Red Dead Redemption 2: Most Bizarre Stranger Missions

Red Dead Redemption 2: Most Bizarre Stranger Missions

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Arthur Morgan stumbles upon some truly odd characters in Red Dead Redemption 2, and in the vast states that he can explore with his horse, he’s going to question everything about the personalities and appearances of those he involves himself with. Yet, despite the stranger missions available, some of them are well and truly stranger than others.



8 Hidden Areas You Didn’t Know Existed In Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 features plenty of areas still unexplored by most players, from satanic secrets to literal aliens and UFOs.

Red Dead Redemption 2’s best stranger missions are often the most bizarre and strange, providing interesting and impressionable characters that feel out of this world, and in some cases, perhaps they are…


Oh, Brother

Two Brothers Commit to Foolish Bravery to Impress the Same Woman



Part 1

General Store in Valentine

Part 2

Behind the saloon in Valentine

Part 3

Cumberland Falls, West of Valentine

  • Strangers: Proetus, Acrisius

Boys will be boys, but in the case of Proetus and Acrisius, boys will be foolish in an effort to seem brave in front of a woman that they are courting. The two brothers are twins that seem to desire the affection of the same woman, and they will go to any lengths to do it – including risking their lives to show how brave they are with the barrel of a gun from a cowboy pointed right at them.

While these sets of missions are just a bit of silly fun, it quickly shows just how strange the brothers are as they are willing to have bottles shot off their heads, get punched and kicked in the privates, and fall off of waterfalls in barrels, just to pine for the same woman.


A Test of Faith

Help a Paleontologist Discover a Totally Fake Made-Up Totalisaurus

Starting Location

Heartlands, New Hanover

Final Location

Firewood Rise, Cumberland Forest

  • Stranger: Deborah MacGuiness

Arthur Morgan becomes curious when he sees a woman examining an oversized bone in the dirt, to which the woman introduces herself as Deborah MacGuiness, a paleontologist who puts it bluntly in terms an outlaw like Arthur can understand: She studies dinosaurs – big lizards. Deborah is trying to prove herself to the universities that have rejected her by uncovering the truth of a truly epic dinosaur.

Arthur can aid in her search to find 30 dinosaur bones scattered around the map, and once achieved, he visits Debbie’s cabin to see the dinosaur for himself, only to discover firsthand that there’s a good reason she’s been rejected from so many universities. Her dinosaur is a blatant fraud, riddled with inconsistencies like gigantic wings, tusks for tuskie things, antlers (unexplained), fins, and six legs. It’s a fictional monster that Arthur wants no part of, and even the reward, a Jawbone Knife, is made from a coyote’s jawbone instead of the stated stegosaurus.


The Wisdom of the Elders

Uncover the Curse of Butcher Creek and its Inhabitants



Part 1

Underneath the railroad, North of Fort Brennand

Part 2

Obediah’s Cabin, Butcher Creek

Part 3

13 Charms around Butcher Creek

Part 4

Obediah’s Cabin, Butcher Creek

Part 5

Kamassa River, North West of Elysian Pool

  • Strangers: Obediah Hinton, Lemuel, Shaman

Butcher Creek can be a scary location for a few reasons. Not only is there a hidden glowing pentagram underneath a cabin, but the occupants of the small village don’t seem to like outsiders, and their freakish appearances are part of that reason. Arthur may stumble across a poor and sickly man who requests to be returned to Butcher Creek, who only repeats the name and states the darkness is within him. Taking him home will have Arthur meet Obediah Hinton, a hillbilly of Butcher Creek.


Red Dead Redemption 2: All Signature Guns of the Van der Linde Gang

The Van der Linde gang in Red Dead Redemption 2 all have distinct personalities and desires, which are somewhat represented by their guns.

What became a mission of a good Samaritan, quickly becomes one of fear as Arthur stumbles into the Butcher Creek curse, in which he is attacked by animals and all sorts of dire evils, all at the bequest of a Shaman, who has manipulated the simple folk of Butcher Creek into selling their polluted land.


He’s British, Of Course

Assist in the Recovery of Exotic Animals for an Animal Wrangler



Part 1

West of Bluewater Marsh, Lemoyne

Part 2

South West of Emerald Ranch, New Hanover

Part 3

North East of Rhodes, Lemoyne

Part 4

Emerald Ranch, New Hanover

A ride through Bluewater Marsh and the entirety of Lemoyne is always a dangerous thing, and Arthur might just stumble upon a destroyed set of circus carriages, along with a distraught man who has lost his exotic animals. The man introduces himself as Margaret, the bravest woman animal wrangler alive, and his act is all about deception since his so-called dangerous animals have their fur coats painted to look like the animals that Margaret claims they are. With a mule painted as a zebra, a dog dressed up with a lion’s mane, and a living cougar with the stripes of a tiger, Margaret has quite the ensemble that Arthur is tasked with retrieving.

However, the true oddity of the bunch is the fact that Margaret has an actual living and clawing lion that has escaped to Emerald Ranch, and it begs the question of how in the world Margaret couldn’t get an actual zebra or a tiger but has managed to grab himself a lion of all things.


The Smell of the Grease Paint

Reunite a Dysfunctional Family of Circus Acts



Part 1

Van Horn Trading Post’s Saloon

Part 2

South West of Van Horn in Lemoyne

  • Strangers: Miss Marjorie, Bertram, Magnifico

If Arthur ever feels like having a beer in Van Horn, he might find himself interacting with a circus leader and her act, Bertrum, a man with microcephaly. Bertrum is an innocent and simple man who doesn’t seem to know his own height and strength, which is why his love of sherry has him tussle with the bartender and engage in a fistfight with Arthur.

Arthur has already seen enough circus acts for one day, but after giving Bertrum a whoopsy, Marjorie asks Arthur to find Magnifico, a teleporting dwarf who has run off from them. They’re an odd bunch indeed, but at the end of the day, they’re family, and it’s nice to see them reunite and engage their talents for entertainment in a circus.


A Bright Bouncing Boy

Bring Forth Robotic Life with a Mad Scientist



Part 1

Pond in South West Saint Denis

Part 2

Doverhill at night, South of Roanoke Valley

Part 3

Doverhill, South of Roanoke Valley

  • Strangers: Marko Dragic, Dragic’s Robot

Upon meeting the frustrated scientist in Saint Denis’ South West pond, Arthur might just assume that Marko Dragic is burdened by his genius and his intense need for funding from potential investors with his toy boat. However, when Arthur decides to meet the scientist again in his laboratory in Doverhill, he uncovers that this scientist is more than a genius, but a madman.


Red Dead Redemption 2: 8 Most Interesting Pieces of Cut Content

Within the Red Dead Redemption 2 files, there are some extremely interesting pieces of cut content that fans will not want to miss out on knowing.

Harnessing the power of lightning and electricity, Arthur helps Marko Dragic bring his robot to life, and although it just waddles a few steps and falls over, it’s terrifying to think of a robotic Frankenstein, especially when Arthur re-visits Doverhill to find the professor dead, and his robot all but missing. Inside the laboratory, Arthur can also find plans to build hundreds of these robots so Dragic can rule the world.


Geology for Beginners

Help a Time Traveler Return Home

  • Stranger: Francis Sinclair
  • Location: North West of Strawberry, West Elizabeth

Arthur Morgan approaches a small cabin just to the northwest of the tourist town of Strawberry, only to meet a rather odd fellow who introduces himself as Francis Sinclair. Upon meeting Francis, players might notice something’s quite not right with Francis in his dialect, choice of words, and his attire that seems like it’s from a decade yet to come, and why the discovery of rock carvings so important to him?

As players progress, they’re going to find 10 rock carvings, each with a hard-to-decipher meaning, but all that allude to the future with skyscrapers and planes. Completing the collectibles will see Arthur return to the cabin, only to find Francis is gone, a wall is riddled with a mural that indicates time travel and a baby version of Francis with the same birthmark is present with his mother. What could be weirder than a time traveler from the 1920/1930s?


American Dreams

Find the Hideout of a Notoriously Disturbed Serial Killer

Mission Location

Body Locations

Lucky’s Cabin, West of Valentine

  • South East of Valentine under a wooden bridge
  • South West of Wallace Station on a boulder
  • East of Braithwaite Manor by a tree underneath the ‘S’ in ‘Meadows’
  • Stranger: Edmund Lowrey Jr.

As Arthur rides through the beautiful lands of the East, he might eventually stumble upon a defiled and grotesque corpse of a man, decapitated with separated limbs and spilled guts. It’s a grizzly sight, and one that sees Arthur discover a piece of a map to uncover a serial killer’s location and put a stop to these disgusting sights.

After discovering all three bodies, Arthur heads to Lucky’s Cabin to find the serial killer’s hideout, which is filled with mutilated corpses, weapons, and missing person posters as sick trophies. Uncovering a serial killer is frightening stuff, especially when the culprit, Edmund Lowrey Jr., is immensely disturbing in how he carries himself.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Tag Page Cover Art


October 26, 2018

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