Infinite Gold Glitch In Avowed

Infinite Gold Glitch In Avowed

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Collecting gold is quite difficult, especially early on in Avowed. There are many methods to earn money in the game, but most of them are time-consuming and players won’t really find any quick results until later on in Avowed.

Luckily, there are some exploits you can take advantage of to make more money in Avowed. One of them, is to duplicate the Woolf Boots during the Nature vs Nurture quest. However, you have to follow a certain set of steps, otherwise, the money glitch won’t work.



Avowed: Treasure Map – Woedica’s Inheritance Location

Location the treasure hinted at in the Treasure Map – Woedica’s Inheritance will be quite the challebge for players in Avowed.

How To Get Unlimited Money In Avowed

friendly xaurip camp in avowed

Upon reaching Emerald Stair, which is the second region players will get to visit in the Living Lands, you will eventually pass through the Farmer’s Market. Try not to speak to any of the characters as it might affect the glitch. If you already spoke with some, just make sure it’s not Dolina since this will trigger the Nature vs Nurture quest, and you don’t want that to happen since the money glitch will not work.

Next, travel northwest towards the Grim Wetlands until you reach the Fortified Xaurip Camp. You will see many xaurips but none of them are hostile. Climb the wooden planks and enter the cave where you will meet the Hermit, Amadio. He is surrounded by xaurips and upon speaking with him, choose the following dialogue options:

  • How are you standing here among these Xaurips?
  • So what? You send them out on raids for your own benefit?
  • That makes a lot of sense. What’s your plan?
  • You’re just trying to protect the land. I support that.

This will trigger the Nature vs Nurture side quest in Avowed, which is not how it’s usually done. That’s because players are more likely to meet Dolina in the Farmer’s Market first, then Amadio. Once the conversation is over, go back to the Farmer’s Market and follow the quest mark to see Dolina. Wait until she starts chatting with her partner to be able to speak with her. Pick these dialogue options:

  • Having xuarip trouble?
  • Maybe we can do something about it.

Shortly after that conversation, speak with her again and choose [Lie] I took care of your problem. Call off the rangers. Now, if you return to the cave where the Hermit was originally standing, you will not find him there. It’s a good sign that the glitch has worked. Get out of the cave, into the muddy water to see Amadio standing with a group of Xaurip. Speak with him and answer him to get the Wolf Boots as a reward.

Here’s how the exploit works. Every time you talk with Amadio, he’ll repeat the same dialogue and give you the same reward. So you can duplicate the Wolf Boots as many times as you speak with him. The boots are worth 300 coins, and they don’t have weight to slow you down. So, technically speaking, players can repeat the conversation and exploit the glitch as many times as needed. When you are satisfied, sell the boots to any merchant and enjoy the extra coins.

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