How To Replay Scenes In Lost Records: Bloom & Rage

How To Replay Scenes In Lost Records: Bloom & Rage
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Throughout your campaign in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage, there are dozens of collectibles and hidden secrets to uncover. Between memoirs, reminiscences, and more, it can be really easy at times to miss things or realize too late that you might’ve left something behind. Plus, we’ve all had a slip of the finger in a choice-based game and made the wrong decision, only to regret it.


Lost Records: Bloom & Rage – Water Tower Memoir Locations

It’s hard to miss the water tower, what with the massive antlers sticking out of it.

Luckily, in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage, there’s a way to go back and replay entire sequences and even alter your choices and progress. If you need some backtracking, this guide has a breakdown of how to do it.

When Should You Replay Scenes?

Swann standing in her bedroom in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage.

There are a handful of different reasons why you should replay scenes in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage. Of course, you can go back and relive your favorite story moments just for fun, but there are some practical reasons to do so as well.

Replay Reason

Why It’s Important

Find Collectibles

Collectibles like memoirs and other items are one of the key mechanics in Lost Records, and you may have to backtrack to find all of them.

Replay Story Moments

If you’re not happy with a choice you made in either your current or a previous chapter, you can go back and change it to alter your progression.

There are two different modes offered when it comes to replaying scenes: Collectible Mode and Story Mode.

You’ll want to toggle between these depending on how you plan to play.

How To Replay Scenes

The scene selection and scene replay UI in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage.

Once you’ve decided to replay a scene, the process for doing so is simple. At any time during your game, just hit the pause button and head to the menu.

From there, you’ll want to hit ‘Replay A Scene.’ Once you’ve done that, a larger menu, styled like a DVD scenes menu, will appear with every scene you’ve previously played.

Every scene has a little title card that will help clue you into the action of that scene so that you don’t get lost trying to remember where and when a certain choice occurred.

Simply select the scene you want, and the scene will automatically cue up.

What Is Collectible Mode?

The mode selection screen for replaying scenes in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage.

As mentioned, one of the key reasons to go back and replay a scene is to hunt down collectibles you may have missed on the first go around.

You can do this if you select Collectible Mode after choosing the scene you want to replay.

When you replay a scene, try to find missing memoirs, supplement current memoirs with new footage, or examine details in spaces you might’ve missed previously.

The best part about Collectible Mode is that anything you find during this replay gets added to your camcorder inventory and won’t impact your story progression.

Once you’re done treasure-hunting, you can simply go back to the scene you were currently in and pick up from exactly where you left off.

What Is Story Mode?

The decrepit, abandoned cabin in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage.

If you aren’t happy with a story decision you made or a choice in a dialogue tree, you can also go back and replay the level, changing your decision.

This is super helpful for slips of the finger or just making a choice too hastily and regretting it later on.

However, there is one downside to this. When you restart a selected scene in Story Mode, you will erase your current story progression and all choices made so far.

In essence, you’ll be starting from scratch depending on how far back you go. So, use this option sparingly.

Ideally, Story Mode is good for replaying a decision you just made in your current scene, or at most, one to two scenes back.


Lost Records: Bloom & Rage – Autumn Lockhart, 1995 Choices Guide

Swann interviews Autumn in this chapter with lots of choices.

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