- Super Saiyan 3 has been used by Gotenks, but the form was unstable and short-lived.
- Neither Fusion Dance nor Potara Fusion can sustain Super Saiyan 3 for long due to the immense power output.
- The Join Bug fusion may offer a solution, as it could potentially sustain Super Saiyan 3 consistently.
Fusion is one of the most beloved aspects of the entire Dragon Ball franchise. Through this method, two already incredible warriors merge their essence and souls to form a single, astronomically powerful character whose strength supersedes that of either of their constituents. Although there have been different kinds of fusions over the years, only the Potara and Fusion Dance can be used by Saiyans.
These fusion methods have been shown in use by Goku and Vegeta, who have gone on to form Vegito and Gogeta respectively; two of the strongest mortals in all of Dragon Ball. However, despite these warriors using regular Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan God, and Super Saiyan Blue, fans have always wanted to see them with the unadulterated strength of a Super Saiyan 3, so let’s look at how this can be done.

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The Case For A Super Saiyan 3 Fusion
First Appearance |
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 245, “Super Saiyan 3?!” |
Notable Super Saiyan 3’s |
Goku, Vegeta, Gotenks |
The very idea of a Super Saiyan 3 working in tandem with fusion isn’t something new, since it has already been shown through Gotenks. Although Trunks and Goten were never powerful or experienced enough to unlock this state on their own, their fusion through the Fusion Dance method was able to access much greater reserves of power, allowing him to become a Super Saiyan 3 after only watching Goku do it once.
However, this was incredibly unstable since the fusion took up so much power that it was only able to last for 5 minutes in total. Still, though, it made quite an impression on fans, prompting most into wanting to see something like this again in the story but for Goku and Vegeta’s fusions specifically. However, for the longest time, this was more or less an impossibility since Vegeta could never access Super Saiyan 3, making many think that the subsequent fusion wouldn’t be able to either.
Prepare to be amazed by the power of Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks!
However, Dragon Ball Daima changed all of that. In Episode 12, Vegeta sent the entire fanbase into an uproar by showing that his training in his private moments finally paid off, since he could now also achieve Super Saiyan 3 like his rival, once more bringing him up to being Goku’s equal. This reignited the desire for many fans to see Vegito or Gogeta access this form in canon.
The fusions are already known as the most powerful mortals in the entire series, with the former being strong enough to take on, and overpower, a God in his Super Saiyan Blue state and the other making short work of the Saiyan with the greatest potential in the universe. Many argue that seeing Super Saiyan 3 used by the fusions would undoubtedly be cool but would ultimately lose all of its luster because of the fact that they’ve already been shown to access far stronger forms in Super with God Ki.
This isn’t necessarily true, since pretty much every Dragon Ball fan can agree that this would be great to witness. From the canon Super Saiyan transformations, Super Saiyan 3 is definitely the most striking and unique of them all, and many even find the design to be divisive. However, it’s largely adored, and to see it used by either of the Goku and Vegeta fusions would be an amazing thing to see.
Super Saiyan 3 is essentially the greatest power/transformation (in canon) that a Saiyan can reach in the standard Super Saiyan line. This transformation is an amazing power-up that makes the user much stronger but, ultimately, it’s not very efficient since the sheer amount of energy that the user has begins to leak out, confirming this form to be one that the Saiyan can’t sustain for too long. All in all, it probably wouldn’t be the best to use while in a fusion, especially Potara fusion, since it would only last for a very short while.

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What Fusion Can Sustain Super Saiyan 3?
What’s The Best Method For It?
The only time that the Super Saiyan 3 form was used in tandem with a fusion was when Gotenks used it against Super Buu. While incredibly effective in terms of its amazing damage output, it was shown that the sheer amount of power released was so great that it ended up shortening the overall fusion time to just 5 minutes. This was done through the fusion dance, so it shows that this may not be the best fusion method to use it with.
Conversely, Potara Fusion suffers from the same problem, since it was shown to run out much earlier than intended when Vegito went Super Saiyan Blue against Zamasu for the same reason. Now, with both known fusion methods only being able to sustain the form briefly, perhaps the brand new Join Bug fusion holds the answer the heroes seek, since this temporary fusion may work consistently regardless of the power output of the fusion, potentially making it the best method of them all.
Dragon Ball can be streamed on Crunchyroll.

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Dragon Ball DAIMA
- Release Date
October 11, 2024
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