Pokemon GO Scattered to the Winds

Pokemon GO Scattered to the Winds

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The Pokemon GO Scattered to the Winds comprises two Research quests and an event-themed Collection Challenge. The event also debuts Shiny Scatterbug, Shiny Spewpa, and Shiny Vivillon. While true, you can only encounter Shiny Scatterbug by pinning postcards.

The Pokemon GO Scattered to the Winds starts on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 10 AM Local Time and runs for 2 days before ending on Thursday, February 20, at 8 PM Local Time. You can participate in an event-exclusive Field Research quest, a paid Timed Research quest, and a Collection Challenge. Completing them rewards valuable items like XP, Rare Candy, several Pokemon encounters, and more.


Pokemon GO – All Ditto Disguises (February 2025)

You can find and catch a Pokemon GO Ditto and Shiny Ditto in February 2025 by following this detailed guide.

Pokemon GO Scattered to the Winds – All Field Research Tasks And Rewards

Pokemon GO Scattered to the Winds

The Scattered to the Winds Field Research only has 4 Research tasks. These tasks range from spinning several PokeStops/Gyms to sending Gifts to Pokemon GO players. The rewards include a Rare Candy and multiple featured Pokemon encounters.

Field Research Task

Possible Reward

Explore 2 km

Rare Candy ×1

Spin 5 PokeStops or Gyms

  • Caterpie Encounter (Shiny Available)
  • Pidgey Encounter (Shiny Available)
  • Starly Encounter (Shiny Available)

Send a Gift with a sticker

  • Pidgey Encounter (Shiny Available)
  • Wurmple Encounter (Shiny Available)

Send 3 Gifts and add a sticker to each

Pidgey Encounter (Shiny Available)

Pokemon GO Scattered to the Winds – All Timed Research Tasks And Rewards

The Scattered to the Winds event participants also get a Timed Research quest for US $5.00 (or equal cost in the local currency). There are only 2 steps in the quest, while one step focuses on spinning PokeStops or Gyms, the other has other tasks too. The rewards for completion include a Pen Pal Pose for your avatar, a Pokemon GO Star Piece, featured Pokemon encounters, and more.

STEP ONE – Scattered to the Winds Premium Timed Research

Timed Research Task


Explore 1 km

Stardust ×2000

Spin 1 PokeStop or Gym

Caterpie Encounter

Spin 2 PokeStops or Gyms

Metapod Encounter

Spin 3 PokeStops or Gyms

Butterfree Encounter

Rewards For Completion

  • Pen Pal Pose
  • Stardust ×2500
  • Star Piece ×1

STEP TWO – Scattered to the Winds Premium Timed Research

Timed Research Task


Send a Gift with a sticker

Incense ×1

Explore 2 km

Stardust ×3000

Explore 3 km

Stardust ×4000

Spin 3 PokeStops or Gyms

Wurmple Encounter

Spin 6 PokeStops or Gyms

Silcoon Encounter

Spin 9 PokeStops or Gyms

Beautifly Encounter

Rewards For Completion

Complete these tasks and claim rewards before they expire on Thursday, February 20, 2025, at 8 PM Local Time.

Pokemon GO Scattered to the Winds – All Collection Challenge And Rewards

Pokemon GO Scattered to the Winds Collection Challenge

There is also a Scattered to the Winds Collection Challenge which rewards a guaranteed Scyther encounter. You are tasked with collecting different event-featured Pokemon. The rewards also include Pokemon GO XP and Stardust and here is how to complete the Scattered to the Winds Collection Challenge.


How To Get


  • As a wild spawn
  • As a Filed Research task reward


Evolve Starly


Evolve Staravia


  • As a wild spawn
  • As a Filed Research task reward
  • As a Timed Research task reward


Evolve Caterpie


Evolve Metapod

Rewards For Completion

  • 5000 XP
  • Stardust ×2500
  • Scyther Encounter
Pokémon GO Tag Page Cover Art


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