How To Earn Money In Roblox: Dig It

How To Earn Money In Roblox: Dig It

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In Dig It, money is the foundation of your progress, because almost everything in this Roblox game revolves around currency, which you will constantly lack. Earning money is not difficult, but it can be time-consuming if you don’t know about all the possible sources of income, which, by the way, are not few.


Roblox: Dig It – How To Get Magnets

Use magnets to increase your chance of getting rare items in Roblox’s Dig It.

In addition to digging up items and selling them, Dig It offers other equally interesting and profitable activities or features that will bring you money. So, if you want to learn more about how to increase your income without putting in too much effort, then keep reading.

How To Earn Money Fast

The player character holding Benson’s Salary Box with his hands while smiling in Nookville in Dig it.

Just like gaining experience, there are many different options to farm money effectively in Dig It. Here’s all you need to know about each method.

Selling Dug Up Items

The player character is digging on the Nookville Island in Dig It.

A good and reliable method that will be available from the very beginning is, of course, the sale of excavated items. The more you dig, the more items you can find.

Make sure to buy a good shovel and enchant it for luck, if possible. Luck is the most important aspect you need to focus on. The greater the luck on the shovel, the rarer the items you can find and sell for a higher price.

Also, visit time-limited islands and dig there to find rare and more expensive items. If there aren’t any, visit Piratesburg, which is a profitable location with a high chance of spawning rare items.

Benson’s Salary Rewards

The player character shows the Benson's Salary Rewards tab in Dig It.

If you’re an active player, then a great way to earn money is to get Benson’s Salary Rewards. These are rewards for the time you play the game, and you can collect as many as 12 boxes per day.

Each of these boxes contains cool rewards, mostly experience and money. It’s worth noting that the longer you stay in the game, the cooler Benson’s Salary Rewards you get. Thus, the rewards from the first and twelfth boxes will be radically different. To get all 12 boxes, you need to be online for two hours.

If you don’t have that much time to play, just stay AFK and move around from time to time so you don’t get kicked off the server.

To claim Benson’s Salary Reward, click on the button with the piggy bank icon on the right side of the screen. Next, you should go to the Salary tab. This is where you will be able to claim boxes.

Other Methods

The player character shows the codes tab in Nookville in Dig it.

The two methods mentioned above will serve you as the fastest and most profitable ways to make money. Additionally, you can combine them with other methods that are less effective but can be useful if used together:

Method Description
Participate in events Some of the events, such as Falling Stars, Colossal Worm, Meteor, and others can bring you expensive items. Sell them to earn more money.
Completing quests On almost any island, you can find quest NPCs who will ask you to dig up an item for them. It can be time-consuming, but can also bring you a good amount of money, depending on the task.
Codes By redeeming Dig It codes, you can get cool gifts, including money. Visit our Dig it codes page to find the entire list of codes and get rewards quickly.

Using all of the above methods, you can quickly and easily raise the desired amount of money.


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Maximize your chances to acquire secret items in Roblox: Dig It!

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