How To Get The Crystalized Rod

How To Get The Crystalized Rod
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Roblox’s Fisch offers a variety of rods that help players catch fish with specific mutations, weights, and rarities. As such, you’ll need the Crystalized Rod to get the Crystalized Mutation on creatures. It not only increases a fish’s value by 1.75x but also allows you to snag a Crystalized Enchant Relic.


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Like other exclusive rods, this one is a must-have for getting its special mutation. While the Crystalized Rod is necessary for crafting the Rod of the Exalted One, obtaining it isn’t simple since it’s locked behind a puzzle in a high-temperature area. Here’s how to get the Crystalized Rod in Fisch.

Where To Get The Crystalized Rod In Fisch

how to get the crystalized rod in fisch

To get the Crystalized Rod in Fisch, players need to solve the Diamond Puzzle in Frigid Cavern. This puzzle requires catching a Diamond Glass and activating two platforms to free the rod from the ice.

Frigid Cavern is located at the second Base Camp of the Northern Summit.

Before starting, make sure to bring a friend (or team up with a random player) since the Diamond Puzzle requires two players to solve. If you’re just starting out, Northern Summit is a sub-location of the Northern Expedition, so that’s where you’ll need to go.

How To Solve The Diamond Puzzle In Fisch

Once you reach Northern Summit, the first thing you’ll need is a Diamond Glass (mythical rarity). To get one, fish in any of the following locations with your partner:

  • Overgrowth Caves
  • Frigid Cavern
  • Northern Summit Ocean

After both of you have it, head to Frigid Cavern. Just a quick heads-up: equip a Winter Cloak and an Oxygen Tank to bear the cold, and keep your Glider handy for traversal. You’ll need to refill the tanks at every base camp. Also, if you don’t have a cloak, stand near firepits to maintain your temperature.

The Crystalized Rod is placed on an icy platform inside Frigid Cavern. To free it, both players must stand on the sun-shaped platforms while holding the Diamond Glass, which will trigger light beams to melt the ice around the rod. Once that’s done, you can move forward and purchase the Crystalized Rod for 35,000 in-game cash.

Crystalized Rod Stats In Fisch

how to get the crystalized rod in fisch

Speaking of stats, some rods compare well with or even surpass the Crystalized Rod, including the Champions Rod, Arctic Rod, and Zeus Rod. Here’s an overview of its stats:

  • Luck: 45%
  • Lure Speed: 35%
  • Resilience: 15%
  • Strength: 25,000 KG
  • Control: 0.15

Since this rod is required to obtain the Crystalized Relic, it’s mainly intended solely for that purpose. If you’re looking to make money, the Midas Rod is a better option, offering a 60% chance of catching mutated fish that double in price. In contrast, Crystalized Mutated fish only increase value by 1.75×, with just a 12% chance of obtaining them using the respective rod.

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