Trials Of Osiris Weapon God Rolls

Trials Of Osiris Weapon God Rolls

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One of Destiny 2’s

most rewarding activities is the Trials of Osiris, a pinnacle PvP activity where two fireteams fight against one another in high-stakes Dominion matches. Those who demonstrate mastery over the Crucible are rewarded with some of the game’s strongest weapons, including some good weapons for PvE endgame content.


Destiny 2: A Complete Guide To The Trials Of Osiris

Trials of Osiris has never been more rewarding. Participate to earn some of Destiny 2’s strongest items.

Trials has seen many changes over the years and has only continued to grow its weapon roster. With over a dozen weapons to chase, it can be difficult to track which weapon rolls are worth chasing. Fortunately, we’ve compiled the best weapon rolls for all Trials of Osiris weapons in one place. Read on to see the best PvE and PvP rolls for all of Saint-14’s unique weapons.

Aisha’s Care

Destiny 2 Aisha's Care

Source: Focused Decoding

Aisha’s Care is a two-round burst Pulse Rifle that deals Strand damage, allowing it to roll perks like Slice and Hatchling. Heavy Bursts tend to struggle in 1v1 duels due to their lengthy TTK values (0.8s by default), so you’ll want a lethality perk in the second trait column. Kill Clip and Golden Tricorn hardly move the needle here, so you’ll want to aim for Desperado. The fire rate bonus will make Aisha’s Care significantly more forgiving if you miss.

As for the other column, we recommend Slice. Using your class ability will load the next few shots with Sever, reducing the target’s damage output. This can swing your next 1v1 duel in your favor, triggering Desperado to make follow-up kills much easier. It’s not the strongest Pulse Rifle by any stretch, but it’s not a bad pick if you’re someone who loves fighting from a distance.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Ricochet Rounds

Keep Away

Golden Tricorn OR Kill Clip


PvP Roll


Ricochet Rounds




Aisha’s Embrace

Destiny 2 Aisha's Embrace

Source: Legacy Gear

There’s no reason to farm for Aisha’s Embrace in the current sandbox. If you’re looking for a good PvP 260 RPM Scout, get Fang of Ir Yut from Crota’s End or Unloved from Sundered Doctrine. Both weapons can get Precision Instrument and strong utility perks to push this archetype into competitive territory.

If you do get Aisha’s Embrace to drop, it can roll with Triple Tap and Fourth Time’s The Charm if you want to fire hundreds of bullets without reloading. It’s not practical in the slightest, but it is something unique you seldom find on other guns.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Extended Mag

Triple Tap

Fourth Time’s the Charm


PvP Roll

Do Not Use

Astral Horizon

Destiny 2 Astral Horizon

Source: Legacy Gear

Astral Horizon has been utterly powercrept and can be safely ignored. If you played during Witch Queen, a crafted Imperial Decree blows this weapon out of the water in nearly every category. If not, farm the Competitive PvP playlist for a good Deadlock. And if you want a good One-Two Punch Shotgun, get Swordbreaker from

Crota’s End



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Do Not Use

PvP Roll

Burden Of Guilt

Destiny 2 Burden of Guilt

Source: Legacy Gear

Despite its age, Burden of Guilt can still hang in the current PvP sandbox, mainly thanks to its excellent base stats. This weapon’s only main competitor is Pressurized Precision from Iron Banner, and while that weapon can get Discord for easy kill chaining, Burden of Guilt has tons of consistency perks that make it a dream to shoot.

In most situations, Elemental Capacitor and High-Impact Reserves make for a strong Fusion Rifle. Equip an Arc Super to greatly increase your handling, and aim for as much range and stability as possible.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Do Not Use

PvP Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Projection Fuse

Elemental Capacitor (ARc)

High-Impact Reserves



Destiny 2: Heresy – The Best Rolls For The New Playlist Weapons

These are the best playlist weapon rolls you’ll find in Episode: Heresy.

Cataphract GL3

Destiny 2 Cataphract GL3

Source: Legacy Gear

Cataphract GL3 is one of the strongest Heavy weapons in the game, both for PvE and PvP. It’s one of a select few GLs that can get the elite DPS combo of Envious Assassin with Bait and Switch, allowing you to load a whopping 24 grenades into the drum magazine while benefiting from a 30% damage buff. Calling this weapon a DPS monster would be a major understatement.

It’s a great choice for PvP as well. Adaptive GLs can one-tap Guardians with explosive damage if you can hit roughly 70 Blast Radius, which this weapon can achieve quite easily. Impulse Amplifier will make your grenades significantly faster, and Chain Reaction is useful for getting cleanup kills. If you’re looking to spend your Trials Engrams on a strong weapon, Cataphract is a great choice.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Quick Launch

Augmented Drum

Mini Frags

Envious Assassin

Bait and Switch

Blast Radius

PvP Roll

Quick Launch

High-Explosive Ordnance

Impulse Amplifier

Chain Reaction

Blast Radius

Exalted Truth

Destiny 2 Exalted Truth Preview

Source: Focused Decoding

Exalted Truth is a polarizing weapon. It’s objectively an S-tier Hand Cannon, featuring a stat package and perk pool that most Crucible fans dream of, yet its base SUROS model and meek sound design can prove unappealing to some. If you like Cantata or similar SUROS guns, you’ll have a field day with this gun. If not, we still recommend giving it a try regardless.

This gun is stacked with good perk synergies. Zen Moment with Eye of the Storm turns this into Austringer 2.0 in the Energy slot. Lone Wolf with Eye of the Storm might be the most forgiving 140 RPM Hand Cannon in the game while you’re in a 1v1 duel. Slideshot with Magnificent Howl allows you to chain two taps. Even Withering Gaze and Precision Instrument can help with three-tapping Guardians with DR or healing effects.

PvE players don’t have as many tantalizing combos, although what is on Exalted Truth is quite solid. Destabilizing Rounds can be paired with Repulsor Brace for a decent add clear weapon that doubles as a survivability tool. You can also opt to run Slideshot with Magnificent Howl for easy one-tap headshots against red bars; just remember to slide.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Accurized Rounds

Destabilizing Rounds

Repulsor Brace


PvP Roll


Accurized Rounds

Zen Moment

Withering Gaze

Eye of the Storm

Precision Instrument


Eye Of Sol

Destiny 2 Eye Of Sol

Source: Legacy Gear

Eye of Sol might not have the best perk pool for a Sniper Rifle, but this weapon’s clean scope and 45 zoom have made it a fan-favorite among many dedicated snipers. Perpetual Motion paired with Opening Shot makes for a solid Sniper Rifle for aggressive players. Try to get some handling barrels and a handling Masterwork to make up for the lack of Opening Shot.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Do Not Use

PvP Roll

Fluted Barrel

Ricochet Rounds

Perpetual Motion

Opening Shot



Destiny 2 Forgiveness

Source: Legacy Gear

If you get a Forgiveness to drop, keep your eyes peeled for a roll with Demolitionist and Adrenaline Junkie. While far from a unique roll, both perks have solid synergy with grenade-focused builds and make Forgiveness a solid workhorse primary for PvE content. Crucible players should aim for Moving Target and Harmory for a solid CQC backup weapon to counter Special weapons.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Flared Magwell


Adrenaline Junkie

Reload Speed

PvP Roll


Ricochet Rounds

Moving Target



Igneous Hammer

Destiny 2 Igneous Hammer

Source: Legacy Gear

Igneous Hammer is one of the most forgiving 120 RPM Hand Cannons in the game, firing what are effectively refrigerator-sized bullets once you spec for range. Keep Away greatly helps with your follow-up shots during a gunfight. You can pair this with Eye of the Storm for even more accuracy or Precision Instrument to counter enemy overshields and DR sources. For most players, we suggest the latter perk.

PvE players don’t have much reason to farm for Igneous Hammer specifically, although it’s far from a bad weapon. Heal Clip can be used to proc Ember of Benevolence

on Solar subclasses to greatly buff your ability regeneration. Pair it with Frenzy to address this archetype’s horrendous base reload speed and handling stats.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Ricochet Rounds

Heal Clip



PvP Roll

Fluted Barrel

Ricochet Rounds

Keep Away

Precision Instrument


The Immortal

Destiny 2 The Immortal

Source: Legacy Gear

Now that the SMG Target Lock nerf has been undone, The Immortal is back to being a solid PvP Primary for aggressive players. Target Lock makes the TTK of this weapon far more forgiving if you can land your shots, which pairs nicely with Keep Away’s range and accuracy buffs. If you get a roll with Threat Detector and Kill Clip, consider keeping it for PvE content.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Ricochet Rounds

Threat Detector

Kill Clip


PvP Roll


Ricochet Rounds

Keep Away

Target Lock



Destiny 2 Incisor

Source: Legacy Gear

Unsworn from the Sundered Doctrine dungeon is objectively better, but if you don’t have the Final Shape Dungeon Key and need a decent Strand Trace Rifle, Incisor is a solid alternative. Subsistence with Killing Tally is great for slaying adds in seasonal content, provided you have ammo. Trace Rifles are terrible in PvP, so we suggest avoiding Incisor entirely inside the Crucible.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Projection Fuse


Killing Tally


PvP Roll

Do Not Use

The Inquisitor

Destiny 2 The Inquisitor

Source: Legacy Gear

The Inquisitor has been left behind somewhat from the Shotgun meta, although it’s far from bad. Perpetual Motion paired with Opening Shot allows this weapon to easily hit 100 range and handling, two core stats for any Shotgun. If you don’t mind slugs and are quite aggressive, give this roll a try if you get it to drop. PvE players have far better DPS Shotguns than this.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Do Not Use

PvP Roll

Fluted Barrel

Accurized Rounds

Perpetual Motion

Opening Shot



Destiny 2: The Best Rolls For All Episode: Heresy Weapons

Here are the best perk combinations you can find for Episode: Heresy’s seasonal weapons.

Keen Thistle

Destiny 2 Keen Thistle Preview

Source: Focused Decoding

If you’ve ever wanted to use a Sniper Rifle with Lone Wolf and Closing Time, arguably two of the strongest PvP perks in the game, Keen Thistle is waiting for you. This Aggressive Frame Sniper Rifle has an excellent stat package and arguably the strongest perk pairing for a Special weapon, making it an S-tier Sniper Rifle inside the Crucible.

PvE players might also want to farm for this weapon. It can get Envious Arsenal and Bait and Switch to act as a solid backup DPS weapon, but we find Sniper Rifles are best suited for sniping majors from afar. For that, you can run Incandescent with Discord. Land a kill with another weapon, swap to Keen Thistle, and now all of your sniper kills refund ammo and trigger

Scorching detonations



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Fluted Barrel

Appended Mag




PvP Roll

Fluted Barrel

Accurized Rounds

Lone Wolf

Closing Time


The Messenger

Destiny 2 The Messenger

Source: Legacy Gear

The Messenger has been a staple of the Pulse Rifle meta since its introduction during Season of the Chosen. Once known for its unique ability to roll with Desperado, Messenger is mostly used as a pure dueling weapon in today’s meta, capable of rolling strong neutral perks like Rapid Hit, Under Over, Headseeker, and Keep Away.

Most players will want Rapid Hit and Headseeker to land consistent headshots from a distance, ramping up this weapon’s stability and reload speed in the process. You can also use Kill Clip or Desperado in the second trait column if you want to lower the gun’s TTK after a kill, although this only drops the TTK from 0.67s to 0.6s. For most, that’s simply not worth it.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Ricochet Rounds

Rapid Hit



PvP Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Ricochet Rounds

Rapid Hit



The Prophet

Destiny 2 The Prophet

Source: Legacy Gear

Don’t let the archetype fool you. While it might look like Dead Man’s Tale

, The Prophet is anything but. Speccing this weapon for hipfire accuracy is generally not worth it, although some armor set bonuses in Apollo and the recent rework to Radiant Dance Machines

might make this pipe dream a reality.

For the present moment, you’re better off using The Prophet like a 120 RPM Hand Cannon, dealing chip damage from a distance to support your team. Keep Away greatly buffs the accuracy and range of this weapon while fighting from a distance. Land a kill, and you can proc Kill Clip to lower your TTK to a whopping 0.5s. You can also run Precision Instrument if you prefer a more gradual damage ramp-up.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Accurized Rounds

Enlightened Action

Explosive Payload


PvP Roll


Steady Rounds

Keep Away

Precision Instrument

Kill Clip

Range or Stability

Reed’s Regret

Destiny 2 Reed's Regret

Source: Legacy Gear

The PvE sandbox has come a long way since Reed’s Regret was first introduced. Taipain-4FR, a Linear Fusion Rifle you can craft right after the New Light experience, can get the same Triple Tap and Firing Line roll. You should not be farming Trials of Osiris just to get a Stasis version of a New Light weapon. Avoid this until Bungie updates it in a future season.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Do Not Use

PvP Roll

Shayura’s Wrath

Destiny 2 Shayura's Wrath

Source: Focused Decoding

Shayura’s Wrath remains a top choice for SMG mains across all game types. PvE players can get Repulsor Brace and Destabilizing Rounds to shred adds while generating Void Overshields with ease, greatly increasing your survivability. Crucible mains have a plethora of good perks to pick from here, ranging from strong kill chain options to consistency perks.

We find a happy middle ground to be ideal for this gun. Zen Moment will mitigate most incoming flinch and drastically reduce the weapon’s reticle bounce, making it easy to land consistent headshots. Land a kill, then reload to proc Kill Clip’s damage bonus, bringing Shayura’s TTK down to 0.6s. It hits like a truck, has minimal recoil, and features one of the best origin traits in the game through Nadir Focus. If you need a good PvP SMG, look no further.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


High-Caliber Rounds

Repulsor Brace

Destabilizing Rounds


PvP Roll

Fluted Barrel

Ricochet Rounds

Zen Moment

Keep Away

Kill Clip



Destiny 2: The Best Rolls For All Iron Banner Weapons

Farming Iron Banner? Keep your eyes peeled for these rolls.

Tomorrow’s Answer

Destiny 2 Tomorrow's Answer

Source: Focused Decoding

Tomorrow’s Answer is a chase reward for PvE players, not Crucible mains. If you’re looking for a good PvP Rocket Launcher, you’re typically better off using an Exotic like Gjallarhorn

or running a Grenade Launcher instead. Tomorrow’s Answer is no different in that regard.

However, if you’re in the market for a strong DPS Rocket Launcher, Tomorrow’s Answer is absolutely worth chasing. Envious Arsenal can be paired with Bait and Switch to create the ultimate Heavy weapon for hotswap damage rotations. Not many Rocket Launchers can get Envious Arsenal currently, so focusing your Engrams on Tomorrow’s Answer isn’t a bad play.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Quick Launch

Impact Casing

Envious Arsenal

Bait and Switch


PvP Roll

Do Not Use

Unexpected Resurgence

Destiny 2 Unexpected Resurgence

Source: Legacy Gear

Glaives have struggled to find a place in the greater meta of Destiny 2, which, unfortunately, includes Unexpected Resurgence. It’s the first Glaive to roll with Voltshot in the second column, but you need to manually reload your Glaive each time you wish to proc Voltshot. There aren’t any good reload perks outside Feeding Frenzy in the third column, so we discourage using it entirely.

You’re left with a fairly vanilla Glaive for PvE and PvP content. Replenishing Aegis allows you to reload your Glaive by blocking attacks, and Unstoppable Force rewards that playstyle with a free damage buff. PvP players can rock any damage buff and perform well here, but it’s far from needed.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Auxiliary Reserves

Accurized Rounds

Replenishing Aegis

Unstoppable Force

Shield Duration

PvP Roll

Auxiliary Reserves

Accurized Rounds

Replenishing Aegis


Shield Duration

Unwavering Duty

Destiny 2 Unwavering Duty

Source: Legacy Gear

Unwavering Duty is a solid Machine Gun if you don’t have a good Hammerhead yet. Dynamic Sway Reduction and Killing Tally makes this weapon a dream to use in PvP, landing easy headshots that will ramp up your damage with every kill. PvE players can lean heavily into add clear through Subsistence and Incandescent. Killing Tally also works in place of Incandescent if you aren’t building heavily into Solar.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Ricochet Rounds


Killing Tally



PvP Roll


Ricochet Rounds

Dynamic Sway Reduction

Killing Tally


Whistler’s Whim

Destiny 2 Whistler's Whim

Source: Legacy Gear

Do not get this weapon. Whistler’s Whim was mainly known for its ability to get Kill Clip to land one-hit kills, but ever since HP was changed in Year 6, it is now sorely underpowered in the current sandbox. Virtually all other Bows released over the last year will serve you better.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Do Not Use

PvP Roll

Yesterday’s Question

Destiny 2 Yesterday's Question

Source: Focused Decoding

Yesterday’s Question is an odd weapon. It’s a two-burst Hand Cannon that has a perk pool tailored for PvP, yet this weapon archetype is notorious for its lengthy 0.93s TTK and jumpy recoil pattern. We can fix the consistency issues of this archetype through perks, but the TTK will have to be reduced through Exotic armor and mods.

For raw consistency, it’s tough to beat Lone Wolf and Zen Moment. Lone Wolf’s aim assist boost makes your shots aggressively bend to the target’s head, synergizing perfectly with Zen Moment’s flinch mitigation and minimized reticle bounce. Throw on some range stats, and you have a great feeling 257 RPM Hand Cannon. Find a way to buff your damage output through your build to really bring out this gun’s strengths.

PvE players using burst Hand Cannons should go for Unloved in the Sundered Doctrine dungeon—it gets Explosive Payload as an origin trait and has far better perk options. Despite that, Lucky Pants

Hunters can make short work of bosses with Fourth Time’s the Charm and Vorpal Weapon. It’s effectively Warden’s Law for the Energy slot.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Extended Mag

Fourth Time’s the Charm

Vorpal Weapon


PvP Roll


Ricochet Rounds

Lone Wolf

Zen Moment



Destiny 2: The Best Rolls For The New Sundered Doctrine Weapons

Here are the best rolls you can find on the Sundered Doctrine dungeon weapons in Destiny 2.

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