Civ 7: Leader Tier List

Civ 7: Leader Tier List

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There are more than two dozen Leaders in Civilization 7, but not all Leaders in Civ 7 are equally powerful. Some of the best Civ 7 Leaders, like Amina and Confucius, favor a Victory condition so strongly that it’s hard to lose while playing as them.


Civilization 7: How To Pick the Best Starting Location

There are a few factors to consider, and options to enable, to get the best starting location for your first city in Civ 7.

But even the worst Civ 7 Leaders have some advantages that no other Leader can claim, like Tecumseh’s massive power spike if he becomes a City-State Suzerain multiple times. This Civ 7 Leader Tier List ranks all Civ 7 Leaders based on how easy it is to achieve a final Victory Condition and the general complexity and synergistic strengths of every Leader Ability.

S Tier Civ 7 Leaders

The Most Overpowered Civ 7 Leaders

Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 S Tier Best Leaders

The best Civ 7 leaders are those that come with overpowered Leader Abilities for specific Legacy Paths. Amina, Catherine the Great, Confucius, Himiko (Queen of Wa), and Xerxes (King of Kings) all excel at their respective favored Legacy Paths thanks to abilities that directly push them towards each Victory.

Even if you make some mistakes, getting Victories with each of these best leaders in Civ 7 is remarkably easy across all three Ages. It’s difficult to say definitively who the best Leader in Civ 7 is, as each of these five top-tier Leader choices will all but guarantee you a Victory if you play into their abilities.


Catherine the Great

  • Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 Catherine the Great
  • Star of the North

    Increased Culture per Age on displayed Great Works.

    Buildings with Great Work slots gain an additional slot.

    Cities settled in Tundra gain Science equal to a percentage of their Culture per turn.



Civilization 7: How To Increase & Allocate Resources

Resources play an important role when it comes to city management in Civilization 7. Here’s a rundown on how to increase and allocate them.

Himiko, Queen of Wa

Xerxes, King of Kings

  • Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 Xerxes King of Kings
  • Crusher of Rebellions

    Increased Combat Strength for Units that are attacking in neutral or enemy territory.

    Gain Culture and Gold per Age upon capturing a Settlement for the first time.

    Gain increased Gold in all Settlements, increased even further in Settlements not founded by you.

    Increased Settlement limit per Age.

A Tier Civ 7 Leaders

The Best Civ 7 Leaders, But Not Quite OP

Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 A Tier Best Leaders

Some of the most overpowered Leaders in Civ 7 are so strong that they outclass every other Leader within their own favored Victory type. But that doesn’t mean that other Leaders in Civ 7 aren’t as good – they just aren’t quite as broken as the S-Tier Civ 7 Leaders.


Civilization 7: When Should You Build Settlers and Expand?

Expanding your civilization is a key part of Civ 7, but how soon is it too soon to expand?

These nine A-Tier Civ 7 Leaders all work extremely well for either a single Legacy Path or for multiple at the same time, especially in Antiquity and Exploration. Augustus, for example, can absolutely pump out Culture while working towards Military Domination, Benjamin Franklin can use Diplomacy and Endeavors to boost his progress towards Science, and Machiavelli is able to ignore the effects of declaring a Formal War while he fuels his armies with failed Endeavor Gold.

Pick these best Civ 7 leaders if you want to get some very strong leader bonuses that will propel you towards one, or multiple, Victory conditions in each age. Just don’t expect it to be quite as simple, or easy, as the best Leaders for each Victory type.


Ashoka, World Renouncer

Benjamin Franklin

  • Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 Benjamin Franklin
  • The First American

    Increased Science per Age on Production Buildings in Cities.

    Increased Production towards constructing Production Buildings.

    Increased Science per Age from active Endeavors you started or supported.

    Can have multiple Endeavors of the same type active at a time.


  • Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 Charlemagne
  • Father of Europe

    Military and Science Buildings receive a Happiness adjacency for Quarters.

    Gain a set number of free Cavalry Units, once unlocked, when entering a Celebration.

    Increased Combat Strength for Cavalry Units during a Celebration.


Civilization 7: DX12 vs Vulkan – Which Is Better?

Before you even play Civ 7, you must choose between DX12 vs Vulkan – but what’s the difference, anyway?


Ibn Battuta


  • Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 Lafayette
  • Hero of Two Worlds

    Gains unique “Reform” Endeavor, which grants an additional Social Policy slot.

    Supporting the Reform Endeavor also grants the other Leader an additional Social Policy slot.

    Increased Combat Strength for every Tradition, but not Policy, slotted in the Government.

    Increased Culture and Happiness per Age in Settlements. These effects are increased further in Distant Lands.


  • Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 Machiavelli
  • Il Principe

    Gain additional Influence per Age.

    Gain a set amount of Gold per Age when your Diplomatic Action proposals are accepted, or even more Gold per Age when they are rejected.

    Ignore Relationship requirements for declaring Formal Wars. You can Levy Military Units from City-States you are not Suzerain of.


How to Capture Enemy Settlements and Disperse Independent Powers in Civ 7

After overwhelming their foes using military might, Civ 7 players will be able to capture enemy towns and cities and add them to their empire.

Trung Trac

B Tier Civ 7 Leaders

Solid Civ 7 Leaders With Some Quirks Or Complexity

Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 B Tier Best Leaders

If you pick one of the best Civ 7 Leaders in the S or A-Tier categories, you won’t have a hard time reaching each Age’s Legacy Path Victory with a little bit of thought. But these B-Tier Leaders have quirks that make them harder to win with, Abilities that aren’t as powerful as other Leaders’, or complex and niche mechanics that Civ 7 players really have to take advantage of to do well.

Friedrich (Baroque) and Friedrich (Oblique) will get one Infantry Unit when you make any Culture or Science building, respectively, but other leaders get more units or easier acquisition of units from their Leader Abilities. Harriet Tubman is a great wartime leader on the defense thanks to her War Weariness perk, but Espionage Actions are more like a catch-up mechanic than a way to win the game.


How to Get More Artifacts in Civ 7 (Not Enough Artifacts)

As there’s only a finite number of them, finding enough Artifacts in Civ 7’s Modern Age can be a little tricky for those who go rushing in.

These Civ 7 Leaders ranked here mostly for their downsides, comparative lack of power, or complexity. If you choose one of these Leaders, don’t expect their Leader Abilities to be as impactful – but with careful planning and taking full advantage of every bonus possible, Victory will still be relatively easy to achieve.

Friedrich (Baroque)

Friedrich (Oblique)

Harriet Tubman


  • Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 Isabella
  • Seven Cities of Gold

    Gain Gold every time you discover a Natural Wonder, increased if the Natural Wonder is in Distant Lands.

    Receive additional tile yields from Natural Wonders, additional Gold towards purchasing Naval Units, and reduced Gold maintenance costs for Naval Units.


Civilization 7: List of Each Civ’s Starting Bias

This guide allows players to quickly check each Civ’s starting bias, making it easier to strategize before starting a game of Civilization 7.

Jose Rizal

  • Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 Jose Rizal
  • Pambansang Bayani

    When gaining rewards from a Narrative Event, gain additional Culture and Gold per Age. Has additional Narrative Events.

    Increased Celebration duration and Happiness towards Celebrations.

Napoleon, Emperor

  • Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 Napoleon Emperor
  • Empereur des Français

    Gains a Unique Diplomatic Action that reduces the Trade Route capacity for a target civilization and causes massive Grievances.

    Increased Gold per Age for every leader you’re Unfriendly or Hostile with.

Napoleon, Revolutionary


7 Things Civilization 7 Does Better Than Civilization 6

Civilization 7 had a mixed launch, but there are still a number of things that Civilization 7 does better than Civilization 6.


Xerxes the Achaemenid

  • Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 Xerxes Achaemenid
  • Silk Road

    Increased Trade Route limit with all other leaders.

    Creating a Trade Route or Road with a Merchant provides Gold and Culture per Age.

    Increased Culture and Gold per Age on Unique Buildings and Unique Improvements.

C Tier Civ 7 Leaders

You Can Win With These Leaders, But It’s Not As Easy

Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 C Tier Worst Leaders

Some might consider these to be the worst Civilization 7 Leaders of the lot, but in truth, you can still play the game extremely effectively as any of these three at the bottom of the pack. The problem with Ashoka, World Conquerer, Himiko, High Shaman, and Tecumseh is that they don’t particularly favor any Victory Condition, nor do they necessarily excel at what their Leader Abilities enable.

For example, Ashoka, World Conquerer has great benefits from Celebrations and Happiness, but there are other Military Victory Leaders who can support long-term military campaigns better, rather than seizing the moment during Celebrations. Himiko, High Shaman also favors Happiness and Celebrations, but only slightly favors the Culture Victory with an effect tied to Celebrations.


Civilization 7: How To Get A Science Victory

To earn a Science Victory, Civ 7 players must complete three Space Race projects, then launch the first Staffed Space Flight before anyone else.

Tecumseh is an interesting case. He is not a bad leader, but he doesn’t favor any Victory Condition in the game at all. In fact, his abilities are all based on whether he is the Suzerain of multiple City-States. Because of how difficult it can be to ensure you get every City-State Suzerainty, this is a tough leader to win with, but it’s not impossible if you build into Influence.

Don’t avoid these Leaders, but don’t expect Victory to be as easy as it might be with other leaders.

Ashoka, World Conqueror

Himiko, High Shaman

  • Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 Himiko High Shaman
  • Miko of Amaterasu

    Increased Happiness per Age on Happiness Buildings.

    Increased Production towards constructing Happiness Buildings.

    Gain increased Culture but slightly reduced Science, with increased effects during a Celebration.


  • Civilization VII All Leaders Ranked Every Leader Tier List Civ 7 Tecumseh
  • Nicaakiyakoolaakwe

    Increased Food and Production per Age in Settlements for every City-State you are Suzerain of.

    Increased Combat Strength for all your Units for every City-State you are Suzerain of.

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February 11, 2025


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