Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – Best Advisor Playstyle Benefits

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Best Advisor Playstyle Benefits

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The world of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a large one that has a ton of paths for players to explore as they please. This includes players choosing what kind of character they want their Henry to be as they begin their journey through Bohemia. People can go for a more combat-focused type that excels in melee or ranged battles, opting to fight it out rather than talk it out. Or, they can go the opposite route and have Henry be a silver-tongued envoy who can talk out of any situation when needed.


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Going the path of the latter will have players go into the Adviser playstyle, which is far more diplomatic than the other options in the game. This route is all about using politics, diplomacy, and manipulation to persuade other characters to get the outcome they want. It’s a fun way to go through the game and even helps players sidestep having to deal with the game’s complex combat system. Here are all the best parts of being an Adviser for anyone who is interested in finding out.


Less Fighting

No Need To Learn Quickly

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Konrad and Henry talking
  • Combat is great but complicated.
  • Using speech to get out of skirmishes is useful.

The combat system of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a rewarding one for any players who take the time to learn all the ins and outs. However, it is not very accessible for players who don’t want to dive very deep into it. This is why choosing Adviser is a great way to go; players can rely on their speech and charm to subdue opponents before a fight even breaks out.

Of course, there will be moments where combat is a necessity, which can make playing as an Adviser a little tough. Players will be at a disadvantage when these moments occur. However, they are few and far between enough to make it worth giving the playstyle a shot.


Pay Less, Sell More

Bartering Made Simple

Kingdom Come Deliverance II - Bartering
  • Bartering is much easier as an Adviser.
  • Allows for more reward and fewer payments.

Players are going to be interacting with the game’s numerous merchants a lot throughout their playthrough to get things like armor, weapons, and supplies. This also includes selling the items they pick up during their quests to make a quick profit. Being able to maximize the benefits of these two things is a huge advantage in the game and one that the Adviser provides.


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Best Polearms, Ranked

Polearms can be tricky to master in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, but for players who can handle them, these are the best options.

Being an Adviser means that players will have an easier time bartering with merchants to reduce their prices and get good equipment for cheap. It can also help when selling items. An Adviser can be tricked out in the best gear in no time.


Become A Master Alchemist

Brewing Something Up

The Player Grinding An Herb With The Mortar & Pestle
  • Alchemy gets a boost from Adviser.
  • Can make more healing potions and concoctions.

Alchemy can often be an afterthought for players in the game as they focus on the many bandits and obstacles in the game world. But being able to brew good healing items and concoctions can be a massive benefit for any adventurer to make sure survival is always available.

The Adviser role will give a +2 boost to Alchemy right away, which means that players will be put on the fast track to being able to make the more advanced consumables in the game. Not a bad way to start at all.


Makes Horseriding Easier

Ride Like The Wind

kingdom come deliverance 2 pebbles horse secret perk increase stats
  • Getting a bump in Horsemanship means an easier time riding.
  • Helps to get around faster.

While it may take some time to get ahold of their own horse, players will utilize their mount for a lot of their traveling in the game. Horseback is the main mode of travel for Bohemia, and horses can be pretty stubborn when Henry first starts out trying to tame them.


All Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Points of No Return

There are several points of no return in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, and you’ll want to keep them in mind if you want to finish your quests.

The Advisor role will give players a boost automatically to Horsemanship, which makes that much easier. This means that horses won’t just be easier to control; they will also have better stats when used.


Drink More

Put Back The Drinks With Ease

Drinking in a tavern in KCD2
  • Having a better Drinking stat helps resist the downsides of consuming alcohol.
  • Opens the door for more healing through alcohol.

One of the many substances that players can ingest in the game is alcohol, which comes with its own issues. It can decrease a person’s speech abilities and also reduces a person’s stamina. However, it can also heal Henry when he needs to get some more health.

The Adviser role helps with resisting the problems of drinking alcohol, meaning that players can reap the healing without having to worry about the disadvantages as much. This is a big help when needing to get some health in a bind.


Read Better

Fly Through A Story

Kingdom Come Deliverance II Book
  • Reading helps gather important quest information.
  • Helps get through some of the more complicated parts of the game.

Being able to read is not something that everyone in Bohemia has the benefit of, and giving Henry that chance with Scholarship skills can put him in an advantageous position. This allows him to read certain books and documents that could give him important information about quests and characters that other players wouldn’t be able to see.


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The Adviser role helps give players a boost to Scholarship right away, which means Henry is already going to be at an advantage from the very beginning. This will help players navigate some of the more complicated quests of the game.


A Better Reputation

A Much More Likable Henry

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 How to Get a Gun
  • Gives Henry a better chance of impressing people.
  • Makes dealing with different groups much easier.

Having a better Speech skill will make it much easier for players to improve their standings with various people, groups, and cities in the game. This helps his reputation build up quicker and makes it so that Henry can accomplish more things peacefully and without too much hassle.

It’s always better to have people like Henry — rather than view him as being beneath them. Advisers will be much better at keeping up their reputation than the other classes.


Upgrades The Tougher Skills

Leveling Swords Is Easier Than Speech

The Player Asking About The Horse Black Market
  • Adviser sets players up for success in the future.
  • Leveling up Combat skills is much easier than Speech and other skills.

The biggest thing to consider with choosing the Adviser role is that it will immediately give players a leg up in the skills that are harder to level up throughout the game. Speech is one of the tougher ones, since the situations that allow for leveling are much rarer; players have to wait for successful Speech moments before they can see that skill increase.

On the other hand, skills like Combat are going to level much quicker over time, as just engaging with enemies will happen quite a lot.

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February 4, 2025


Warhorse Studios

OpenCritic Rating


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