All Galawain’s Tusk Totem Piece Locations in Avowed

All Galawain's Tusk Totem Piece Locations in Avowed
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The Totem of Perserverance is the fourth and final totem that makes up Avowed‘s Totem Shrine. Like all previous totems, every piece of this will be found in a single region. In this case, the region is Galawain’s Tusk. Collecting every piece of the totem to Galawain will unlock the final six totem boons. In this guide, we’ll show you where to find all totem pieces in Galawain’s Tusk, and reveal the perks that each piece offers.



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Where to Find the Fragments of the Spoils Document in Avowed


All four of the totems in Avowed feature a document that provides clues to the location of each individual piece. They are always sold by a single merchant, and always for 500 gold. In this case, the document – titled “Fragments of the Spoils” – is sold by Quartermaster Yorgu at Solace Keep.

If you haven’t visited Solace Keep yet, head to the center of the eastern edge of Galawain’s Tusk. There, you’ll find the bridge leading into the castle. To gain access, you’ll have to speak to Warden Kosmin.

We always brought Marius with us when attempting to enter the keep for the first time. There were never any issue and we were allowed to pass. However, the outcome may be different if you do not bring Marius.

Inside the keep, if you face the large statue in the center of the main hall, you’ll find Yorgu in the far right corner behind the statue. You can purchase the document directly from him.

Galawain’s Tusk Totem Core Location – Avowed


The first item listed on the document, and in the quest description, is the Totem Core. The riddle is as follows:

Where fungal forest halts, among the ruins the Changeling’s totem exalts.

  • Riddle Solution: Shrine to Galawain

The Shrine to Galawain is in the Twinedwood region of Galawain’s Tusk, just southwest of the Solace Keep Party Camp. There will be two massive Ogres in the main courtyard of the shrine. After taking them out, head up the steps to the larger of the two main platforms, and you’ll see a special shrine area with its own small set of stairs leading to it. The Totem Core is on a small podium in the center of this shrine area.

Remember that in Avowed, the Totem Base for each of the four totems must be collected before you can place any of the pieces at the Totem Shrine. This is why you’ll see “Totem Base Required” if you approach the shrine without it.



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Antler of Perservering Stag Location – Avowed


The second piece listed on the document is the Antler of the Persevering Stag. The riddle is as follows:

Below a bridge above the acid sea, the first of the elk’s remains shall be…

  • Riddle Solution: Bridge to the Garden

During the first real mission in Galawain’s Tusk, titled “Our Dreams Divide Us Still“, you will be tasked with locating the Steel Garrote near the Bridge to the Garden in the southeastern corner of the map.


If you start from the location shown on the above map, you can follow the path to a small ledge under the broken bridge. On this ledge, you’ll find the Antler of the Persevering Stag next to a dead body.

Antler of Pursued Stag Location – Avowed


The third clue offered in “Fragments of the Spoils” will lead you to the Antler of the Pursued Stag. The riddle is as follows:

Past disused tower guarding lava fields, by stone and bramble this antler is revealed

  • Riddle Solution: North of Pargrun Cache

This totem piece is found in a secret cave north of the Galawain’s Tusk Pagrun Cache. The cache is found northwest of the Lost Village where Marius’ companion quest takes you.

  • Make sure you bring Yazli, as she’ll need to dispel illusions.

The easiest way to reach this location is to start from the Primordial Depths North Beacon, then head directly north through the broken gap in the spiked fence. Cross the lava river, then enter the cave. Be careful, as there are multiple spiders you’ll have to deal with. You’ll notice a small hole in the wall of the cave, as well as a larger exit heading into a room with lava. The small hole leads to the same chamber, so you can choose either.

Burn the brambles on the upper level, then make your way up to the exit of the second cave chamber. When you exit the final tunnel, you’ll see the Pagrun Cache structure directly ahead. Turning left out of the tunnel will take you to the cache, but you want to turn right. Continue down the path until you see Xaurip paintings on the rock wall to the right. Stop there, and turn. You should see an illusory wall blocking a cave entrance.

Inside the cave, you’ll see a large bramble wall that you must burn. The Antler of the Pursued Stag is in a small hut behind the bramble wall.

Immediately after collecting the Antler, you can collect the final Hunter’s Arrows of Surviving. Check the final section to see the route. In short, you turn left at the Pargrun Cache instead of right, then stay along the left rock wall until you reach an old Godless ruin.


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Wolf’s Pelt Trophy Location – Avowed


The fourth riddle in “Fragments of the Spoils” will lead you to the Wolf’s Pelt Trophy piece. The wording is as follows:

The lupine pelt will heed your call, on ashen tower where the sky did fall

  • Riddle Solution: Ash Forest Outpost

If you’ve started or completed the “Homecoming” mission, you’ve likely already got a mission marker or fast-travel beacon that can guide you to the area of the Wolf’s Pelt Trophy. If you have access, travel to the Ash Forest Beacon in the northwest corner of Galawain’s Tusk.

Head to the western edge of the Ash Forest, and you’ll discover the Ash Forest Outpost. You need to make it to the top of the southernmost structure. If you look on the around the left side of the structure, you’ll see a series of rock ledges that you can climb. At the top of the ledges, you can jump and reach the top of the outpost building.


On top of the building, you’ll find the Wolf’s Pelt Trophy sitting on the ground near a crate and a great hammer.

Hunter’s Arrows of Seeking Location – Avowed


The fifth passage will take you to the summit of Mt. Forja to find the Hunter’s Arrows of Seeking. The riddle states the following:

Near the founder’s head these arrows find, out of view where he is blind

  • Riddle Solution: Mt. Forja Summit/Mines

You can reach the summit of Mt. Forja simply by following the “Our Dreams Divide Us Still” main mission. After you defeat the boss (this is a major spoiler, you’ll know it when you see it) at the summit of Mt. Forja, you can head up a short path along the side of the summit and find the Hunter’s Arrows of Seeking near a chest.



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Hunter’s Arrows of Slaying Location – Avowed


The sixth passage in “Fragments of the Spoils” lead you to the Hunter’s Arrow of Slaying. The riddle states:

In the fallen spire amidst fields of slumber, a wooden trio waits to be discovered

  • Riddle Solution: Slumbering Fields Ruins

To find the Hunter’s Arrows of Slaying, start from the Slumbering Fields Beacon, in the region of the same name. The Slumbering Fields are located in the eastern section of Galawain’s Tusk, and are the only area on the map that is visibly green.

From the beacon, head north under the first arch. Continue north, and you’ll see another arch with a rock bridge on top. Pass under the second arch and follow the dirt path until it comes to a T. At the cross, turn left and continue under the third arch. Follow the path to the top of the small incline.

At the top of the hill, you’ll see a large rock feature with what appears to be a root in the shape of a circular crown. Use the rock platforms on the right side of the structure to make your way up to the top. There, you’ll see a large hole in a rock wall that leads into a small open chamber.

In the chamber, you’ll find the Hunter’s Arrows of Slaying in a chest.

Hunter’s Arrows of Surviving Location – Avowed


The final riddle in “Fragments of the Spoils” will take you to the Godless ruins by the Lost Village. The passage states:

The final shafts you shall seek in a silent village where spirits still shriek.

  • Riddle Solution: Lost Village

The Hunter’s Arrows of Surviving are found very close to the Antler of the Persevering Stag. Instead of turning right after exiting the cave at the Pargrun Cache, turn left and make your way up the rock ledges.

At the top of the rock ledge, you can see a domed ruin to the southeast. Make your way across the rocky path and enter the ruined structure. Inside, you’ll find the Hunter’s Arrows of Surviving on a small table.


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To heal in Avowed, and to increase Health, Avowed players can consume certain Potions and Drinks and slot certain abilities.

All Totem of Perseverance Perks – Avowed


Perk Name

Perk Description

Quarry to Slaughter

Increases damage to prone enemies by 75%

Bloodied Hands

Critical hits deal high Bleed accumulation

Hunting Howl

Second Wind casts Barbaric Shout

In Victory’s Raiment

Killing an enemy gives you +4% damage reduction for 10 seconds

The Changeling’s Power

+2 Might, +2 Constitution

On Victory’s Heels

Killing an enemy gives you +2-% Move Speed for 10 seconds

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