How To Befriend Keroppi In Hello Kitty Island Adventure

How To Befriend Keroppi In Hello Kitty Island Adventure

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Leveling up friendships with each Sanrio character is crucial for unlocking new items. Character customization is always available to players in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Part of becoming closer friends with NPCs includes unlocking cosmetics such as Avatar palettes.


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Not every character’s friendship pans out the same. Some can go up to Level 25 while other character’s max friendship level is Level 15. Every Friend on the island will have at least one Avatar color palette and one side quest to unlock. This guide organizes how to maximize your friendship with Keroppi and what you get for doing so.

Where To Find Keroppi

Keroppi location on the map in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

You must unlock the Spooky Swamp to find Keroppi. To unlock the swamp, you have to power up the Resort Gate by completing the quest Power Up The Gate. This quest is given to you by Chococat.

After powering up the Resort Gate, you will have access to Keroppi in the Spooky Swamp. The closest fast-travel mailbox is called Nature Preserve, to the east of Keroppi. The second-closest fast travel point would be the Resort Gate itself.

Gifts To Give Keroppi

Selecting wood to gift to Keroppi in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Keroppi’s specific favored tags are insects, swamp-related things, and wood. Wood blocks are the easiest item to craft at the beginning of the game to meet at least one of these tags. The Wood Block recipe unlocks by getting Keroppi to Level Four friendship.

When looking over a gift in your inventory, you may see one or two hearts above it. The more hearts a gift has, the more friendship it will increase with that character, as opposed to just gifting a one-hearted item.

The most efficient way to make Keroppi happy is by catching Critters and gifting them to him. You get access to the bug-catching net by completing the quest Open The Nature Preserve, which is unlocked at Level Two friendship.

The crafting recipe for Keroppi’s three-heart gift is unlocked by reaching Level Ten friendship.




  • Any Insect
  • Wood Block
  • Anything “Swampy”
    • Swamp Gift
    • Swamp Material
    • Swampy Music Box


  • Bugs native to the Spooky Swamp
  • Swampy Souvenir Doll



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Friendship Rewards

Keroppi's friendship menu in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Leveling up your friendship with Keroppi will reward you with three Avatar color palettes and two crafting recipes. The most important reward you can get from Keroppi is a Stamina Apple Slice, as five of these can be crafted into a Stamina Apple, which permanently increases your stamina.




Initial friendship


Main Quest


Keroppi Green Avatar Palette


Wooden Block Crafting Plans


Stamina Apple Slice


Critter Calmer ability unlocked


Lilypad Flower Avatar Palette


Upgraded to Good Friends


Critter Friend ability unlocked


Critter Totem Crafting Plans


Critter Calmer ability upgade


Upgraded to Close Friends


Critter Calmer ability upgrade


Sunset Avatar Palette


Upgraded to Best Friends

Quests From Keroppi

Keroppi's Level 2 reward quest in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

You won’t be able to progress with the game and with friendship levels without completing quests for each person as well. Keroppi has only one main side quest associated with his friendship level.



Story Quest: Open the Nature Preserve

Help Keroppi get the Nature Preserve open.

Daily Quests



Sticky Situation

Give him five sticks, found near trees.

Awesome Blossoms

Collect five Lotus Blossoms from lily pads in the swamp.

Critter Companion

Catch any critter.

Portrait of Youth

Use your camera to take a photo of Keroppi.

Critter Crossing

Catch a critter at Gemstone Mountain.

Full Bloom

Collect five Sakura blossoms.

Critter Preservation

Catch any critter.


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