If Project Orion Keeps V, It Would Come With One Witcher-Like Benefit

If Project Orion Keeps V, It Would Come With One Witcher-Like Benefit

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Project Orion remains shrouded in mystery, but after Cyberpunk 2077‘s unprecedented redemption arc, hopes are high for CD Projekt Red to deliver on this much-anticipated sequel. The dense open-world of Night City, flexible build-crafting options, and riveting, relentlessly cool writing are just a handful of the factors that audiences expect will be improved upon in the Cyberpunk 2077 follow-up, but it will have to be more than just a rehashing of ideas.

While the gameplay of Project Orion is surely front-of-mind for many Cyberpunk 2077 fans, the sequel’s writing is perhaps even more interesting to speculate about. At this point, CD Projekt Red has revealed virtually nothing about Project Orion, other than that it does indeed take place in the Cyberpunk 2077 universe, which naturally leaves the door open for a good bit of narrative cross-pollination. Some of Cyberpunk 2077‘s endings leave the door open for V and their allies to return in a sequel, which naturally begs the question: will Project Orion be a Witcher-like sequel to Cyberpunk, or will it follow a different protagonist and plot entirely?


Cyberpunk 2077, Hogwarts Legacy’s Sequels Have to Rekindle The Witcher’s Magic

Hogwarts Legacy and Cyberpunk 2077 miss out on an element of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that their sequels hopefully invest in fully.

Bringing V Back Could Have at Least One Major Benefit for Project Orion

V Could Be the “Geralt” of Cyberpunk 2077

In all the Witcher games, but especially in The Witcher 3, there’s a strong sense that Geralt is an important and significant figure. It’s not as if he is hounded by rabid fans—many NPCs actually despise him due to Witchers’ complicated reputations—but many will at least recognize him. Sometimes, this recognition will result in mild prejudice, and sometimes it will result in praise or reverence, but it always makes Geralt feel relevant, influential, and impactful.

If V were to be brought back as the protagonist of Project Orion, it’s not hard to see how they might be similarly characterized. Over the course of Cyberpunk 2077, even if the player engages in minimal side content, V becomes something of a minor celebrity in Night City, brushing up against some of the metropolis’s biggest players. It would make sense, then, for them to adopt a level of credibility and fame similar to Geralt, with characters “in the know” immediately recognizing V or recounting their most infamous deeds. This would not only make for a more unique and fundamentally different narrative experience in Project Orion, but it would also be a fitting continuation of V’s personal story.

Context will greatly impact how NPCs treat Geralt. For instance, those of the Skellige Isles are far more accepting of Witchers, and of Geralt in particular due to his history with their government. Similar contextualization would be interesting to see applied to Project Orion, as some fixers and gangs could like V more than others.

Making V Famous Would Play Into the Night City Legends Theme of Cyberpunk 2077

At the start of Cyberpunk 2077, V and Jackie both dream of being “legends” in Night City, like Susan Forrest and Morgan Blackhand, notorious solos of yore. This is presented as something of an immature and short-sighted dream, one that ends in death more often than not, though the game does acknowledge the theoretical value of “snuffing it in mind-blowingly spectacular fashion.” Whatever one’s opinion of this concept, V has certainly become a legend by the end of Cyberpunk 2077, with enough street cred to work just about any job, so it would be interesting to see Project Orion continue to explore this idea. Only this time, the story would be from the perspective of a true legend, not a kid with pie-in-the-sky dreams of becoming one.

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