How to Get Nature’s Ward in Avowed

How to Get Nature's Ward in Avowed
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Treasure Map – Earthly Aegis” is a treasure map side-quest found in Avowed‘s second region, Emerald Stair. While many of the treasure hunts in Avowed can be tricky, Earthly Aegis features a deceptively simple puzzle that may leave players scratching their heads in confusion. However, the unique Nature’s Ward shield that players will get easily negates any stress endured by this side quest. In this guide, we’ll show you how to find and solve the Earthly Aegis treasure map in Avowed, and how to get the Nature’s Ward shield.



Avowed: All Emerald Stair Totem Piece (Schemer’s Offering)

Players will have to search high and low if they wish to collect all of the fragments and complete the Scheming’s Defiance Totem in Avowed.

Where to Find the Earthly Aegis Treasure Map in Avowed


Visit the Naku Tedek Temple:


To begin the “Treasure Map – Earthly Aegisside quest in Avowed, you’ll first need to reach the second main region of the Living Lands, the Emerald Stair. Once you’ve entered this lush alien-like jungle, you must visit the Naku Tedek Grounds region. The perfect place to start, either as a fast-travel point, or an exploration landmark, is the Neku Tadek Party Camp.

From the camp, you’ll have access to the front of the temple, which is exactly where you want to be. If you look towards the front of the temple, you should see a Priestess of Berath near a large grouping of animancy equipment. If you look to her right, you’ll see a pickable plant just beyond a bunch of blue mushrooms. At the plant, jump over the railing, and you should be looking down at the side of the temple.

If you walk to the end of the path along the temple, you should see a small shrine, and a small wood-fired stove on the right. If you walk past the stove, you should see a large tree branch that leads out to a wall with a hole you can jump through. If you jump into the structure, you’ll find a chest in the corner of the room that contains the Earthly Aegis treasure map.

How to Complete Treasure Map – Earthly Aegis in Avowed


Once you have the map, you can make your way to the Plateau Junction Beacon just south of the Grim Wetlands and the Sunken Village in the northwest corner of Emerald Stair.

From the beacon, walk up the hill to the south. As you make your way to the top, you’ll see a large ruined tower on the left, right along the cliff. Go past the tower, then around to the back on the same side as the railing. At the rear, you’ll see a large root sticking out of the cliff that you can walk along to reach the backside of the tower.


At the end of the root, you’ll reach a section of the wall that is open, but covered in vines and roots. If you look along the right side of the entrance wall, you can see a button between two roots. This can be very tricky to see, especially in the dark. Check the image above to see the exact location of the switch. Once you’ve pressed the switch, return to the front of the tower.

You’ll now see a doorway is open in the front of the tower, allowing you to enter. Inside, you’ll find a sarcophagus that contains Nature’s Ward.

Nature’s Ward Stats:


Block Efficiency




Parry Efficiency


Elemental Resistance


  • Spiked Brambles: Blocking an enemy’s melee attack deals damage to the attacker.
  • Purging: 50% chance to remove the Poisoned status.

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