How To Get All Endings

How To Get All Endings

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Hogwarts Legacy has three main endings for players to discover in addition to Sebastian’s dialogue choices which change how his companion quest line ends. Hogwarts Legacy includes a good ending, a bad one, and a universal, final ending scene for both ‘good’ or ‘bad’ dialogue pathways.

Players must first complete all four Keeper trials in the main story before they can access a main story quest, ‘The Final Repository.’ This quest contains the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ endings, with Hogwarts Legacy‘s ending affected by player choices to a certain extent. Players must also defeat Ranrok during the quest before they can view their chosen ending cutscene.

Updated February 17, 2025, by Gemma Johnson: Hogwarts Legacy’s ‘The Final Repository’ quest takes players and Professor Fig into the final leg of their ancient magic investigations and mission to stop the villainous Ranrok from taking over. It’s an explosive quest with multiple endings, enabling players to experience what is known as the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ endings, in addition to the penultimate ‘universal’ ending, depending on their choices. While players can re-load previous save files to check out all the possible Hogwarts Legacy endings and choices, it can be helpful to know how to get the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ endings beforehand, including what dialogue choices players will need to choose to get either outcome. Some players may also be intrigued to know what impact each Hogwarts Legacy ending has on the rest of the game, including post-game content. Of course, some events also still happen regardless of what ending players choose, including having to fight Ranrok as the final boss and the tragic events that follow.

Players should be aware that significant spoilers lie ahead.

How To Get Hogwarts Legacy’s Good Ending

The absence of a morality system in Hogwarts Legacy means that it doesn’t matter what actions players take before ‘The Final Repository’ quest and its key choices, such as whether players decide to learn all the Unforgivable Curses or not. Whether players role-played a ‘bad’ wizard or otherwise, they can still get either the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ ending in Hogwarts Legacy. However, there is one crucial dialogue option to consider during ‘The Final Repository’ quest, which dictates the ending players get and what cutscenes they witness before the final ‘universal’ ending after Professor Fig asks players what they plan to do with the Repository.

To get the “good” ending in Hogwarts Legacy, players should respond to Professor Fig with the words, “I intend to keep it contained here.” Professor Fig also asks players how long they intend to keep the Repository hidden. The second dialogue option has no impact, so players can choose from either of the following responses to still receive the ‘good’ ending in Hogwarts Legacy, as follows:

  • “I intend to keep it hidden forever.”
  • “I intend to keep it a secret for now.”

If players choose the second dialogue option, Professor Fig also agrees that this is the option Miriam would have wanted, entrusting players to do the right thing.


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Good Ending Outcomes In Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy Professor Fig

After players defeat Ranrok, a cut scene triggers, showing players containing the Repository’s power, followed by an emotional and tragic scene with an injured Professor Fig, arguably one of Hogwarts Legacy‘s best professors. The next cutscene returns to the Great Hall at Hogwarts, triggering the ‘universal ending’ where Professor Black gives a speech in the Great Hall and pays tribute to Professor Fig. Here, players will also take part in a conversation with either Sebastian or Ominis, depending upon their earlier Sebastian choices in the side quest called ‘In The Shadow of Fate.’

How To Get Hogwarts Legacy’s Bad Ending

Hogwarts Legacy bad ending I intend to open it dialogue choice

To get the ‘bad’ ending in Hogwarts Legacy, players should select the second dialogue option stating “I intend to open it” when Fig asks what players will do with the Repository. This option opens up three additional dialogue responses for players to choose from, so it’s crucial players choose carefully if they want to get the ‘bad’ ending. If players select the first option agreeing with Professor Fig, which says “You’re right,” they’ll redact their initial choice and still see the good ending. Therefore, players who want to get the ‘bad’ ending should select either the second and third dialogue choices, which are:

  • “This power should not be kept from the world.”
  • ‘I want the power for myself.”


Hogwarts Legacy: In The Shadow Of Fate Quest Guide

In the Shadow of Fate is one of the last side quests players will receive from Sebastian in Hogwarts Legacy.

Bad Ending Outcomes in Hogwarts Legacy

Ranrok Dragon and a red orb in Hogwarts Legacy

Like in the ‘good ending’, players will still have to fight and beat Ranrok as the final boss of the game. Afterward, instead of witnessing a cutscene of Professor Fig helping the player, the evil ending activates, showing a clip of the player absorbing the Repository’s ancient power and grinning before presumably containing it for future use. It doesn’t seem there’s anyone else to watch this moment unfold, and it’s left unclear what the impact of this action will be. When the cutscene ends, players then see the same ‘Universal’ ending cutscene of Professor Black talking to the students in the Great Hall.

Hogwarts Legacy’s Universal True Ending

Hogwarts Legacy universal ending Professor Black and Professor Weasley

Consequently, whether players choose the good or bad ending in Hogwarts Legacy, what happens to Professor Fig doesn’t change, and all players will see the cutscene of Professor Black speaking in the Great Hall afterward. It also doesn’t seem to impact how other characters treat the player’s character when exploring the open world, with NPCs only congratulating players on beating Ranrok. Additionally, Hogwarts Legacy‘s main story questline has a final, true universal ending for all players in the final Hogwarts Legacy quest called ‘The House Cup’, which is accessible once players reach level 34 and takes place after a further quest called ‘Weasley’s Watchful Eye.’


Hogwarts Legacy: What is the Max Level?

Those wondering what the level cap is in Hogwarts Legacy need look no further, as this guide has the answer as well as a few tips on how to level up.

In ‘The House Cup’, the true ending of Hogwarts Legacy, players visit the Great Hall for a different cutscene where they hear the outcome of which Hogwarts House has won the Cup for the school year. They will receive 100 points to lead their House to victory owing to their role in stopping Ranrok. The ending also features a short series of clips of some other classes in the year, and players even get to see students facing a Boggart in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

After completing ‘The Final Repository,’ most players who’ve completed various side activities such as collecting Field Guide pages in Hogwarts Legacy will likely already be at level 34 or very close to it, so they should be able to complete ‘Weasley’s Watchful Eye’ and ‘The House Cup’ fairly quickly.

Of course, Hogwarts Legacy‘s ending leaves some lingering questions for some players, including why the characters seem to be celebrating even if players open the Repository – although presumably this is kept secret. While the ‘good’ ending is more conclusive, the ‘bad’ or ‘evil’ ending leaves more unanswered questions and puts a question mark over what legacy players leave behind for the school and the wider magical community. However, perhaps some of these questions could still be answered in a rumored possible Hogwarts Legacy DLC or sequel.

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February 10, 2023

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