Nintendo Vouchers Can’t Be Used To Redeem Switch 2 Games

Nintendo Vouchers Can't Be Used To Redeem Switch 2 Games

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  • Nintendo’s game vouchers cannot be redeemed for Switch 2 titles.
  • The FAQ page for the vouchers has been altered to make it clear Switch 2 games won’t be eligible for redemption.
  • The vouchers were introduced in 2019, cost $100 for two, and can be used to redeem full-price Switch games.

Nintendo appears to be quietly getting ready for the Switch 2‘s launch behind the scenes as it continues to make subtle changes on its website. First, the reveal that its Gold Points program is coming to an end, and now a change to its Game Vouchers FAQ has revealed those vouchers will not be eligible for Switch 2 games once the next-gen console’s titles start to become available.

The reveal that Nintendo’s vouchers won’t be eligible for use on Switch 2 games comes via an amendment to the voucher page’s FAQ noticed by Wario64. Nintendo has tacked a sentence onto the end of a paragraph explaining what the vouchers are that reads, “Nintendo Switch Game Vouchers cannot be redeemed for games exclusive to the Nintendo Switch 2 system.”


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$40,000 for a console that has even fewer games than the PS5.

Nintendo introduced Game Vouchers in 2019, providing Switch owners with an opportunity to pick up two full-price games for less. The vouchers can only be bought in pairs and cost $100. Each voucher can be redeemed for a game, most of which cost $60. That means using the vouchers to buy games rather than just buying them outright can potentially save you as much as $20. They can also be used on pre-orders if there are any upcoming Switch games you’ve got your eye on.

Nintendo’s Game Vouchers Cannot Be Redeemed Gor Switch 2 Games

No $50 Switch 2 Games For You

nintendo switch game vouchers.
via Nintendo

Nintendo’s decision to not continue with its voucher program to kick off the Switch 2 era has sparked a couple of theories. The most worrying, but likely, reason for making Switch 2 games ineligible is because they’re going to cost more. Tears Of The Kingdom was the $70 acid test for Nintendo, and having sold more than 20 million copies in 18 months, it’s probably safe to assume Nintendo knows it can get away with charging the same for its next Mario Kart and 3D Mario games on Switch 2.

It’s also possible that Nintendo doesn’t think it will need the voucher program for the Switch 2 at launch. It wasn’t introduced on Switch until two years into the console’s run since most people don’t need to be convinced to buy new games when a new console is first released. Switch 2 games will fly off the shelves the second they get here without the need for offers and vouchers, and whether they cost $60 or $70.


Nintendo Switch 2



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