- Not all villains in the Captain America universe are superpowered; some, like Zemo, destroy Avengers without even raising a fist.
- Harrison Ford shines as Red Hulk, highlighting the dangerous consequences of unchecked anger and power.
- Flag Smasher and Alexander Pierce both raise awareness of real-world issues despite a fantastical world.
A hero is only as strong as their villains, and Captain America has encountered numerous adversaries throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Whether it’s Steve Rogers or Sam Wilson, the character of Captain America has drawn various villains to challenge them, and the dynamic between hero and villain has always been a key aspect of their stories.

Every Captain America Movie And TV Show, Ranked
From his MCU debut to an overlooked 90s adaptation, these are all the live-action adventures of Captain America, ranked.
In the various Captain America movies and shows, he has encountered a variety of villains, ranging from enhanced beings with superpowers that can challenge even the strongest superheroes, to humans who test the Star-Spangled Avenger’s abilities using their skills, advanced technology, genius intellect, or a combination of these.
The Leaping Mercenary Is A Decent Throwaway Villain
- Real Name: Georges Batroc
- Actor: Georges St-Pierre
Also known as The Leaper, Batroc is famously one of the goofiest villains in the comics, but in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Joe and Anthony Russo revamped the character to make him a genuine threat. He is a throwaway villain to help establish how well Captain America has been adjusting to superhero work in the modern age and kick off the main plot.
Rather than the goofy villain of the comics, he is a deadly mercenary who can take on Captain America by utilizing martial arts to deal genuine damage. Fans enjoyed Georges St-Pierre’s take on Batroc, which led to the character returning, appearing as a minor villain for Sam Wilson’s Captain America in The Falcon And The Winter Soldier.
Arnim Zola
Hydra’s Top Scientist Stuck To A Minor But Important Role
- Real Name: Arnim Zola
- Actor: Toby Jones
In Captain America: The First Avenger, Arnim Zola was accurately adapted into live-action as Hydra’s top scientist who helps develop the powerful arsenal that the Red Skull’s forces wield. However, Zola is portrayed less like a sadistic scientist like in the comics. He seemed like he wasn’t proud to be part of what Red Skull was trying to do in the first film.
Toby Stephens effectively embodies the classic Nazi scientist archetype without crossing into comical territory, fitting for a World War 2 setting. His character becomes even more ominous in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, as the mastermind behind Hydra’s infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D. for world domination.
What Should Have Been A Recurring Captain America Villain
- Real Name: Brock Rumlow
- Actor: Frank Grillo
Sometimes a character can start great, but end up being mismanaged, such as Crossbones for example. Frank Grillo delivers a strong performance, first coming off as a skilled colleague of Captain America before it is revealed that he is a loyal agent of Hydra and betrays him. In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Crossbones is a properly hateable character.
Fans ended up disappointed when, despite being wounded and set up as a major villain to return, Crossbones was killed off in the first fifteen minutes of Captain America: Civil War, despite being an iconic Captain America foe. An odd choice considering Crossbones played an important part in the Civil War comic and the character even got a comic-accurate suit only for it to be wasted.
Flag Smasher
A Different Villain That Raises Realistic Discussions
- Real Name: Karli Morgenthau
- Actor: Erin Kellyman
The Falcon And The Winter Soldier tackled many unique concepts for a superhero show, such as how people are adjusting after the Blip. The Flag Smasher, Karli Morgenthau, showcases people who thought that the world was better during the Blip and are determined to bring that back by destroying all borders, making the Earth into a one-world government.

Every Captain America Costume In The MCU, Ranked
From The First Avenger to Brave New World, both iterations of Captain America have featured numerous iconic costumes throughout the years.
Karli Morgenthau initially appears noble and raises valid points about fascism and tyranny, making her situation somewhat sympathetic. However, after she transforms into a superhuman, she increasingly sacrifices innocent lives for her mission and even causes the deaths of her followers. This behavior ultimately undermines all of her previously valid arguments.
The Serpent Society Leader Deserved More Scenes In His Debut
- Real Name: Seth Voelker
- Actor: Giancarlo Esposito
After years of fans wishing for him, Giancarlo Esposito finally joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Sidewinder, leader of the Serpent Society. As always, Giancarlo is as smooth and intimidating as ever in all his famous villain roles, and he has several standout scenes in Captain America: Brave New World, where he truly steals the show.
The only problem with Sidewinder is that he is a minor villain in a movie. He has a few memorable fights with Captain America and then another where he speaks with him. Unlike Crossbones, the character does have the potential to return in a future film, with some hoping for a more comic-accurate Serpent Society.
Red Skull
Hugo Weaving Is Always A Master At Villain Performances
- Real Name: Johann Schmidt
- Actor: Hugo Weaving
Just as in the comics, the Red Skull is the total antithesis of Captain America. Both were test subjects to create a super soldier, but where Steve Rogers was a good man who became better, Johann Schmidt was a radical megalomaniac who became worse. His body turned red, with the skin of his face receding to become a skeleton-like monster.
Red Skull is the head of Hydra, showing no care for anything other than his agenda to wipe out every major civilization and reshape it into a world under his control. Hugo Weaving delivers a strong performance as Schmidt and as does Ross Marquand when the character returns in Avengers: Infinity War.
Alexander Pierce
He Shows How Terrifyingly Realistic Hydra Is
- Real Name: Alexander Pierce
- Actor: Robert Redford
Alexander Pierce was the head of S.H.I.E.L.D, introduced in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. While Robert Redford delivers on his performance, the reveal that he is the main villain and the leader of the Hydra cell infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D. is far from surprising, as he is a character that nobody had any attachment to and gives a villainous vibe from the moment he appears.
On the flip side of that, Alexander Pierce is a villain that is scarily realistic for an MCU movie. He utilizes every bit of data farmed from the people of Earth to find anyone who would oppose Hydra’s new world order and seeks to kill them: something that people already genuinely fear in the modern world, which makes the film still feel relevant over a decade later.
John Walker
The Dark Captain America Made By The Government
- Real Name: John Walker
- Actor: Wyatt Russell
John Walker in The Falcon And The Winter Soldier is an example of why not anybody should be given super soldier serum just because they can throw a shield or happen to be a good soldier. John Walker may not be evil and even seemed like he wanted to honor the moniker of Captain America, but from the start, he was cocky, rash, and arrogant when he tried to carry the torch.
Wyatt Russell impresses as John Walker, transitioning from a cocky celebrity to a dark anti-hero. His anger leads him to take the Flag Smashers’ super soldier serum, transforming him into a twisted version of Captain America, eventually becoming U.S. Agent. This tragic aspect makes it hard to outright dislike his character, even though he committed many horrible acts.
The Leader
The Seventeen-Year Wait Resulted In A Terrifying Villain
- Real Name: Samuel Sterns
- Actor: Tim Blake Nelson
After seventeen years, the tease of The Leader in The Incredible Hulk was fulfilled with Tim Blake Nelson returning to the role in Captain America: Brave New World. He is the one pulling the strings, with Sidewinder and Red Hulk being the results of his actions in his quest for vengeance against Thaddeus Ross, all without the use of any powers.
Tim Blake Nelson’s performance is not only sinister, but the slow build-up to The Leader’s reveal makes him genuinely creepy as one of the best characters in Captain America: Brave New World. His green eyes and skin are already eerie, but then it is unveiled that his brain and head are mutated in a body horror fashion. The only downside is that The Leader deserved more screen time.
Red Hulk
Harrison Ford Stole The Show Throughout The Movie
- Real Name: Thaddeus Ross
- Actor: Harrison Ford
While normally a villain of the Hulk, the Red Hulk debuted in the MCU as Captain America’s villain in Captain America: Brave New World. Harrison Ford already gives a strong performance as President Thaddeus Ross, a man struggling to be a good man because of his many past failures as a man, father, and leader. However, when he becomes the Red Hulk, it is a highlight.

8 Best Quotes From Captain America: Brave New World
These memorable lines stuck out the most in Marvel’s Captain America: Brave New World.
Red Hulk shows how terrifying a rogue Hulk could be if he didn’t have Banner as his alternate personality. Red Hulk, on the other hand, is the unleashed fury of Ross, who is already a troubled man, so his rampage utilizing super strength and fiery touch leads to an instant hit of a final battle, especially when he goes against Captain America.
Iron Man
Tony Went Too Far Trying To Do Good
- Real Name: Tony Stark
- Actor: Robert Downey Jr.
Some of the worst atrocities in history came from those with the best intentions and Iron Man is, sadly, one of those individuals. In Captain America: Civil War, Tony Stark understandably felt that the Avengers were too dangerous and signed the Sokovia Accords, which would force the Avengers and any enhanced humans to be without their rights.
At first, his actions are somewhat understandable, especially when his P.T.S.D. plays a major factor in Iron Man’s decisions ever since the Battle Of New York. However, Tony goes too far, especially when he learns an important part of his history, trying to kill both Captain America and the Winter Soldier. He may not have been trying to take over the world, but he was the secondary antagonist.
Winter Soldier
Hydra’s Perfect Assassin Is Steve’s Best Friend
- Real Name: James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes
- Actor: Sebastian Stan
When Bucky Barnes fell into a watery grave in Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve Rogers’ best friend was captured by Hydra and transformed into the Winter Soldier. Unlike the usual trope where a best friend becomes a villain, Bucky was brainwashed into becoming a completely different person. This transformation makes his battles with Steve in Captain America: The Winter Soldier particularly poignant and sad.
In a way, Bucky was transformed into Captain America’s dark reflection. He is a super soldier and an assassin designed to kill with efficiency and no remorse. Over time, the Winter Soldier has redeemed himself after regaining his memories, becoming an Avenger and a U.S. congressman, showing an evolution that rivals the likes of Nebula and Yelena Belova in the MCU.
Helmut Zemo
One Man With A Grudge Destroyed The Avengers
- Real Name: Helmut Zemo
- Actor: Daniel Brühl
It normally takes a cosmic being with godlike powers to damage the Avengers, but Helmut Zemo in Captain America: Civil War was a regular human from Sokovia. With a few precise and strategic actions, Helmut Zemo was able to destroy the Avengers and never lay a finger on any of them. He is a villain who showcases that intellect can be stronger than any Infinity Stone.
As terrifying as Zemo can be thanks to a show-stealing performance from Daniel Brühl, there is a part of the character that is sympathetic. His family was taken from him because of the damage caused by the Avengers, making it slightly understandable why he hates superheroes and thinks they are such an issue that needs to be removed.

Best Games With A Playable Captain America, Ranked
One of the most iconic Marvel heroes of all time features in quite a selection of games for those who want to punch fascists and throw a frisbee.
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