With the new Season, Apex Legends has started a trend we hope to see in future seasons where balancing changes drastically mix up the game. Last Season, we saw a support meta with new passives that made headlines in the patch notes as “Season 23: The Season of Supports!”; this season seems to be doing the same to the Assault class.

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But, where does that leave the rest of the Legends? Where are Supports placed with the new nerfs? We compiled a tier list for this Season’s Legends to answer these questions, and more – so let’s start off with explaining the rankings.
How Our Ranking Was Determined
There are five Classes of Legends, and in each Class, there are several Legends that conform to that role (Supports will support the team in some way, Skirmishers have agility and pushing potential, and so on). Each Class offers its Legends perks that help them in that role, and this becomes a very big factor in their potential.
In Split 1, we didn’t get a new entry to the roster, so we’ve got 26 Legends to place. Let’s break this down into factors we should consider for the tier list:
- How versatile are their abilities in Battle Royale?
- Do they fit their role well?
- What perks does their Class come with?
- How do upgrades alter their performance?
- How does their potential change from early-game to late-game?
This tier list isn’t a final say on who you should be playing this Season. Playstyle impacts player performance more than any other factor a Legend has, so keep in mind that this is a recommendation for great picks this Season if you’re trying someone new, or if you’re looking for raw potential in fights.
Due to the devs severely buffing every Legend, we are now in a state where you can’t go wrong with picking anyone – because everyone is in a good spot right now! Because of this, the tier list will encompass four condensed tiers, instead of the regular five or six. Those rankings are as follows:
S Tier |
Picks with currently the highest potential go in the S Tier. Legends here are undeniably strong, no matter the situation, and bring something to the team that no other Legends can. |
A Tier |
This tier is reserved for great picks that can bring a lot of help to the team. All Legends should strive to be here, as going any higher would give them unfair advantages. |
B Tier |
B for Balanced, B-tier is home to the majority of the Legends. Picks from this tier have a balanced kit that has outplay potential but requires practice and awareness to be made truly great. We recommend any Legend from this tier or above. |
C Tier |
Weaker picks for the Season, yet still not underpowered; Legends in C Tier need very little to be in a good spot, but just lack the oomph for us to recommend them right now. That said, in the right hands, these can still outperform S-tier Legends. |
S Tier
As you may have guessed, this tier hosts only the best of the best. As far as Legend balancing goes, this season dawns a renaissance of sorts, as there are very few champs that are deserving of S tier – and that is great! A less populated S tier would mean that most champs are closer to one another in terms of potential, so it’s up to the player’s playstyle to define who they’re playing. Nonetheless, if you’re looking for raw potential, here are the picks:
Name |
Class |
Description |
Ash |
Assault |
This is the first time Ash has ever been this high on a tier list, but she absolutely deserves it this Season. The dash she gains is incredible for shotgun builds, her ult was buffed, her tactical was buffed – she is a menace and a half on the battlefield now. Ash mains rejoice! |
Lifeline |
Support |
Despite the Support Class nerfs, Lifeline is still one of the most useful Legends on the roster. Having her on the team can make the game, as situations that would otherwise return the team to the lobby are completely negated by her onslaught of heals, her fast revivals, and her new ult. |
Ballistic |
Assault |
Assault Legends just didn’t see a very high spot on the tier list in a while, and Ballistic stood out most for being incredibly hard to make good plays with. This Season sees his revival, as his sling finally supports Care Package weapons and buffs regular weapons – meaning he’s a beast in the early and late game now. |
A Tier
Whilst the S tier has unfair advantages and should be seeing a nerf next season, A tier hosts picks that are undeniably good in many situations, and won’t necessarily be getting nerfed soon. This tier has a little bit of each role, so you can look for the Legend that fits your style best.
Name |
Class |
Description |
Mad Maggie |
Assault |
If you’re looking for pure chaos on the battlefield, Mad Maggie’s got you covered. She denies enemy cover, blasts their defenses open with her ult, and gives the team an immediate advantage. With this Seasons buff, she’s also able to break Gibby’s bubble, and Newcastle’s Ultimate too. She’s just shy of S tier, mostly because she has less to offer in other departments, and focuses all of her abilities on breaching. Still, she’s the best at what she does. |
Fuse |
Assault |
Similarly to Mad Maggie, but falling short of her expertise, Fuse has breaching potential – but he’s more viable in other areas than she is. He can maintain fights, control enemies with grenades, and still gets all the perks of being an Assault Legend. |
Mirage |
Support |
Mirage is an expert on two things: low-level lobbies and late-game chaos. In the final rings, he can discern exactly where the enemy is, confuse them, and then give your team an opening they wouldn’t otherwise have. The downside is that he’s not the best in the early game, and a veteran will always be able to identify the real Mirage – but still, he’s a great asset. |
Loba |
Support |
Last Season, Loba saw an insane buff that landed her straight in the S tier. This Season we’re seeing a slight nerf to that, but enough so that she’s still very viable. She makes sure your team is well-kitted before a fight, and if that doesn’t go well, she has great escape potential that lets her Respawn her teammates if need be. She’s just not a powerhouse anymore. |
Newcastle |
Support |
Newcastle is the best traditional Support currently (second to Lifeline), as Loba and Mirage both don’t support the team directly and instead give small bonuses for them to use. Newcastle’s role is to jump in and protect everyone, making sure everyone is alive and well. He sits comfortably here, same as last Season. |
Horizon |
Skirmisher |
Horizon has been slowly inching away from S tier, and back down to a far healthier spot. She’s still an amazing Skirmisher, one of the best if you know what you’re doing, but with everyone else getting buffed to her level or beyond, and not her falling to everyone else’s level, she’s still as useful and as fun as she’s always been. |
Bangalore |
Assault |
Perhaps a bit weaker compared to the other Assault Legends, Bangalore can still do a lot for her team. Her smoke can be used defensively and offensively, and her ult can completely stop fights if she wills it, but that’s kind of her role – making sure things don’t go out of control for your team. |
Alter |
Skirmisher |
Alter is in a good spot right now, as her abilities can catch enemies that think they’re safe by surprise and change the tides of the fight very quickly. That said, she requires expert-level knowledge of the map to truly reach her potential, but don’t be swayed; her potential is massive. |
B Tier
This tier is here for Legends that are completely viable and balanced, and can be made amazing with skilled play, but require more effort. It is also home to most of the roster, as this or A tier are where the Legends should be for a healthy feeling game, and a roster that feels like it can be used wholly.
Name |
Class |
Description |
Crypto |
Recon |
The priorities of the game have shifted drastically recently, and Recons just aren’t as important as they once were, since intel can be gathered in a myriad of ways now. That said, we believe Crypto is the best in this still, as he has a lot more to offer than just vision, and his abilities can save him in tough situations too. He is pretty difficult though, as you have to essentially operate two characters at once, and still be in fights. |
Gibraltar |
Support |
Gibby has been in such a good spot for so long, and we are so happy to see that the other Legends finally caught up with him to where he can sit in B tier. He and Crypto are very close to A-tier, and Gibby in particular has only one trick (though it’s a very good trick), and that’s his bubble. Still as strong as ever, he immediately takes control of fights while it’s active, but after that, he’s a very big target with not much left to offer. |
Wraith |
Skirmisher |
The Apex Legends staple, Wraith, is in a great spot right now. She feels balanced and takes skill and knowledge to take to the next level, which is exactly what a Legend like her needs. Good players will do amazing with her, but the skill curve has increased a lot recently, and with so much competition going around, her placement here is warranted. |
Revenant |
Skirmisher |
Revenant feels as fun as ever to play, but he’s a lone wolf. He doesn’t support his team and is instead just a loose cannon that demolishes everything he can until he’s downed. If you’re a good shot, his abilities are there to push in and devastate, but he has little to offer elsewhere. It’s hard to place him, as you need a specific playstyle to be good with him. |
Pathfinder |
Skirmisher |
He used to tower at the top of tier lists but has since seen quite some nerfs. We wish he was a little stronger just because the nerfs affected the fun value of the Legend, though he is not in a bad spot in the least. He still has some of the best mobility in the game, and shouldn’t be understated. |
Wattson |
Controller |
Last Season, Assault Legends felt like they didn’t have a place, but this Season it’s Controllers who don’t belong, as the whole game is more focused on breaching and pushing and zipping around quickly; fortification just isn’t too viable. That said, Wattson is still the best in securing an area, and veterans can even use her offensively. |
Rampart |
Controller |
Rampart may be a Controller, but she has incredible offensive potential. Pulling up to a lone enemy with a full-on minigun when they think they’re safe is what Apex Legends is all about, and recently she shines the hardest when she’s used offensively in this manner rather than defensively. |
Octane |
Skirmisher |
Octane has seen a beautiful count of buffs over the past Seasons, and we are in a state now where he’s just fine where he is. He’s fun, he’s very mobile, and especially now in E-District, he has a unique ability to scale the team upwards without much notice. |
Vantage |
Recon |
Vantage is the ultimate sniper’s dream. Her whole kit revolves around sniping, repositioning, and recognizing enemy placements quickly. That said, the current meta revolves very heavily around movement and low TTK, to where she’s hard to recommend this Season per se, but she is not a bad pick either. |
Catalyst |
Controller |
Whilst Catalyst might be good at locking down areas, as said previously, the meta just doesn’t allow this to be a viable tactic. Her abilities can be used offensively too, but they need to be placed carefully to control fights effectively. |
C Tier
We have finally reached the C tier, and there are only a few Legends that don’t perform well enough to be placed higher. Don’t confuse it though, this tier has picks that are still very viable, and if they fit your playstyle, skill can push their performance all the way to the S tier in many situations.
Name |
Class |
Description |
Conduit |
Support |
It was hard to place her here, but she just doesn’t offer as much with how healing, in general, has changed recently. That, and her ult just doesn’t control areas as easily as it used to, as many Legends can just avoid it entirely, or pass through it in many cases with very little to lose. |
Valkyrie |
Recon |
Valk needs some sort of major buff soon, as she’s hard to play in the game’s current state. She has an escape tool, but the conditions for it to work are hard to make, and her other abilities aren’t easy to execute well. In the right hands, she can be amazing, but we’re hoping to see her higher on the list in the later Seasons. |
Bloodhound |
Recon |
Bloodhound can’t ever fall too far on the list, but his abilities are already part of kits of other Legends that have more to offer. He’s good at discerning local enemies and tracking down escapees, but he isn’t necessary in the current team composition. |
Caustic |
Controller |
Caustic is in a strange spot right now, as many legends can just dash through his smoke and enter into a fight where they have an advantage. To avoid this, careful planning must be made before it comes to it, but controlling an area is just not the best tactic in the current meta, leaving Caustic only to those who know the map very well. |
Seer |
Recon |
Seer is the only Legend who’s currently in a state where he has almost nothing to offer of much worth. He can tell you where the current enemies are, but his area of effect is too small and not effective against stationary enemies; even skilled players might struggle to win with him this Season. |

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