The Strongest Epic Boons For A Paladin In DnD

The Strongest Epic Boons For A Paladin In DnD

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Throughout your adventures in Dungeons & Dragons, you are sure to do great deeds. While every class and player is capable of doing so, the calling of the paladins are sure to do some amazing feats in the name of their oath.


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Destroying otherworldly evil, helping save villages, and even unraveling epic mysteries can be cause for a reward. While silver and gold are one thing, for some tasks, an epic boon is the only conceivable payment. But, if your god (and DM) let you choose your paladin’s epic boon, which ones are the best for this class?

Epic Boons can only be taken at or after level 19 in most cases.


Boon Of Combat Prowess

Hit Them Hard

Dungeons & Dragons image showing a paladin fighting monsters.
Art by Bryan Sola

The concept of this boon is incredibly simple. Once per long rest, you have the chance to make an attack roll hit when you’ve rolled low enough to miss instead. You also get to increase any ability score by one. It may not have a lot of bells and whistles, but it could be a great idea for paladins.

Combine this with a paladin’s Smite ability and you have a definite heavy-hitting attack. Even better, have your party boost your attack with various buff spells like Enlarge and you can really stack the damage in your favor. It is only once per long rest, so it’s best to use this on the deadlier enemies either at the beginning of combat to take a chunk out of their HP or as a finishing blow.


Boon Of Irresistible Offense

They Can’t Resist

Dungeons & Dragons image showing a paladin fighting an umber hulk.
Paladin Fighting An Umber Hulk Art by Justine Cruz

The start of Irresistible Offense is increasing your Strength or Dexterity by one point, which never hurts for a paladin. From there, any of the main damage types you do with weaponry (bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing) ignores resistances.

You also get to deal extra damage equal to the ability score you chose for this boon when you roll a natural 20 on an attack. While you may have a magical weapon by this point, many creatures at higher levels have resistances to the simpler damage types, so it doesn’t hurt to negate that entirely and know that all of your hits are doing their most.


Boon Of Spell Recall

Free Spells For All

An Orcish Paladin stands guard, radiating light in Dungeons & Dragons art.
Boarskyr Tollkeeper, by Andrey Kuzinskiy

Spells aren’t the mainstay of the paladin class, but they do help from time to time, either in combat or in RP and exploration. With Boon Of Spell Recall, you can increase your Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom by one point. But for paladins, Charisma is probably the best bet.


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From there, any time you cast a spell, level one through four, you can roll a d4, and if the numbers match, you don’t expend the spell slot. It never hurts to use a quick Misty Step or Shield of Faith and to do so for free will keep those spell slots for more important things.

This is great for adventurers who see a lot of prolonged combat encounters and find they run out of spells too quickly.


Boon Of Speed

Mobile, Agile

A gold dragonborn with glowing longsword and shield in D&D.
Nadaar, Selfless Paladin by Aaron Miller

With all the armor and weapons, paladins aren’t the most agile of the classes to be sure, but the Boon of Speed could help level the playing field a bit. The usual ability score improvement aside, it does some pretty impressive things in one boon.

The first of which is the ability to take the Disengage action as a bonus action instead, which can get your character out of some hairy situations. You also, and more importantly, get another 30 feet of movement speed. This can, in most cases, double your movement per round of combat, making you capable of controlling the battlefield with melee far easier.


Boon Of Fate

The Next Step After Lucky

A Halfling Paladin looks to the horizon from atop a pillar in Dungeons & Dragons art.
Mazzy, Truesword Paladin by Justyna Dura

Paladins can be potent fighters, but their various auras and buff spells also make them great team players on the battlefield. Boon of Fate harnesses that power and takes it to new levels, and helps you with an ASI too.

Once per rest, when a creature within 60 feet of you makes an attack roll, ability check, or save, you can influence the roll with a 2d4 roll of your own. Boosting friendly saves and making sure enemy attacks fail is a great way to change the tone of a fight, or even exploration early on.


Boon Of Fortitude

Better Health For Better Fights

An oath of devotion paladin wielding a sturdy-looking shield in Dungeons & Dragons.
Oath of Devotion by Katerina Ladon

Whenever you do well in combat, it can be assured that your character will become a target for the enemies you’re facing. Knowing that, it can be a good idea to take Boon of Fortitude if you find your paladin’s health dwindling more often than not.

With this boon, you gain an extra 40 hit points right out the gate. From there, every time you are healed in some way, you also regain HP equal to your Constitution modifier. This, in addition to your healing spells and the go-to Lay On Hands, means your enemies will have to try a lot harder to take you down.

It doesn’t hurt to take this feat and put the ASI into Constitution as you do so, for an extra point of HP built-in.


Boon Of Recovery

Better Than Minor Restoration

Ulder Ravengard, with the city of Baldur's Gate behind him, from Dungeons & Dragons.
Official artwork from Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus

There aren’t many of the epic boons that do as much as Boon of Recovery. With this, you get the obvious ASI, that should probably be put into either Strength, Constitution, or Charisma for a paladin. But the rest of the feat makes you fairly hard to kill.

Once per long rest, when you go down to zero HP, you instead go down to one, and then instantly regain half of your hit points. In addition, you get ten d10 to roll as a bonus action and heal yourself with them. They also reset on a long rest.

These can easily double your HP in combat and somewhat acts like an extra life in those make-or-break combat encounters.

This boon also frees up your healing spells and Lay On Hands ability for your party members.


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