There are a lot of tools and pieces of equipment that you can use in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Ranging from a simple net to a watering can to grow magical flowers, there are tons of ways to interact with the environment around you. One tool that you can eventually get your hands on is the Bubble Wand.

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In this guide, we are going to take a look at how to obtain the Bubble Wand in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. To get this, you’ll first need to complete a fetch quest that requires you to locate three chests scattered around the world.
Requirements To Complete Magic Bubble Wand
To unlock the Bubble Wand, you’ll need to complete the quest called Magic Bubble Wand. This quest is given by Hangyodon after completing the other quests listed below. Keep in mind, these quests each have their own requirements, so the Bubble Wand can’t be obtained that early in the game.
Once these quests are complete, you’ll be able to speak with Hangyodon and begin the quest.
How To Start Magic Bubble Wand
When you talk to Hangyodon, he’ll tell you a little about the Bubble Wand, and then ask for you to meet him at a sign that is to the right of the Recycling Plant. You won’t need to actually search for this; Hangyodon will swim here and wait for you.
After making it to the sign, speak with Hangyodon, who will then ask you to find a Hidden Sign Chest. This quest requires you to locate a total of three Hidden Sign Chests.
How To Find All Hidden Sign Chests
First Chest
After showing you an image of the Sunken Ship, you’ll need to head there. The chest is located to the left of the mailbox, on a ledge that lines up (on the map) with the nearly horizontal gray stone. Looking at the map, the chest is slightly north of the right side. On the map above, you can see the player standing there.
Once you find the chest, you’ll get a third of the Bubble Wand crafting plan. Return to Hangyodon for a short conversation, and then visit Retsuko, who is at the Hot Springs of Mount Hothead.
Second Chest
Retsuko will be standing near a sign similar to the one that Hangyodon was at. Talk to her, and a new image will appear on the screen. The image itself has a different angle than normal, but its location can be easily spotted from the map.
With the map open, look at the two waterfalls that cascade down into a Hot Spring pool. The Hidden Sign Chest is just north of the top waterfall. You can climb up to this spot and then head north to easily find the chest.
Third Chest
The final chest requires you to find Pekkle at Gemstone Mountain. Pekkle won’t be in his usual Gemstone Town spot though; you’ll find him just south of the Icy Peak mailbox. As such, it’s easier to reach him if you teleport here, and then jump down.
Upon speaking with Pekkle, he will ask that you follow him inside the cave. Here, he’ll then show you a picture of the third and final chest. To reach this location, head left and go through the purple entryway.
This will take you to a round cavern filled with purple gems. Head left around the circle, jumping over any gaps. You’ll eventually reach a section with the Hidden Sign Chest. Open it, get the final piece of the crafting plan, and then return back to Pekkle.
How To Craft The Bubble Wand
With the three crafting plan pieces in hand, you’ll now need to make your way to Chococat, who will combine them all into one plan. From here, you’ll need to craft it with the following materials.
- 20x Starfish
- 5x Box Clams
- 3x Mechanisms
Starfish and Box Clams are found around Rainbow Reef. Mechanisms are crafted with three Gizmos, which you can obtain in return for gifting things to Chococat.
After crafting the Bubble Wand, head to the outside of the Comedy Club. At this point, you’ll need to equip the Bubble Wand and collect three Sapphire Seaponies. When you use the wand, a bubble will appear and move forward. If there is any creature in the way, the bubble will capture them.
You’ll then need to swim to the bubble, which causes you to collect whatever is inside. The seaponies are spread around the coral area that circles the Comedy Club. By doing a round or two, you should easily be able to find three seaponies.
If you wait too long, the bubble will pop! Promptly swim over so this doesn’t happen.
How To Complete Magic Bubble Wand
The final step is easy; just head back into the Comedy Club, speak with Hangyodon, and you are done! Once the quest is complete, you can use the Bubble Wand freely. The tool is mainly used to catch underwater critters, but you can also use it on land. We don’t recommend this though, as it’s slower than the net.

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