How To Get Abducted By Aliens In The Sims 2

How To Get Abducted By Aliens In The Sims 2
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Arguably, aliens are one of the most important features in The Sims thanks to their regular appearances throughout the series. Their presence is perhaps most notable in The Sims 2 thanks to how closely they tie the lore, like Strangetown’s Curious household, or the mysterious disappearance of Bella Goth.


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Being abducted by aliens is almost always down to chance, but there are some things Sims can do to increase their odds. Firstly, there are a few must-have items you should invest in. There’s also one way of practically guaranteeing a Sim gets a UFO ride if they have the right Aspiration.

How To Get Abducted By Aliens

A Sim in The Sims 2 failing to summon aliens through a telescope and shouting at the sky.

Sims who want to have a close encounter are in luck, as they have a few options for seeing aliens in the flesh. However, they’ll have to hope they stay so lucky as most methods rely on chance.

The alien abduction functionality is bugged at the moment, but the game is being updated frequently. If you’re having problems getting the alien abduction to work, make sure your game is fully up-to-date with the latest patch.

Using A Telescope

Sims have a chance of being abducted every time they use a telescope. You can find telescopes in Buy Mode under Hobbies, in the Knowledge submenu. The two that are available are:


Price (Simoleons)

Astrowonder Telescope


Farstar e3 Telescope


Sims can either Look Through or Stargaze with a telescope. After a while, they might get picked up by aliens and taken into outer space. But, you might be waiting a while for this to happen as the odds are slim.

Summoning Aliens

Despite what the rhyme might suggest, your Sims can go to Jupiter to get more knowledge. Sims with the Knowledge Aspiration have an advantage when it comes to rubbing elbows with aliens thanks to some abilities it can grant. Once the Aspiration has been maxed out, they will unlock the ability to Summon Aliens at will, who will abduct them.

This is unlocked using the Aspiration Benefit Points system. Go to the Aspiration Rewards menu in Live Mode for your Knowledge Sim. Use your hard-earned Aspiration Bonus Points to unlock all three extra benefits in the Knowledge tree. The last benefit gives you the option of summoning aliens.

The Knowledge aspiration tree in The Sims 2 showing the Summon Aliens reward.

If you don’t have enough points yet, you can use cheats to increase them. Open the cheats console using Control, Shift, and C, then type or paste in:

boolprop testingcheatsenabled true

Then, shift-click your Sim and select Set Aspiration. Cycle through the menu until you can find Max and select it. This should give your Sim some Aspiration Bonus Points to use.

Now that your Sim has this ability, go back to your telescope and select Summon Aliens. Your Sim will spend some time shining their torch through a telescope until they’re successful. A cutscene follows, showing your Sim being shipped off into space.

Knowledge Sims also often have Wants related to aliens, so if you use a Sim with this Aspiration on your alien journey then you should get a nice points bonus.

Abduction With The ElectroDance Sphere

Adult Sims who’ve been abducted before have a chance of being abducted while using the ElectroDance Sphere by ExtremeCo. Select the item and choose Spin, then select an intensity (Easy, Medium, or Hard).

A Sim in The Sims 2 using the electrodance sphere in the dark. She's dancing upright.

You can buy the ElectroDance Sphere from the Hobbies section of Buy Mode for 3,500 Simoleons. It’s in the Exercise menu, along with the treadmills and weights machines. Keep in mind though that this method only works if a Sim has already been abducted previously.

Playing As The Curious Family

Vidcund Curious in The Sims 2 stargazing on his home lot in Strangetown at night.

The easiest surefire way of experiencing an alien abduction is by playing as the Curious household in Strangetown. Vidcund Curious is hardcoded to be abducted when you get him to use the telescope on his lot for the first time.

As well as Vidcund’s predetermined destiny, his brothers are also set to have brushes with aliens. As soon as you load into the household, Pascal Curious is pregnant with one of Pollination Technician’s alien babies.

They own two telescopes: One on the roof and the other at the very top of their tower.

Can You Use Cheats To Get Abducted?

No, cheats can’t currently trigger an alien abduction outright. However, the game is getting regular patches and updates, so some older cheats might start working with time if we’re lucky.

In previous versions of the game, like the Ultimate Collection, it’s possible to get abducted by using boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and shift-clicking the telescope. After shift-clicking, the interaction DEBUG – Get Abducted should cause Sims to get abducted. Sadly though, this doesn’t work at the moment.

What Happens When You Are Abducted By Aliens?

A still from the alien abduction cut scene in The Sims 2, showing a Sim going into a UFO.

You’ll know a Sim is being abducted because one of The Sims 2’s classic cut scenes will kick in, showing the lucky (or unlucky) Sim being scooped up in a spaceship and carried off into space.

Once the cut scene has finished, your Sim will be missing from the lot for a while. Their needs will jump around all over the place seemingly at random. Eerie, alien music will also be heard for pretty much the whole time. After your Sim gets home, they’ll have a new memory saying they met aliens.

Alien Pregnancies

Adult Sims who can’t usually get pregnant have a chance of returning to earth with a half-alien baby. The other parent will always be Pollination Technician, which you can see from the family tree after the baby is born.

Pascal Curious at home, showing the alien pregnancy animation. His brothers are nearby.

Besides the fact the infant is half-alien, the pregnancy is otherwise largely the same as any other pregnancy. You might want to start saving up for cribs and changing tables ready for the little bundle of joy.


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