After going through The Living Lands for a couple of hours in Avowed, you’ll start having sections in your quest area for each different type of quest. One of these types is the treasure maps that you can either buy from traders or randomly find during your exploration.

Avowed: Mapping The Living Lands Walkthrough
Sanza’s four cartographers have gone missing in Dawnshore, Emerald Stair, Shatterscarp, and Galawain’s Tusks.
These treasure maps sometimes show you an obvious landmark to find your treasure, but in some cases, like the Woedica’s Inheritance treasure, it might be a little hard since the main landmark shown isn’t very obvious.
Woedica’s Inheritance Treasure Map Location
If you don’t have the Woedica’s Inheritance treasure map in your quest log just yet, you can get it by visiting the Northern Paradis area. For this, you’ll not only have to enter Paradis city, but also travel all the way to its northern side.
As soon as you enter Northern Paradis, you’ll see Sanza’s Emporium at the bottom of its map. You can buy Woedica’s Inheritance map for 100 currency when you’re browsing Sanza’s stock.
How To Get Woedica’s Inheritance Treasure
As you take a look at Woedica’s Inheritance treasure map, you’ll quickly notice some obvious walls that’ll tell you that the treasure is somewhere around Paradis. However, it’s difficult to point the exact location since there are quite a few similar corners around the city.
To get this treasure, you have to head to the eastern part outside of Paradis. If you’ve already explored that area, you can start by teleporting to God’s Gate beacon near the eastern exit of Paradis Hightown. After getting here, look a little to the west of the beacon on your map and you’ll see a small corner between the city’s buildings.
Get to the upper end of this corner and you’ll find an obvious secret door with its switch on the right wall. Activate the switch and open the golden chest inside the secret area to finish this treasure and get Gloves of the Strangler unique clothing. These can give you some Critical chance and stealth attack damage.

Avowed: Ancient Memory Location Guide
There are five Ancient Memories in Avowed, and each of them offers a useful upgrade for your Envoy.
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