Best Predator Strain Loadouts and Builds in Helldivers 2

Best Predator Strain Loadouts and Builds in Helldivers 2
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The Predator Strain is a terrifying Terminid subfaction in Helldivers 2, mutated by the mysterious spore cloud known as the Gloom. These enhanced creatures are faster, stronger, smarter, and deadlier than their normal counterparts. Currently, only two Predator Strains have been revealed: the Predator Stalkers and the Predator Hunters, with possibly more hiding deep within the Gloom.

Facing these new Terminid enemies requires more than just a good weapon and a stratagem that creates flashy explosions. You need a well-planned loadout that balances firepower, utility, and survival. To that end, here are the most optimal loadouts and builds recommended for the Predator Strain in Helldivers 2, ensuring you have the weapons, stratagems, and gear needed to put them down with ease.


Helldivers 2: Best Heavy Armor, Ranked

Heavy armor in Helldivers 2 offers extra protection and unique appearances. Some are better than others thanks to their passive perks.

Predator Strain Loadout #1: Double Sentries

Helldivers 2 - Predator Strain Loadout 1


SG-8 Punisher / SG-451 Cookout


GP-31 Grenade Pistol


G-13 Incendiary Impact

Armor Passive



  • EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank
  • AX/TX-13 “Guard Dog” Dog Breath
  • A/G-16 Gatling Sentry
  • A/MG-43 Machine Gun Sentry

The SG-8 Punisher

and SG-451 Cookout

are the best answers to the Gloom-enhanced strain of Terminid Predators. Both shotguns stagger enemies on hit, stopping them in their tracks, and giving you enough time to unload more pellets into their mutated carapaces. The Punisher does more damage, but the Cookout fires incendiary pellets to set enemies ablaze, allowing you to retreat or focus on other targets while leaving them to burn.

The footage below shows how powerful stagger shots can be in Helldivers 2. Notice how the Cookout momentarily stuns Predator Stalkers with each shot, and completely obliterates Predator Hunters with a single blast.

Bringing both the A/G-16 Gatling Sentry

and the A/MG-43 Machine Gun Sentry

provides a critical tactical edge against the Predator Strain in Helldivers 2, especially since they hunt in relentless packs. However, do not deploy both at once. Instead, drop one, then call in the other when the first has done its job. This rotation keeps a sentry active at all times, ensuring a continuous stream of firepower to cut down bugs in every engagement.

The EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank

takes care of all heavies. It also provides the distinct advantage of picking up another support weapon you may find at a point of interest, leaving you free to call in an EAT-17 during an encounter and switch weapons as needed.

The AX/TX-13 “Guard Dog” Dog Breath may not be the most popular choice, but it is a perfect fit for a Predator Strain loadout in Helldivers 2. This automated backpack blinds and slows enemies that get too close. With Predator Stalkers and Hunters able to quickly reach your location by the dozens, the Dog Breath ensures your flank stays covered at all times.

Predator Strain Loadout #2: Maximum Stagger and Shred

Helldivers 2 - Predator Strain Loadout 2


SG-8 Punisher


GP-31 Grenade Pistol


G-123 Thermite

Armor Passive



  • M-105 Stalwart / MG-43 Machine Gun (Support)
  • AX/LAS-5 “Guard Dog” Rover / SH-32 Shield Generator Pack
  • Orbital Railcannon Strike / Eagle 500kg Bomb
  • Orbital Laser

The best Predator Strain loadout in Helldivers 2 is all about mowing down Terminid swarms while keeping them at bay. The SG-8 Punisher offers devastating close-medium-range stopping power to quickly neutralize any advancing Predator Stalkers.

Your main firepower, however, will come from the hail of bullets from either the M-105 Stalwart

or MG-43 Machine Gun

. Both are top-tier support weapons in Helldivers 2, featuring high fire rates, large magazine capacities and stagger on every hit, making them perfect for cutting through waves of Predator Terminids.

Add the Siege-Ready armor passive to this loadout, and your weapons get increased reload speed and ammo capacity, meaning your relentless barrage of fire will be even longer. When the magazine dries out, switch to the Punisher to blast any remaining enemies. Pair Siege-Ready with heavy armor, and you will be an unstoppable juggernaut, holding the line against even the most overwhelming swarms.

The G-123 Thermite Grenade

and Orbital Railcannon Strike

should be enough to take out any Bile Titans and Impalers in Helldivers 2.

As for the AX/LAS-5 “Guard Dog” Rover

, it automatically watches your flank and fries any wandering light enemies. You can switch it with the SH-32 Shield Generator Pack

to improve your defenses or choose any other stratagem to add more utility.

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