All Hidden Perks In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

All Hidden Perks In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 rewards players for exploring their environment and testing out unique interactions and even dialogue options by taking risks and experimenting with the mechanics. One way KCD2 rewards you is with hidden perks that only unlock by meeting their secret prerequisites.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – 8 Best Early-Game Side Quests

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 has some great side quests, but these are the best early on.

Most of the perks in KCD2 can completely change your playstyle or offer flat bonuses that make your time traversing Trosky and Kuttenberg less dangerous. If you want to make sure you get the most out of these bonuses, unlocking the various hidden perks will ensure Henry is truly unstoppable without having to spend precious perk points.

Henry standing in front of his horse, Pebbles.
  • Pebbles’ stats are considerably increased.

Henry’s signature horse, which you can find in Semine, is well cared for after losing her to a bandit attack. Pebbles can be (re)purchased for a modest sum fairly early on. However, most players might abandon Pebbles for another horse as soon as they are offered something with even slightly better stats.

What you might not know is that if you choose to keep good old Pebbles, you will unlock the hidden perk of the same name after riding her for 35 kilometers. When this perk unlocks, it increases Pebble’s stats enough to make her one of the best horses in the game and can be achieved soon after acquiring her if you don’t mind a cozy, hour-long stroll through Trosky.

You cannot obtain Pebbles after starting the For Victory main quest.



Henry hammering a red hot horseshoe at an anvil in kingdom come deliverance 2.
  • Attacks and blocks made with heavy weapons consume ten percent less stamina.

Ideal for those who prefer using axes and crafting masterwork gear at the forge, the Hammerer perk comes into effect after you first craft ten items at a smithy. Unlocking this perk reduces the stamina consumption of swinging and blocking with heavy weapons, which makes sense after throwing around a hammer all day.

The easiest and cheapest way to get this perk as soon as possible is to just make Farmer’s Horseshoes as they require the fewest materials and the recipe can be learned early on. The trick to finishing the horseshoe in one pass at the forge is to line up your hammer strikes before swinging so you aren’t smacking the anvil and can stay on beat.


Lab Dweller

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 drying shed interior with drying rack and alchemy bench.
  • The effects of potions and alcohol will last longer, and your eventual hangovers will be a little shorter.

For those glued to the alchemy stations and perfecting Henry quality potions, the Lab Dweller perk appears after you brew your first 20 potions. This perk increases the duration of potions and how long you stay drunk while also making hangovers significantly shorter.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – 8 Best Armor Pieces

Make sure Henry is fully protected with these armor pieces.

If you don’t want to grind out this perk early on, you can wait until you get the Secret of Matter Alchemy perks, which will double and quadruple your potion output, making the perk easier to obtain. If you end up making Henry Fox potions, you can even extend the duration you retain the experience gain bonus.


Master Strike

Tomcat standing in the middle of the woods.
  • To perform a master strike, you must attack from the opposite direction at the moment of the enemy’s attack. This stops their attack and hits them with your own.

Likely a hidden perk most players will achieve just by playing the game, you get this perk by beating Tomcat in the Nomad’s Camp and learning his signature move. The Master Strike is an essential sword technique that will be used frequently to get the better of stronger opponents with a degree of risk.

The duel is rather difficult, especially early on, and might require a few tries or even leaving to level up your swordsmanship skill if you’re having difficulty beating him. Unfortunately, this perk only works on swords, despite some enemies being able to perform it with heavy weapons or fists.


Red Herring

Henry standing in front of Herring in Kingdom come deliverance 2.
  • Herring’s stats are now significantly increased.

After Hans Capon nearly escapes his own death at Trosky castle for poaching, you meet with Von Bergow to negotiate the original purpose of your mission here. Before leaving for Nebakov, you are offered Herring, a horse with stats that beat those of Pebbles if you have yet to unlock the Good Old Pebbles perk.

Much in the same way with Pebbles, if you travel over 50 kilometers using Herring, you will also unlock the Red Herring perk, which gives it a higher stamina than Pebbles at the cost of extra storage capacity. Depending on which horse you feel a closer bond with, you really can’t go wrong with either choice, although herring requires you to travel much further.



Nettle on the ground in kingdom come deliverance 2.
  • Your Vitality has permanently increased by 2.

If you find yourself compulsively picking every herb and plant you see while walking the road, you might have unlocked the Resistance perk accidentally. After picking 200 poisonous herbs, which are Belladonna, Henbane, Herb Paris, and Nettle, you gain a permanent +2 bonus to Vitality.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – 9 Best Characters

These are the best characters you’ll meet in KCD2.

If you want to grind this perk out as soon as possible, look for herb gardens in towns or near apothecaries. You can find one in Troskowitz, Tachov, and just east of Trosky Castle. It is worth getting this perk as soon as possible as it affects stamina, which is used for almost every activity and can even kill you if you run out while outnumbered.


Steak Tartare

Strange potion on a table in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
  • You can consume raw meat without fear of poisoning.

In one of the more unique interactions in KCD2, you might have noticed a recluse apothecary to the south of Kuttenberg, just north of Old Lhota. In these ruins, you will find an aggressive apothecary surrounded by armed guards and protecting a rather impressive alchemy lab.

On a table on the first floor is a bottle labeled “Strange Potion.” If you drink this potion, you will gain a debuff that kills you if you don’t drink a Digestive Potion before the timer runs out. If you do, however, you will gain the Steak Tartare perk, which allows you to eat all the raw meat you want without worrying about food poisoning.

Smoked meat retains its quality for longer than raw meat and also increases the amount of nourishment gained.


Sticky Fingers

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 pickpocketing minigame menu screen.
  • If you successfully steal any item in the thief minigame, you will always get a few extra groschen. And if you’re looting a dead person, you know where to search, thus you can find a bit more money on them.

For players who revel in stealing all the groschen they can get their hands on, the Sticky Fingers perk is unlocked after stealing a total value of 10,000 groschen. This value is marked in the Crime Statistics menu, allowing you to track how close you are to obtaining it.

This perk makes it so that every time you pickpocket someone you are likely to get additional groschen. This perk can be relatively hard to grind for, especially early on, as you will have to play smart and make sure you have plenty of Saviour Schnapps to get yourself out of trouble if you keep getting caught.

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