Critters are everywhere in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Some of these scurrying creatures are related to quests, such as the elusive Rockadoodler. This chicken-like critter is found in Gemstone Mountain and is needed in order to complete the quest Rockadoodler Roundup.

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After completing Rockadoodler Roundup, you will unlock the minigame of the same name, which has a variety of rewards, including Eggs. In this guide, we are going to take a look at how to complete Rockadoodler Roundup for the first time. This will also cover where to find wild Rockadoodlers around Gemstone Mountain, which is needed for the quest.
Requirements For Rockadoodler Roundup
Prior to starting this quest, you’ll need to be friendship level eight with Pekkle, who is also found on Gemstone Mountain. Additionally, the quest Open The Nature Preserve will need to be completed. This quest has its own separate requirements, including finishing Power Up The Gate and reaching friendship level two with Keroppi.
Once the requirements have been completed, you can head to Gemstone Town and speak with Pekkle.
How To Start Rockadoodler Roundup
After completing the requirements and speaking with Pekkle, he will tell you about the Corral, which is to the north (there is a mailbox right next to it). The quest will now officially start, and you’ll need to then head to the Corral and speak with Pekkle again.
After some conversation, Pekkle will lament the lack of Rockadoodlers, so it’s up to you to fix this. Your goal now is to catch six Rockadoodlers that can be placed in the Corral.
The actual minigame has 15 Rockadoodlers involved, but you don’t need to catch this many; six will do.
How To Find Rockadoodlers
Rockadoodlers can be a bit hard to catch if you don’t know where to look. They are also quite fast and scare easily. To combat this, you have a few options.
- Take a Speedy Walking Potion
Use Keroppi’s Critter Friend ability
- This reduces the chances of a critter running
These aren’t necessary in order to catch a Rockadoodler though. Here at TheGamer, we didn’t have Keroppi or a potion, and we still managed to catch six.
Where Are Rockadoodlers?
For Rockadoodler Roundup, we suggest keeping your Rockadoodler search limited to the area around Gemstone Town. We noticed Rockadoodlers appearing behind the crafting table, south of the Dance Hall (at the bottom of the wooden ramp), and to the right of the Soda Machine area.
We then walked between these locations until Rockadoodlers spawned in. It took a few laps, but we eventually found six Rockadoodlers by doing this. It’s worth noting that Rockadoodlers can appear before accepting this quest, so it’s possible to catch them prior to this. Additionally, they will still roam after the quest has been completed.
Rockadoodlers only appear during the day. If it’s nighttime, find a bed and sleep until the following day.
How To Complete Rockadoodler Roundup
After catching six Rockadoodlers, head back to Pekkle and gift them to him. Selecting the Rockadoodlers from the gifting menu will cause you to give all six at the same time. Talk to Pekkle some more, look to the Corral, and then the quest will be done!
From here, Pekkle will give you a Game Ticket, which can be used to play Rockadoodler Roundup.
What Is The Rockadoodler Roundup Minigame?
The minigame Rockadoodler Roundup is a simple game that tasks you with catching as many Rockadoodlers as you can. 15 of these critters will run around the area, with its borders being the rocky cliff outline on the map. It’s possible to run out of bounds during this minigame, which causes it to end.
After catching a Rockadoodler, it will immediately be placed inside the Corral; you don’t need to run here to drop the critter off.
It’s worth noting that this minigame is the only way to get Eggs in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. This ingredient can be used in cooking stations around the island, as well as the Egg Pan Station, which also happens to be near the Corral where the minigame is played.
If you catch six or fewer Rockadoodlers in the 60-second timeframe, then you’ll get three Eggs. Catching between seven and 14 yields five Eggs, so if you feel like putting in minimal effort and have a lot of tickets, you can catch a few during two sessions and get six Eggs instead of five Eggs from one session.

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