How To Earn Money Quickly In Avowed

How To Earn Money Quickly In Avowed

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After getting past the tutorial area of Avowed where you learn the basic mechanics, you’ll spawn in the Claviger’s Landing area. After moving a bit forward here, you’ll notice three traders in their stalls on the left. Finding traders like this will be common on your journey.


Avowed: Complete Background Guide

Build your character your way from the start by choosing the best background for your play style.

However, every time you browse a trader’s inventory in a new area, you’ll find more and more expensive items. To get these items, you’ll have to earn yourself some currency quickly, and here are a few ways to do that.

Choose The Right Options In Quests

Avowed quest screen.

Questing is a great way of getting yourself some currency and general progression in the game. Whenever you finish a quest, you’ll get a massive boost not only to your level but also to your currency count. However, there are only so many quests that you can do.

In these times, it’s important to choose the right options, especially in the side quest. There are many side quests where the quest-giver will ask you to do something without offering any money. However, if you say that you don’t do anything for free, they’ll offer something in return.

It might feel evil since these quest-givers don’t have a lot of money, but it’s essential for survival.

Sometimes, you can have quest outcomes where you get varying amounts of money as well. It’s recommended to save your game often and choose the best option that lets you make the most of it.

Explore Every Hole And Cave

Avowed looking at an opened chest.

The exploration in Avowed can be quite notorious since there are a ton of red herrings that are placed to distract you from a secret area. On your journey, you’ll see plenty of little holes in the wall where you might find a chest or a skeleton with loot on it.

If you see a hole under the water or at a certain height, chances are that you can get to it by following a specific path and there’s likely some treasure in it. It’s important to hunt these treasure items as they’re the main source of currency, with some of them giving over 500 by themselves.

Sell Items That You Aren’t Using

Avowed looking at trader.

This point is somewhat related to the one above as you’ll get a ton of unique items and other random gear during your exploration. Unique weapons, shields, and armor have weight and you can’t keep a lot of them in your inventory. However, unique clothing and other accessories are weightless.

You can only equip up to four weapons, one armor, two clothing, and three accessories on your character at a time. You might want to have two sets of everything, one for exploration and another for boss fights. However, even after all that, you’ll get plenty of gear that’s completely useless.

You can see the selling price of each item in your inventory simply by hovering over it.

It’s highly recommended to sell this gear whenever you visit a trader. Low-tier weapons don’t sell for a lot, so you can break them down as soon as you get them. However, every fine tier or above item can give you a decent value, making them better sold than broken down.


Avowed: Where To Find Woedica’s Inheritance Treasure

Woedica’s Inheritance is one of the three treasure maps in Dawnshore, and this is arguably the hardest one to locate.

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