Rather famously, the PlayStation 3 is said to have no games. Obviously that’s an exaggeration, though it does stand that the PS3 is one of Sony’s weakest-performing consoles, even compared to the relatively paltry offerings of the PS5. Launching a yar after the highly successful Xbox 360 definitely did a number on the console, though it still had its high points.

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The PS Vita was a unique but ill-fated console. But just how many games did it get?
Many of Sony’s modern IPs were made on the PS3, and where it really invested in its own IPs rather than those of its partners. Overall, the PS3 is a bit of a mixed bag, and set the stage for Sony’s more cinematic approach to games. Regardless of all that though, let’s dive in and see how many games the console got in total.
How Many Games Were Made For The PlayStation 3?
So, does the PS3 actually have no games? No, not at all. While it does have one of the smallest native libraries of any of Sony’s consoles, it actually has a rather commendable 2000 games, thereabouts. That’s a pretty large number for a console that came later in the generation with some strong competition, especially with the prohibitive cost of the PS3 at launch.
The console did start off pretty slow in terms of releases, though quickly grew as the years went on. The PS3 was still releasing blockbuster exclusives right until the release of the PS4, proof that Sony kept up supporting the console even after multiple setbacks, many of them self-inflicted.
When Was The Last Game Released For The PlayStation 3?
The PS3 originally launched by the tail-end of 2006 with a decent but not fantastic series of titles. That grew over the years into thousands, and slowed rather rapidly after the success of the PS4. Of course, it’s hard to migrate a playerbase that quickly, so games kept trickling along for a good few more years.
By the time its final game released, the PS5 was on the horizon. The very last PS3 game was Shakedown Hawaii, a game that holds many release-related records. It launched on August 20th, 2020 worldwide, marking the final game for the PS3 almost 14 years on from its debut.
Shakedown Hawaii didn’t stop there, either. It finally got a physical PS3 release on September 28th, 2022.
What Were The Launch Titles For The PlayStation 3?
By the time the PS3 launched, the Xbox 360 had already dominated the current generation. The PS3 relied on a strong set of exclusives to set itself apart, especially after multi-platforms developers struggled to work with the console.
- Japan – November 11th, 2006
- North America – November 17th, 2006
- Europe – March 23rd, 2007
After a brief delay before its release in Europe, it launched across every major region. The number of games available increased with each major launch, though the Japanese launch was significantly more limited compared to both Europe and North America.
Launch Titles In Japan |
Launch Titles In North America |
Launch Titles In Europe |
Blast Factor |
Blast Factor |
Blast Factor |
Genji: Days of the Blade |
Genji: Days of the Blade |
Genji: Days of the Blade |
Resistance: Fall of Man |
Resistance: Fall of Man |
Resistance: Fall of Man |
Mobile Suit Gundam: Target In Sight |
Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire |
Mobile Suit Gundam: Target In Sight |
Ridge Racer 7 |
Ridge Racer 7 |
Ridge Racer 7 |
Mainichi Issho |
Call of Duty 3 |
Call of Duty 3 |
Miyasato Miyoshi Kyoudai Naizou: Sega Golf Club |
NHL 2K7 |
NHL 2K7 |
Need For Speed: Carbon |
Need For Speed: Carbon |
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance |
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 |
Tony Hawk’s Project 8 |
Tony Hawk’s Project 8 |
Cash Guns Chaos |
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII |
NBA 07 |
Full Auto 2: Battlelines |
NBA 2K7 |
GripShift |
Madden NFL 07 |
Formula One: Championship Edition |
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom |
Enchanted Arms |
Fight Night Round 3 |
Def Jam: Icon |
Lemmings |
MotorStorm |
NBA Street Homecourt |
World Snooker Championship 2007 |
Sonic The Hedgehog |
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection |
Virtua Fighter 5 |
Virtua Tennis 3 |
In Japan, the PS3 launched with just seven games, though there was at least a good variety in them. The North American launch came with over double in comparison with 16 games. The European launch came over four months later, though it came with a strikingly larger selection of 26 games. While first-party games were lacking across all launches, there were a decent number of exclusives.

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