The Upper Rank Demons are the most powerful demons to exist in the Demon Slayer series and are the most evil under Muzan. Upper Rank One Demon – Kokushibo is the representation of true demon power and has lived for many years and refined his swordmanship from his human days and became even stronger after becoming a demon.
Upper Rank Three Demon – Akaza is one of the fastest demons around with immense levels of regenerative abilities and martial arts expertise. Akaza comes in third as the most powerful compared to Kokushibo, who is clearly leagues above Akaza. But what sets these two demons apart?

Demon Slayer: Why Was Muzan Afraid Of The Sun Breathing Technique?
Muzan isn’t afraid of much, but something about Sun Breathing makes his skin crawl. What’s so special about it?
The Six Eyed Demon Swordsman – Kokushibo
Brother Of The Legendary Yoriichi And Right-hand Demon To Muzan
In the Demon Slayer series, it is seen that Akaza does not get along well with Kokushibo. In the past, Akaza challenged Kokushibo for his Upper Moon One position but was easily overpowered. Even though Kokushibo usually absorbs the demons he kills, he did not do that with Akaza because he put up a challenging fight. While Akaza threatened to kill Kokushibo, Kokushino merely shrugged him off and encouraged him to try doing so. This itself sets the stage and showcases Kokushibo’s level of skill. As a former Demon Slayer, Kokushibo’s fighting style comes with his Moon Breathing Technique, which was derived from Sun Breathing. After turning into a demon, Kokushibo became even stronger and so did his Moon Breathing. His enhanced Moon Breathing gave him the ability to unleash large crescent-shaped demonic slashes that could slice anything.
Akaza…you always go too far – Kokushibo to Akaza
As the Upper Moon One demon, Kokushibo also had regenerative abilities that all allowed him to regenerate parts of his body instantly. Because of his years of experience as a former Demon Slayer, Kokushibo was able to understand how Demon Slayers could fight, and this gave him an edge over other demons. Kokushibo’s Blood Demon Art combined with his Moon Breathing made him an extremely powerful demon, so powerful that Muzan gave him the rank as Upper Moon One, which means he was the next in line in terms of power after Muzan, a position most demons could only dream of having.
The Chaotic And Arrogant Demon – Akaza
The Martial Arts Expert And Cold-Blooded Killer
Akaza, Muzan’s Upper Moon Three Demon, was a powerhouse of chaos and destruction. Unlike Kokushibo who used his sword, Akaza’s fighting style had more to do with martial arts, making him a powerful close combat opponent. Akaza’s Blood Demon Art gave him abilities such as Destructive Death, which merged his martial arts with powerful shockwaves which he could control. He was also able to use a technique known as Compass Needle, which gave him the ability to sense an opponent’s will to fight. This means he can see an opponent’s weak points and predict their next move. Akaza also possessed powerful regenerative abilities but still struggled against opponents who had complex techniques and powers. He was also responsible for the death of the Flame Hashira – Kyojuro Rengoku, However, during this fight, Akaza was badly injured even though he was able to overpower Kyojuro and managed to escape before Tanjro could attack him.

Demon Slayer: Could Demons Develop Their Own Breathing Techniques?
Breathing techniques are a Demon Slayers’ secret weapon in their fight against Demons. But what if Demons could use them too?
While both demons excel in strength and power, Kokushibo is seen to be the undisputed stronger demon because of his superior abilities and experience. While Akaza is more of a close combat fighter, Kokushibo excels in both because of his swordsmanship, giving him more of an edge in battle over Akaza. The gap in power is evident not just in their ranks but also in their ability to take on Hashiras. In a 1 vs 1 combat between Akaza and Kokushibo, Kokushibo would most likely emerge victorious just because of his overwhelming power along with his variety of demonic abilities and ancient knowledge that Akaza does not possess, making Kokushibo the superior demon.
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