Hailed as Marvel’s superstar, Luna Snow is arguably the strongest Strategist in Marvel Rivals, having a diverse kit that lets her escape, attack, and, of course, heal en masse. In fact, her abilities are so healing-oriented that she can comfortably support two or more teammates actively engaged in combat.
Like other Strategists, Luna is defined by her Ultimate Ability, which is why she’s such a pain to fight against. Upon activation, she and her nearby allies are basically immortal, letting them either control the objective or stall for time for a prolonged 12 seconds. Coupled with her already impressive skillset, it’s no wonder she’s one of the most popular heroes in her class, so learning how to shut her down can definitely weaken the enemy’s backbone.
How To Counter Luna Snow
Luna falls into the category of Strategists who need a decent aim to be effective. All of her abilities, ranging from her primary fire to freezing projectiles, require precision so they can at least hit their intended target.
This makes one thing clear: the closer she is, the more productive her kit will be, and vice versa.
Thus, the optimal way to counter Luna Snow is by simply obstructing her line of fire or segregating her from her allies. The Korean superstar tends to stay in the backlines as the team’s active yet fragile stalwart, ensuring she’s both consistent with her healing and far away from enemy crosshairs. By cutting off that support cord with block-offs, traps, or offensive pressure, you can dramatically limit Luna’s usefulness.
You can also use her lackluster power to your advantage — without her shard-enhancing Ice Arts, Luna tends to be on the weaker side of damage-per-second (or DPS) output.
This means if you corner her while or after exhausting her clutch Absolute Zero ability, there’s just no chance she can stand up to a Vanguard, Duelist, or even most of the Strategist roster.
How To Counter Luna Snow As A Vanguard
For a Strategist at the top of her game, it’s surprising how many Vanguards can counter her in different ways. Doctor Strange and Magneto, for instance, can use their shields to block all of Luna’s incoming projectiles, which is great for denying enemies their heals.
Groot’s walls serve a similar purpose, detouring the superstar’s shots while trying to box her in for a rapid kill.
A fully-charged Magneto ultimatte can knock out Luna Snow during her Ultimate Ability if correctly aimed.
However, if you truly want to direct your attention and firepower toward her, there are no better counterpicks than solid melee heroes in this role, and Hulk is the premium hard counter within that sub-archetype. Not only can his leaps catapult into the enemy backlines, but his stun-locking Radioactive Lockdown combined with his monstrous damage means he’s a nightmare for Strategists.
Thor’s another great option, using his Storm Surge to displace and corner Luna while dishing out beefy strikes that deal a ton of impact. Another thing he can do is use his Lightning Realm ability to slow down and confine her — after all, the longer you keep her distracted, the weaker her team’s synergy becomes.
How To Counter Luna Snow As A Strategist
There’s generally no reason as a Strategist to go out of your way to attack Luna Snow. In most cases, you’re simply better off supporting your teammates, trying your best to either outdo Luna’s healing or empower your teammates’ attacks with characters like Mantis or Rocket Raccoon.
Unless you’re playing Jeff, you should absolutely use your Ultimate Ability, especially if it mimics the immortal-like healing, when Luna Snow uses hers. Since the enemy team’s practically unkillable during Luna’s ult, you can give your own teammates a similar advantage by giving them the same absurd healing or an offensive boost strong enough to kill the K-pop idol.
If you want to strictly go the healing route, Cloak and Dagger is undoubtedly your ideal option, especially when you consider the fact their ultimate and abilities, like Terror Cape and Veil of Lightforce, offer similar strategies. This duo has incredible versatility and healing numbers, and their Ultimate Ability charges significantly faster than that of Luna, giving you a better chance of clutching up deadlock zones.
How To Counter Luna Snow As A Duelist
Similar to Vanguards, the melee heroes among Duelists can be a relentless threat to Luna. As top-tier assassins, Iron Fist, Magik, Spider-Man, and Black Panther, can hide in the enemy backlines, waiting for the moment Luna’s either away from her teammates or recharging her abilities. Then, when the time’s right, they can strike with blitzing, high-damaging attacks to get a confirmed kill.
Of all the melee characters, Magik is probably the best choice you have. Her quick time-to-kill (or TTK) makes it extremely challenging for Luna to react and escape, and the fact Magik has such a far reach, thanks to her Stepping Discs, means she can even take down Strategists if going too close to them is risky.
During Magik’s Darkchild form, you can perform a fully-charged Magik Slash before an immediate Umbral Incursion follow-up attack to kill Luna Snow during her ult.
Looking at the ranged Duelists, Namor can be a powerful adversary, placing his squids around Luna or areas she’s likely to end up in.
These squids are a major problem for squishy heroes, chipping away HP to the point where they have no option but to regroup and recover. Therefore, they can ensure Luna doesn’t camp in one place for too long or, at the very least, force her attention to remote, lingering obstacles.

Marvel Rivals: How To Counter Groot
Be sure to yell “TIMBER!” the next time you see this sentient tree!
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