern area of the map, near some trenches. Players must go into the trenches and turn right once they see a Flak 18 Anti-Air Gun. The Pistol Workbench is inside a dugout, in front of a Nazi flag.

Festung Guernsey Workbench 3/3

The 3rd Workbench can be found inside a house southwest of the construction site (where players have an Optional Objective). Players will need to pick the lock (or use bolt cutters) to enter the house. Once inside players must crawl under a table and down a ladder, where they’ll find an SMG Workbench.


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Mission 6 – Liberation

Sniper Elite 5 Liberation Workbench

There are 3 Workbenches in Mission 6: Liberation.

Liberation Workbench 1/3

Sniper Elite 5 players can find the 1st Workbench near the barns, south of the map. Players should enter the first barn (left of the road) and up some stairs, leading them to a hole in the wall. Players should go through the hole and follow the scaffolding until they reach another hole, where they’ll find the Pistol Workbench.

Liberation Workbench 2/3

The 2nd Workbench can be located inside a large house between the town and barns. Players will have to pick their way in (a common mistake is to break into houses, alerting enemies) and remove some debris covering a hole in the floor. Going down the hole reveals a Resistance SMG Workbench.

Liberation Workbench 3/3

The final Workbench can be found before crossing the northern bridge. Players must climb some vines (right side of the house) to reach a Rifle Workbench.

Mission 7 – Secret Weapons

Sniper Elite 5 Secret Weapons Workbench

There are 3 Workbenches in Mission 7: Secret Weapons.

Secret Weapons Workbench 1/3

The 1st Workbench (Pistol) can be found inside a cave southwest of the map. Players should head left of the bridge (shown in the image) and walk toward the waterfall. Next to the waterfall, players will find a cave and the Workbench inside.

Secret Weapons Workbench 2/3

Players can locate the 2nd Workbench after infiltrating the large dome on the north side of the map. Inside the dome, players should head downstairs with several guards and an Armory. After looting the guards for an Armory Key, players can open the Armory with an SMG Workbench inside.

Secret Weapons Workbench 3/3

The final Workbench in Mission 7 is found near the area where players investigated the Lake Compound. Players should make their way inside and turn right at the end of the corridor. Players will have to loot an Armory Key or use a Satchel to enter the Armory that has the Rifle Workbench.


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Mission 8 – Rubble and Ruin

Sniper Elite 5 Rubble and Ruin Workbench

There are 3 Workbenches in Mission 8: Rubble and Ruin.

Rubble and Ruin Workbench 1/3

The 1st Workbench can be found in the starting area of Mission 8 (the shortest mission of Sniper Elite 5). Players should head up a slope that leads into a ruined house. Inside the house, players will find a climbable section, leading to an SMG Workbench.

Rubble and Ruin Workbench 2/3

The 2nd Workbench is located in the middle of the map, in the cathedral. Players will have to climb a ladder and enter a hole in the roof. Within that hole, players will be able to find a Pistol Workbench.

Rubble and Ruin Workbench 3/3

The final Workbench is located within the U-Boat compound. Players will have to obtain an Armory Key since it’s inside an Armory. Inside the Armory, players will find a Rifle Workbench.

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