A cross between early GTA and the 1950s Americana satire in Fallout, Deliver At All Costs is a chaotic romp through a seaside resort town. The year is 1959 and you are Winston Green, a downtrodden courier with a shady past and a bad case of road rage. Tasked with delivering absurd items like a ticking bomb or a giant marlin almost as big as his truck, Winston finds himself in an ever-spiraling descent through the criminal underworld of St Monique. If you’ve ever wanted to wreak havoc in a town straight out of American Graffiti or Grease, you can check out the Deliver At All Costs demo right now.
Everything is destructible in Deliver At All Costs, from payphones and fences to entire buildings. It’s thrilling to level a tower or lay waste to a restaurant, but Winston’s pick-up truck will take damage too. Dismantled doors, punctured gas tanks, and frayed engines could force a sudden stop – or straight up kill you. St. Monique’s civilians will not just stand idly by as you destroy their home; they will grab onto your car or attempt to wreck it with a chainsaw or sledgehammer. Deliver At All Costs attempts to enter the pantheon of open world games where chaos is king, but the world can bite back too.

The game’s crime saga will eventually take you to three different cities, St. Monique being the first. Each town is draped in the neon and chrome of 1950s America. You can bop around the game to rock n’ roll tunes and discover detailed environments that tell a story all on their own. In the full game, you’ll pick up 12 other vehicles and a variety of secret gadgets, such as balloons to give your truck some lift or a jet engine to ensure the highest speeds. The adventure continues on foot; Winston can exit the car to explore the environment, interact with NPCs, and complete tasks.
It left our very own Jamie grinning from ear to ear after he played an early preview build last year, and now you can try out a few missions yourself. Deliver At All Cost’s new Steam demo is available now.
If high octane action is on your mind, check out the best racing games. Alternatively, Deliver At All Costs can fill your time as you wait for the GTA 6 release date to arrive.
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