How To Complete The Divine Messenger Quest In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

How To Complete The Divine Messenger Quest In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

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You get to play as Godwin for just a little while after the Wedding Crashers quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. However, later on, after the For Victory! Quest, when Henry and Hans have been captured by Captain Zizka, you will again play as him.


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This is where you will learn more about how badass Godwin is. His combat skills are pretty high, and you will enjoy playing as him as battle awaits you. After the brutal battle at Nabakov, Godwin starts his journey to find Henry and Hans. Here, we will guide you on what to do in the Divine Messenger Quest!

Visiting The Battlefield

Godwin asking the locals about the battle of Nabakov.

As of now, the majority is under the impression that none of Von Bergow’s men survived the ambush. However, Henry and Hans were captured by Zizka as he isn’t some dumb bandit. He knows Hans is a noble, so a large amount of ransom can be paid to him.

Now, as Godwin, your first objective is to get information from locals. After acquiring some information, hop on your horse and go toward the site of the ambush, marked on your map. When you are at the location, your horse will slow down, so don’t be hasty. The game intends to do that.

Godwin on his horse has reached the site of ambush.

Ride along the path as Godwin witnesses the destruction caused by the battle. You will also encounter some bandits looting the dead bodies; you can either kill them or let them be. After that, make your way through the battlefield to the village, and you will meet a guard.

Godwin standing in front of Erik and dead bodies.

Talk to that guard and convince him to let you meet Erik. Head over to Erik with the guard and talk to him. After Godwin explains he is a priest, Erik won’t be so uptight and tells him that there were indeed some survivors. However, shortly after that, you will be attacked by a group of bandits.

With Godwin’s skills, you won’t have much trouble beating them. Do so, and Erik will agree to take you to his captain. Get on your horse and race Erik to the castle.

Meeting Captain Zizka

Captain Zizka talking to Eik.

Shortly after arrival, Zizka comes out of the castle to meet Godwin. Zizka will ask whether Hanush sent a ransom for Hans. As you don’t have a ransom, he doesn’t intend to release Hans, but something strange happens.

A fight starts inside the castle and guess what? Von Bergow’s men have infiltrated the castle. This is when Zizka has no choice but to ask Godwin for help and in return he will release Hans and Henry. So, join the fight and demonstrate Godwin’s skills once more.

Captain Zizka commending Godwin's swordsmanship.

Try to fight enemies from the back when they are already fighting someone to defeat them quickly. After you defeat the enemies, a cutscene will be triggered and Istvan will show up in front of Henry and Hans. This is when Henry and Hans will blow his cover by revealing he is working under Sigismund. As a result, he will also be thrown into a cell.

Istvan Toth smiling with Henry's sword in his hand.

However, Erik saves him and they both escape before Henry gets a chance to take revenge. Sooner, Godwin will free Hans and Henry and there will be a lot of questioning, but all the dots will start to connect now. So, after clearing everything with Zizka the quest will end.


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