Biggest Hero Changes of Dota 2 Update 7.38

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The Dota 2 Update 7.38 has included various major hero changes, especially for their spells and facet abilities. Here’s a breakdown of some of the biggest hero changes in Dota 2 Update 7.38 – with some that might just be overpowered.

Biggest Hero Changes in Update 7.38 (Image credit: Dota 2)

Biggest Hero Changes in Update 7.38 (Image credit: Dota 2)

Biggest Hero Changes in Dota 2 Update 7.38


Invoker had some of the biggest changes of any hero in the game. With three new facets, each aligned to Quas, Wes, and Exort, the heroes return to the being an Intelligence Hero (after a stint as Universal) and a host of tweaked stats, Invoker is looking mighty strong after the patch. But there’s more besides:

If you go with the Scholar of Koryx (Quas) Facet, the Ghost Walk ability can be upgraded with Aghanim’s Scepter. Then Invoker casts his Ghost Walk, it applies an AOE effect of Ghost Walk to all allies and forge spirits within 600 radius. Such mass invisibility will prove to be a powerful ability for ganking without the need for Smoke of Deceit.

Additionally, If you choose Wex (Mind of Tornarus) E.M.P. receives an Aghanim’s Shard upgrade, where it pulls units to its center, much like Enigma’s Blackhole. However, this is very much a double-edged sword as it can set enemy heroes in an awkward position or disrupt your team’s instead.


It looks like Icefrog is giving every hero an Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade that has AOE effect because Muerta‘s Dead Shot just got better. Now, when Dead Shot ricochets from a point, it pierces through enemy heroes, fearing everyone in its path. Note that the AOE it expands out is tremendous, so it would be difficult to avoid.

Crystal Maiden

Crystal Maiden players, rejoice! For Icefrog did not nerf CM again, but instead, gave her several unique buffs and skills. Starting off with a new facet ability, Glacial Guard, which offers a physical damage shield to allies in Crystal Nova’s AOE. It even doubles the protection damage for CM herself, which is ideal for her survivability. Alternatively, another biggest hero facet change for CM is her Arcane Overflow, which buffs Arcane Aura passive ability. The passive ability becomes an active skill, which can be used to temporarily increase her spell amplification but also at a higher mana cost. Putting that caveat aside, it also restores ally’s mana when she casts spells.


Bristleback, unfortunately, got the short end of the stick when it comes to the biggest hero changes in Dota 2 Update 7.38. Notably, Quill Sprays that were released from his passive are now classified as reflected damage. And reflected damage do not provide any lifesteal. This means the previous Bristleback Bloodstone meta is now completely obsolete, which is good news for many players.


Last but not least, Dazzle hands-down got the biggest hero change in this update. Particularly, he now has a new ultimate called, Nothl Projection, which lets him depart from his physical body. When used, he remains binded to his physical body, but has all his abilities improved, such as Poison Touch hexes enemies, Shallow Grave heals upon expiration and Shadow Wave has a shorter cooldown. This allows Dazzle to be more reliable in providing support at the instance of team fights.

Many other Dota 2 heroes received hero changes that are buffs and nerfs, but the essence of it aren’t too different from the previous version. Nevertheless, there are plenty of changes for us players to get familiar with, such as new Neutral Item mechanics and the wetter map terrain.

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