Tamayuratei no Ohanashi Weapon Guide

Tamayuratei no Ohanashi Weapon Guide

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Genshin Impact 5.4 update takes Travelers back to Inazuma, the nation of Electro, to celebrate the Mikawa Flower Festival. Players who participated in Version 3.3 back in January 2023 might remember the Akitsu Kimodameshi event. The Enchanted Tales of the Mikawa Festival is an improved second iteration of the Akitsu Kimodameshi event.

Like the Toukabou Shigure sword from Akitsu Kimodameshi, this time, players can obtain the Tamayuratei no Ohanashi polearm from the Enchanted Tales of the Mikawa Festival event. In this guide, we will discuss the Tamayuratei no Ohanashi polearm in Genshin Impact, including its stats, passive ability, and the best characters to use it with.


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Genshin Impact: Tamayuratei no Ohanashi Stats, Passive, and Required Materials

Genshin Impact - Tamayuratei no Ohanashi event reward

Tamayuratei no Ohanashi is a spooky 4-star polearm awarded for participating in the Enchanted Tales of the Mikawa Festival event. Along with the weapon, players can also obtain its refinement materials by playing the event. At max level (90) and Refinement Rank 5, Tamayuratei no Ohanashi has a solid base ATK of 565 and provides 30.6% Energy Recharge as its secondary stat.

To fully upgrade Tamayuratei no Ohanashi, you will need the following materials and resources:

During the Enchanted Tales of the Mikawa Festival event, you can level up the Tamayuratei no Ohanashi weapon 1.5 times faster, allowing you to save Mora and Weapon Enhancement Ores.

Tamayuratei no Ohanashi Passive Ability (Refinement Rank 1-5)

Genshin Impact - Tamayuratei no Ohanashi passive

Tamayuratei no Ohanashi comes with the Busybody’s Running Light passive ability, which provides the following effect:

  • Increases ATK by 20%/25%/30%/35%/40% and Movement SPD by 10% for 10s when using an Elemental Skill.

For a free event-exclusive 4-star weapon, Tamayuratei no Ohanashi is surprisingly strong in Genshin Impact. It features a high base ATK of 565 and offers valuable stats like Energy Recharge, ATK%, and Movement SPD. Many characters can benefit from these stats.

Best Characters for Tamayuratei no Ohanashi

Tamayuratei no Ohanashi is a great choice for characters who require high ATK and Energy Recharge. The polearm’s secondary stat provides Energy Recharge, while its passive grants a massive 40% ATK boost at Refinement Rank 5.

Although the polearm category includes excellent 4-star options like Favonius Lance

and The Catch

, Tamayuratei no Ohanashi can serve as a solid alternative for the following characters:


Genshin Impact - Xiao with Tamayuratei no Ohanashi

Xiao, one of the original DPS characters introduced in Genshin Impact 1.3, remains a fan favorite. As an energy-hungry DPS, he relies heavily on his Elemental Burst to deal massive plunge attack damage. Typically, Xiao teams include one or two extra Anemo characters to help recharge his high-cost Burst. Otherwise, players must farm artifacts with Energy Recharge sub-stats, use Energy Recharge Sands, or equip Favonius weapons on other characters.

If you want to avoid these additional setups, equipping Tamayuratei no Ohanashi on Xiao can be beneficial. The 30.6% Energy Recharge from the polearm helps reduce his energy needs, while the 40% ATK boost after using his Elemental Skill enhances his damage. However, if Xiao is paired with two Anemo units, his Energy Recharge requirements are lower, making Tamayuratei no Ohanashi less necessary.


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With only a few exceptions, Xiangling can use almost any polearm in Genshin Impact. As a powerful Pyro DPS since the game’s launch, she relies on her Elemental Burst, Pyronado, to deal most of her damage. Even when supported by a strong battery like Bennett, players often struggle with Xiangling’s high energy cost.

Tamayuratei no Ohanashi is an excellent choice for Xiangling, as it allows her to snapshot its ATK-boosting passive before casting Pyronado. If you do not have better Energy Recharge weapons like the 4-star Favonius Lance or 5-star Engulfing Lightning, and you do not want to farm The Catch through fishing, Tamayuratei no Ohanashi is a great alternative.


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Shenhe is a premium 5-star Cryo support who primarily benefits from ATK% and Energy Recharge. Fortunately, Tamayuratei no Ohanashi provides both, along with a high base ATK of 565. Generally, Favonius Lance is the go-to 4-star weapon for Shenhe, but it requires some Crit Rate investment to trigger its passive.

If your artifacts lack Crit Rate sub-stats, Tamayuratei no Ohanashi can be a better option. Additionally, if your Cryo DPS does not struggle with Energy Recharge, Tamayuratei no Ohanashi might outperform Favonius Lance in terms of raw ATK contribution.


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Emilie is a 5-star Dendro sub-DPS focused on the Burning reaction in Genshin Impact. While Burning is not the strongest reaction, Emilie’s kit allows it to be more viable. With the release of Kinich, Emilie has cemented herself as a strong sub-DPS in Kinich teams.

Although Emilie does not require Energy Recharge to function, Tamayuratei no Ohanashi’s ATK boost enhances her personal damage. If you are an Emilie fan searching for a strong 4-star option, Tamayuratei no Ohanashi is worth considering.

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September 28, 2020


T for Teen – Fantasy Violence, Alcohol Reference

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