Ready to really spice up game night? Enjoy 60% off the Hot Ones board game

Reaction image of celebrities including Jennifer Lawrence, Shaq, Will Smith, and Pedro Pascal during their Hot Ones interviews laid over a product image of the Hot Ones Truth or Dab game

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If you ever fancied being in the hot seat yourself, you’ll want to check out Hot Ones Truth or Dab – it’s a spicy little Truth-or-Dare inspired board game that allows you to recreate the experience of the hit YouTube series at home (Sean Evans not included).

Like many of the best party board games, Hot Ones Truth or Dab can get a tad … intimate; but if you ever encounter a question that’s just too embarrassing to answer, you can always opt for the The Last Dab forfeit instead. Whether you choose to answer one of the many spicy questions or take a million-scoville punch to the mouth instead, you’ll definitely end up red in the face for one reason or another.

What won’t have you red in the face is the price tag. That’s because – thanks to a recent discount – Hot Ones Truth or Dab is at its lowest ever price of just $11.73 at Amazon, where it would usually set you back almost $30.

Should you buy Hot Ones Truth or Dab?

Hot Ones Truth or Dab the game and its components.

(Image credit: First We Feast / Wilder)

Alongside the truth or dab challenges, Hot Ones Truth or Dab also has four other alternate gameplay types that spice things up from round to round; from BFF trivia to challenges of oneupmanship, there are plenty of ways to send that devilish dab away from you and onto the tongues of your fellow players.

In total, the game contains 250 cards so you’ll be able to bust out Hot Ones Truth or Dab at parties and challenge your pal’s palates time after time. Of course, you can always stock up on more Last Dab sauce once you run out (or even upgrade the heat with Da Bomb if you really hate having functional taste buds) but you can also expand your selection of challenge cards with the Truth or Dab Expansion Pack for even more replayability.

Hot Ones Truth or Dab is the perfect party game both for fans of First We Feast and the best adult board games like Cards Against Humanity or Scrawl. With its mix of TMI truths, ridiculous tasks, and the sadistic pleasure, this bad boy is sure to add some extra flavor to your game night.

Check out our roundup of the top board game deals for more awesome savings on tabletop goodies.

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