Roblox: Sol’s RNG – How To Spawn Santa

Roblox: Sol's RNG - How To Spawn Santa

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Santa is an NPC of the Winter 2025 event in Roblox‘s Sol’s RNG that sometimes appears on the map and brings cool gifts that he drops on the ground. Meeting Santa is as rare as it is rewarding, as it is one of the few opportunities to get tickets, which are in high demand during this event.


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Nevertheless, spawning Santa is as random as obtaining auras in Sol’s RNG, and you will have to put in the effort and time to reach the target. Here’s all you need to know about Santa NPCs, including where you can find him and what rewards you can get once you reach him.

How To Find Santa

The player character shows trees in the winter forest near the spawn in Sol's RNG.

Finding Santa is not easy, as there is no specific location or exact time when he will appear. Instead, the only possible way to find this NPC is to wander around in the Snowy biome. The appearance of this biome is also rare, with a chance of one in 600, with a lifespan of two minutes. If you’re lucky enough to find the Snowy biome, don’t be too excited, as the chance of finding a Santa NPC here is also not guaranteed and is only 20 percent. Thus, to find Santa, you will need to look for different Snowy biomes and spend a certain amount of time there to make sure he hasn’t spawned.

If you’re lucky enough to find Santa, there will be several signs of this. The first will be the music with loud jingling noise of bells, as well as the typical exclamation of this character “Ho, ho, ho!”. In addition, a huge green and red sleigh with gold trim will appear in the sky. At the same time, gifts will start falling to the ground.

The main content of these gifts will be tickets, and they could be either Normal or even Rare and Mega tickets.

As soon as the gifts fall to the ground, hurry up and pick them up, because they will lie there for only 60 seconds.

It’s not the fastest way to farm tickets in Sol’s RNG, but it’s a great alternative if you have nothing to do.


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