Lost Records: Bloom & Rage is a nostalgic adventure set in the 1990s, with storytelling and exploration that revolves around using a camcorder to capture video memoirs. Achievement hunters have plenty of collectibles to chase down for these recorded memoirs.
Many of these collectibles are easily found during your adventures, but some of them are well-hidden or tricky to complete. Here we’ll guide you through each collectible category for Tape 1 of Lost Records: Bloom and Rage.
Note: Chapters can be replayed in Collectible mode to allow you to replay and collect without interfering with your story choices. If ever you’re unsure of a chapter we mention in this guide–since the game doesn’t always telegraph their names–you can use the game’s scene replay feature to browse them by name and jump right to where you want to be.
Woodland Ruins – 6 collectibles needed

This category becomes available during the chapter called This Old House. All of these collectibles can be found during this chapter, as well as later trips to the cabin, but they are all pretty easy to obtain.
You only need six to complete this category, but you’ll find more than you need. The most obvious ones being the following:
- The deer-shaped weather vane on the roof
- The broken bridge at the cabin
- The wooden outhouse
- The windchimes in nearby tree
- The firepit at the lake
- The towels hanging on the line at the lake
- The miner’s gravesite on the trail behind the cabin
Graffiti – 10 collectibles needed

Graffiti is by far the easiest of the collectible categories to complete. You can collect these through most scenes in the game where you explore with your camcorder, but you can complete this all during the chapter titled The Day We Met.
This chapter takes Swann to the parking lot of the Movie Palace. The area is covered in graffiti, including the following areas:
- The graffiti marks on the fence’s Do Not Enter sign
- Graffiti on the green dumpster near the Yooper Scooper
- There are six different graffiti opportunities on the park benches by Yooper Scooper
- Graffiti on the side of the white van
- Spray paint on the right side of the Movie Palace
- Even more graffiti can be found on the rooftop if you take the ladder on the right side
Spotlights: Kat, Nora, Autumn – 10 collectibles each

There’s really no trick to these spotlight collectibles. Simply record 10 moments for each character. This can all be done during the chapter titled The First Night, or you can collect moments more organically throughout the entirety of Tape 1. You can work on this anytime Swann is able to record while with the girls.
Forgotten Playground – 6 collectibles needed

The Forgotten Playground collectibles can be earned during the chapter called The First Night. If you miss any, they can also be collected in later scenes where you visit the park, such as during Kat’s memoir.
There are a few more collectibles than you need here, but here are the main ones you’ll likely find:
- The seesaw
- The marbles on the ground
- The giant rocketship
- The jungle gym
- The animal-shaped spring riders
- Swing set
Bullies – 7 collectibles needed

The bullies category can be started early on in the game, with the very first encounter with Dylan and Corey during the chapter titled The Day We Met.
Mild Spoilers: If you make the same apologetic and non confrontational dialogue choices as I did when dealing with Dylan and Corey, you’ll need to replay this scene in Collectible mode to get more of these. You need to pick the taunting choices, where you taunt and film Dylan, and then agree to film Corey and his bike.
The final bully collectibles come from an opportunity to film Corey again later in the game. This comes after near the end of the chapter titled the Abyss. This is also optional and missable. Nora will prompt you to film Corey, but the choice is yours.
Water Tower – 4 collectibles needed

This is another easy category. You’re basically filming the same Velvet Cove water tower throughout various scenes in the game.
Some of the opportunities are as follows:
- Film while standing in the Movie Palace parking lot
- Film from Swann’s bedroom window in various chapters
- Can be filmed from the park in various chapters
- Can be seen from the bar parking lot
Mothgirl Chronicles – 6 collectibles needed

The Mothgirl Chronicles collectible category starts during the chapter called Packing Up. This is an unmissable part of the story that takes place in Swann’s bedroom, and filming Mothgirl for the first time unlocks this collectible category.
The remaining five collectibles require you to find a special spot where you can place Mothgirl and film. There don’t seem to be any extra locations, so you’ll need to replay sections if you miss these.
These hidden locations are as follows:
- Later, during Packing Up, there is a scene with the girls at the lake, and you can place Mothgirl on a nearby rock and film her
- During the chapter called Double Dare, go up into the attic. You’ll want to do this before you light the fireplace. Place Mothgirl on the ledge of the open section of the attic. (This collectible appears to be glitched. It lets me place Mothgirl here, but the game marks this as a location I’ve already recorded even though it wasn’t previously recorded or in the footage.)
- In the chapter titled Kat, you’ll film an interview with her. You’ll have the option to explore around the park afterwards, so make sure you grab your collectibles before telling her you’re done. There are two Mothgirl locations here. Place Mothgirl on both the swing and the slide for two more collectible opportunities
- During the chapter called Riot Grrrls, you’ll break into the fenced-off area of the bar. Immediately look right and place Mothgirl in the lounge chair on the right
- After turning on the power during Riot Grrrls, run back to Nora’s band setup and place Mothgirl on one of the speakers
Terrible Toys – 6 collectibles needed

The Terrible Toys memoir category requires you to film weird toys you find while on your adventures. Not all of these are available at this time, as Don’t Nod told GameSpot that one of them is only found in Tape 2, coming this April, but here are the five known locations so far:
- During the chapter called The First Night, you can find a collectible when helping Kat look for the keys. You’ll see a troll doll
- Another toy can be found during The First Night chapter. When looking for something to knock down the keys, you follow Autumn into a junkyard. Here you’ll find a creepy doll to film at the campsite
- The third one you’ll encounter is during the chapter called Garage Band. Inside Nora’s garage you’ll find a weird bunny car to film
Grab the item sitting on top of the bunny car and inspect it. Rotating the item until it moos like a cow will unlock the hidden MOO! trophy/achievement to “Make the moo box moo.”
- The next is found during chapter – Lights, Camera, Action! Before you follow your friends across the tree bridge, turn right towards the lake to find another creepy doll
- The next is a voodoo doll that can be found in various times and locations. The best times to look are either during Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark or This Old House. Head up into the cabin’s attic to find a voodoo doll. The doll can also be found later in the story on a trail leading away from the cabin, or in a small cave entrance. It can only be counted once, though
It’s worth noting that since not all Terrible Toys can be found yet, it may also be the case that some other collectible categories can be finished in Tape 2, likely making those easier to complete.
Strangers – 7 collectibles needed

There are seven collectibles needed for the Strangers memoir category. The entire category is really easy to miss, depending on how you approach specific moments in the game.
- The first four can be discovered during the chapter called The Day We Met. Before interacting with any characters, use the ladder on the right side of the Movie Palace. You can climb up and get a view of two sets of characters. Corey and Dylan are at the back, and Nora and Autumn are at the Yooper Scooper ice cream shack. Use the camcorder to view them and then record each one as strangers
There’s a trophy/achievement you can unlock called “Dub and Dubber” by imitating the strangers as you film them. I had to imitate Corey, Dylan, and Nora before the trophy popped.
- There might be early opportunities I missed, but I got the last three strangers needed for the category recorded before the last part of the Riot Grrrls chapter. Once you’re tasked with placing the stickers, head to the front of the bar to find three men walking out. Record each of them to complete the Strangers category
Scenic Views – 4 collectibles needed

Scenic views is a category that only requires four game environments to be recorded, but you’ll have several opportunities to do so.
The first of the scenic views can be captured during the chapter called Welcome to Velvet Cove. There will be a pretty scene by the lake that Swann will want to film.
While this isn’t all of the locations, some other scenic options include:
- A scenic view near the picnic tables at the Yooper Scooper during The Day We Met
- Looking across the road from the Yooper Scooper during The Day We Met
- A view of the river during Lights, Camera, Action!
- Another is found during Lights, Camera, Action while visiting the lake with your friends
- Before crossing the tree bridge, turn right to capture another scenic view of the lake in Lights, Camera, Action!
Hunting – 8 collectibles needed

There are only eight Hunting collectibles needed, and these are easy items that can be found throughout much of the story.
Here are some you’ll encounter early in the game:
- During Swann’s first walk through the nature trails during Welcome to Velvet Cove, you come across opportunities to film a doe, stag, some animal tracks, and bones
- More hunting collectibles are given during the trail walk with friends during Lights, Camera, Action! This includes more deer walking around, arrows, and deer antlers found on the path
- In Lights, Camera, Action, during the scene at the padlock fence, where Kat pretends to shock herself, there is a hunting stand
- Just past the hunting stand mentioned above are more animal tracks to record
Additionally, there is a trophy/achievement unlock that you can get here at the fence. Here is our guide for unlocking the “Heartbreak” trophy/achievement in Lost Records.
Birds! – 15 collectibles needed

Having 15 birds to record sounds like a lot, but this is another category with multiple opportunities to collect them. Many are easy to spot during the chapters for Welcome to Velvet Cove and Lights, Camera, Action!
Some birds are more difficult to spot, and you need 15 different types. Here are some specific spots:
- The Cardinal is first found at the very beginning during the Swann Holloway chapter
- The Ring-Billed Gull can be found on top of white van in parking lot of the Movie Palace during The Day We Met
- An owl can first be found during the chapter called The First Night
- The Blue Heron is near the pond in Lights, Camera, Action!
- The Black-Billed Magpie can be found on some rocks in the distance once you pass the hunting stand during a chapter called Lights, Camera, Action!
- Also during Lights, Camera, Action, you can find the American Robin. When it’s time to film the tree crossing scene for your video, turn around and find the robin on a post behind you
- You’ll find a horned owl at the start of the chapter called Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
- Ravens are commonly found throughout the chapters Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark and The Abyss
- A Wood Thrush is sitting by the wind chimes outside the cabin during the chapter This Old House
- A mallard can be spotted at the lake during Echoes of Summer
- During the chapter titled Bloom…You can find the Tufted Titmouse bird near the start of the scene. It’s sitting near the door, but it will fly away if you get too close
- During the Packing Up chapter, there is a scene where you return from the lake, and you’ll find a Red-headed Woodpecker and Gold Finch just outside of the cabin
- A Blue Jay can be found on top of the large concrete pipes in the park during Kat’s chapter
Moving in Place – 6 collectibles needed

There are six collectibles needed for the Moving in Place category. You’ll have more than six opportunities, but a few of them are tricky and easy to miss.
- During the chapter called The Day We Met, there is a red balloon as part of the story, but capturing this moving object is missable if you don’t hit record before the cutscene happens
- Also during The Day We Met, look up to capture the flag on top of the Movie Palace
- During The Day We Met, use the ladder on the right side of the Movie Palace to climb up. There is a portable fan on the rooftop that you can record for the collectible
- During the chapter The First Night, you can find shoes hanging in the tree between the slide and the jungle gym
- You can also record the merry-go-round in The First Night, but you need to interact with the merry-go-round first. Push it and then quickly film it
- Lastly, there is a flag waving from the top of the rocket ship during The First Night
If you missed any of these, you can also use the overhead fan or the Newton’s Cradle from one of Swann’s bedroom scenes. Just interact with the items to make them move, and then quickly hit the record button.
Critters – 6 collectibles needed

There are six collectibles needed for the Critters category, but you’ll have way more than six opportunities to film them.
These critters are as follows:
- The first is the stick bug pet that Swann keeps in her bedroom aquarium. You can film them during any of the bedroom scenes
- The ants around the spilled ice cream in front of the Movie Palace during The Day We Met
- Squirrels can be found through the various scenes with nature trails
- Frogs can be found sitting on rocks near the water in various locations near the trails and cabin
- Moths at the bar’s outdoor light during Riot Grrrls
More Cat! – 9 collectibles needed
More Cat is a category with nine collectibles involving recording cat-themed content in Swann’s bedroom. This is easily completed by the time you reach the chapter titled Swann Holloway.
This includes taking more videos of her cat in the room, plus the following items:
- The cat tower
- Cat scratches on the door
- Can of cat treats on the floor before you give them to the cat
- Cat toys by the closet
- Cat scratches on the side of her dresser
- Filming the cat after you give the treats
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