Red Dead Redemption 2: Chapter 6’s Missable Content

Red Dead Redemption 2: Chapter 6's Missable Content

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Chapter 6 is the final chapter for Arthur Morgan, and those who want to make sure that Arthur has completed his journey will want to ensure that they have found and finished all missable content in Chapter 6 of Red Dead Redemption 2 so that they can close the chapter on Arthur’s story and embrace something new.


Red Dead Redemption 2: All Missable Content in Chapter 5

Once players reach Guarma in Red Dead Redemption 2’s Chapter 5, there are a few things that they should be aware of to make sure they miss nothing.

Arthur Morgan is beloved, and Chapter 6 only further highlights how much audiences adore his incredible character arc. With Chapter 6 being the most important, it’s no surprise that there is a plethora of missable content in Red Dead Redemption 2’s Chapter 6, so head to Beaver Hollow and finish the collection.


Do Not Seek Absolution

Save the Downes Family From Poverty

arthur meets edith downes

After Arthur’s diagnosis, he can head to Annesburg where he will once again have an encounter with Edith Downes, the widow of Thomas Downes, the man Arthur beat up in Chapter 2 and was infected with tuberculosis. After this event, Arthur rethinks what he has done to innocent people, so he agrees to help Edith and her son Archie to save them from this horrible mining town, and the horrible fate that Arthur has put them into.

Do Not Seek Absolution proves that Arthur Morgan is a good man, and it’s just a shame that he had to work himself deep into a grave to figure that out when it’s already too late for him. However, with the time he has left, he can do some good in this world.


Of Men and Angles

More High Honor Opportunities from Sister Calderon

sister calderon

A mission that’s needed for those in high honor who want to complete the Lending a Hand achievement, Of Men and Angels will only be available in Chapter 6 and only to players who have completed previous Brother Dorkins and Sister Calderon missions in Chapter 4, but this one is extremely short.

This mission involves Arthur donating food and money for positive honor, and it will conclude the quest involving the religious folk of Saint Denis, proving whether Arthur is a good man or a bad man at the end of it all.


Money Lending and Other Sins Part 6 & 7

Arthur Saves Debtors, Instead of Feeding Them to Strauss

arthur confronts strauss
  • John J. Weathers – Three Sisters, Ambarino
  • Arthur Londonderry – Annesburg

More opportunities for Strauss to suck the blood of his penniless victims come in with Chapter 6, where Strauss has found two new targets and tasks Arthur with recollecting the debt. However, Arthur is a changed man, who has grown bitter against Strauss and what he’s doing to innocent folk, which is why the mission is a tad different from the others.

Arthur is tasked with absolving the debt of the two debtors, John Weathers and Arthur Londonderry, and if players do complete this mission, then they will get a secret seventh part to the quest that finally concludes Strauss’ soulless business with the Van der Linde gang.


The Course of True Love Part 4 & 5

Save Penelope Braithwaite and Beau Gray From Their Surviving Family

arthur helps penelope
  • Location: Braithwaite Manor

The Course of True Love continues from Chapter 3, allowing players to conclude the storyline that involved the two romantics with warring families. With the Grays and the Braithwaites reduced to cinders and corpses by the Van der Linde gang, Beau and Penelope see this as the perfect opportunity to escape, but seek the aid of an old friend.

Arthur can help Penelope and Beau escape from their terrible families, and it’s another opportunity to gain some high honor. This is also a quest that can only be done in Chapter 6, so it’s best to grab it while it’s there and not leave it to the wolves.


The Mercies of Knowledge

Assist a Scientist in Crafting a ‘Painless’ Killing Machine

arthur and professor bell

Andrew Bell the Third isn’t the sanest of folk found in Saint Denis, and he is currently working on an invention that will, in his words, painlessly kill those who need killing, like the criminals and outlaws with wanted posters. The quest is rather lengthy, coming in at seven parts, but it has to be completed before Chapter 6, or else it will disappear for good.


Red Dead Redemption 2: 8 Most Interesting Pieces of Cut Content

Within the Red Dead Redemption 2 files, there are some extremely interesting pieces of cut content that fans will not want to miss out on knowing.

Arthur might not have long to live, but this is a great opportunity to help science figure out a way to painfully (yes, not painlessly) kill other people by building an electric chair. It’s a fun and wacky mission that isn’t worth missing.


Archeology for Beginners

Help Rains Fall Save Relics of a Sacred Native American Site

rains fall and arthur
  • Location: Wapiti Indian Reservation

After helping Eagle Flies, Charles asks Arthur to visit Rains Fall at the Wapiti Indian Reservation, where Arthur can learn new things about himself and discover the goodness in the world outside the life of a gunslinger and an outlaw. As such, it’s always a good idea to agree to help Charles and go and visit Rains Fall to begin this quest.

The quest itself involves Arthur helping Rains Fall acquire some medicine and other relics, important to Rains Fall’s culture, and it can also see players rewarded with the Owl Feather Trinket that cannot be acquired anywhere else in the game.


Honor, Amongst Thieves

Recover Smallpox Vaccines for the Wapiti Indian Reservation

arthur helps colonel monroe
  • Location: Wapiti Indian Reservation

Colonel Henry Favours is a cruel man who is in the process of trying to kill Rains Fall’s people by redirecting smallpox vaccines, and as such, Arthur Morgan is tasked with helping Captain Lyndon Monroe, a good man, in recovering the stolen vaccines back from the U.S. Army.

This mission is only available to players who agreed to help Rains Fall in Archeology for Beginners, and again, it’s a decent mission to prove that Arthur is a good man, and not the mission to miss if players want to provide redemption to Arthur’s misdeeds.


Mrs. Sadie Adler, Widow

Help Sadie Avenge Her Husband Against the O’Driscolls

arthur with sadie

Sadie Adler had her life stolen from her by the O’Driscoll Boys. They took everything, and in return, she’s going to kill each and every one of them for what they did to her and her husband. There’s only one man that Sadie trusts as much as her husband, and it’s Arthur Morgan, which is why she asks him later in Chapter 6 to ride with her and kill the O’Driscolls.


Red Dead Redemption 2: 8 Things That Prove Arthur Morgan is a Good Man

Arthur Morgan has plenty of opportunities to prove that he has high honor in Red Dead Redemption 2, with these decisions showcasing he’s a good man.

Arthur can say no to her request, and in doing so, they will be missing out on an important mission that involves helping a good friend and killing a whole bunch of O’Driscolls, so make sure to accept Sadie’s request, and also get some high honor for doing it.


The Widow of Willard’s Rest 1 to 3

Help a Widow Hunt to Survive in the Wild

arthur meets a widow

While these missions can be completed in the Epilogue, players cannot start them and then leave Charlotte to herself without completing the second part, and the Epilogue does not have access to the third part of the quest for The Widow of Willard’s Rest, which sees Arthur embark to the North of Annesburg to find the widow where he teaches her how to hunt.

It’s a sweet mission that shows Arthur’s heroism and how he can care for people even if he does not know them. Completing this mission with Arthur unlocks a new cutscene in the Epilogue section, and also grants Arthur access to Willard’s Rest as a cabin to stay in and loot.


Saint Denis Police Uniform

A Glitched Outfit Only Available Through a Specific Mission

arthur in a police uniform

Thanks to YouTuber, Arthur Morgan Gaming, there’s a new method to obtain the Saint Denis Police Outfit for Arthur Morgan. This means that the one-time use outfit found in the Goodbye Dear Friend Chapter 6 mission can be missable, as players can add it to their wardrobe via the method linked above.

This method works with Patch 1.31, and it cannot be done through mission replay, meaning that players have to do it while they have Goodbye, Dear Friend, as one of their main missions left to do. The method itself involves equipping a Gunslinger outfit and making it a Custom Outfit, and then equipping a bandanna before the cutscene of the mission itself and then failing said mission. This is the only way to get the police outfit in the entire game.


Chapter 6’s Collectibles

Arthur’s Final Set of Collectibles for Chapter 6

arthur loots professor bell

Arthur’s last chance to gather missing collectibles comes with Chapter 6, where not only will Arthur be able to grab a few documents, but he will also be able to grab the Owl Feather Trinket, an important collectible for those who want to truly complete the compendium, and here’s how to get them all:


How to Get

Owl Feather Trinket

Complete Archeology for Beginners without being spotted by U.S. Soldiers

Liability Agreement

During The Wisdom of the Elders 5, this is found on a table in Butcher Creek

Letter to Tom from Colm

Can be looted on the body found in the barn after Mrs. Sadie Adler, Widow 2

Electric Chair Blueprint

Looted from Andrew Bell the Third after The Mercies of Knowledge 7


Looted from soldiers on the train during Our Best Selves

The final entry is a massive spoiler warning for Red Dead Redemption 2!


Playing as Arthur Morgan

Completing Our Best Selves Will Lock Players Into Arthur’s Ending

arthur smirking

Arthur is dying of tuberculosis, and his condition only worsens as Chapter 6 progresses. There is no way to save Arthur, but there is a way to continue playing as him. All players need to do is not finish the Our Best Selves mission, as completing this one will automatically start the finale, Red Dead Redemption, to which there is no way to back out, even if players exit the mission, it will put them straight back into the start of it.


Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Things to Do Before the Final Story Mission

Before Arthur Morgan’s last ride in Red Dead Redemption 2, players should make sure to complete these activities first.

Our Best Selves is the final mission in which players have control over Arthur Morgan, so if players want to enjoy free roam and side missions with Arthur Morgan, then they are going to not want to complete any more story missions after My Last Boy.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Tag Page Cover Art


October 26, 2018

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