Civ 7: Economic Victory Guide

Civ 7: Economic Victory Guide

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The Economic Victory is one of four main Victory Conditions in Civilization 7 that you can get in the Modern Age. While you must complete Space Race projects, gain Artifacts, or conquer settlements with other Ideologies for the other Victories, to get an Economic Victory, Civ 7 players must build a trade empire by accumulating Railroad Tycoon Points.


Civilization 7: How To Increase Population Growth

In Civ 7, Growth is achieved when you have enough Food to add Population to your settlements – here’s how to increase it.

The key to achieving Economic domination over your opponents is Rail Stations and Factories. If you can build these features quickly, get a lot of Factory Resources, and connect all of your Cities together to form a sprawling, economic web, you will be well on your way towards the Economic Victory in Civ 7.

Rush Industrialization & Mass Production

To get started on the Economic Victory path once you hit the Modern Age, Civ 7 players must rush the Industrialization and Mass Production Techs as fast as possible.

It’s a good idea to aim for the Scientific Legacy Path Victory in the Exploration Age to start the Modern Age with more Science. You’ll get to keep all Academies and adjacency bonuses from Exploration, which is a solid boost to Science to research these Techs faster after everything resets for the new Age.

As you research Industrialization and put some effort into increasing Science output, there are two other things to work towards: having high Production in all of your settlements, and acquiring as many Factory Resources as possible.

  • Having high Production means you will be able to construct Rail Stations and Factories in fewer turns, if you can’t afford to outright purchase them.
  • Use your Influence to increase the number of Trade Routes you can establish with opponents, then send out Merchants to bring back Factory Resources from around the world.

You will not be able to slot Factory Resources until a city meets the requirements, but that doesn’t mean you can’t stockpile Factory Resources to immediately slot en masse later on.

Of course, the backbone of the Economic Victory Path is having a lot of Gold. Having a lot of Gold is important for quickly converting Towns to Cities then upgrading those Cities with buildings and districts instantly so that they can connect to your trade network.

There are a lot of ways to increase Gold income in Civ 7, but in the Modern Age, the best ways to get more Gold quickly are:

  • Specialists on high-Gold yield tiles, and Social Policies that increase Specialist yields
  • Other Social Policies and Economic Attributes that increase Gold income, especially percentage-based increases


Civilization 7: How To Get A Science Victory

To earn a Science Victory, Civ 7 players must complete three Space Race projects, then launch the first Staffed Space Flight before anyone else.

Build Rail Stations & Factories

Continue to create Production buildings in your Cities, focus on developing Science, and establish a strong economy until you get Industrialization. This unlocks the Rail Station, which is one of two required buildings to start getting Railroad Tycoon points.

After unlocking Industrialization, immediately build Rail Stations in all of your Cities. Upon completion, every city with a Rail Station will be connected to your Trade Network and be eligible for Factory Resource points.

Any Cities across water must be Coastal Settlements with a Port, in addition to a Rail Station, to join your Trade Network.

Once you unlock the Mass Production tech, your path towards the Economic Victory starts to come into view as Factories become available. Factories can only be constructed in Cities that have a Rail Station, and upon completion, Factories will enable a City to slot Factory Resources – and start earning Railroad Tycoon Victory Points.

How To Get Railroad Tycoon Victory Points

  • Economic Victory Milestone One: 150x Railroad Tycoon Points
  • Economic Victory Milestone Two: 300x Railroad Tycoon Points
  • Economic Victory Milestone Three: 500x Railroad Tycoon Points

Once you have a Factory and a Rail Station in a City, and it’s connected to your Trade Network, Factory Resources slotted in that City will start to create Railroad Tycoon Victory Points every turn. There’s a bit of a catch, though – each City can only specialize in one type of Factory Resource, and will only generate points based on the largest number of a single Resource slotted.

For example, a City with 3x Fish and 2x Tea will only produce 3x Railroad Tycoon Points every turn. It will still benefit from the Tea’s Science bonus, but those 2x Tea will not generate any Railroad Tycoon Points.


Civilization 7: How to Get More Influence

To get Influence, Civ 7 players can build certain Buildings and Wonders, take certain Policies, and choose specific Leaders and Civs for Influence.

Instead of worrying about the specifics, think of this mechanic as if each City can only specialize in a single Factory Resource. Don’t mix and match Resources between Cities – if you have 12x Fish available to slot, place all 12 into a City with a Factory to generate 12x Railroad Tycoon points every turn. If you only have 2x Chocolate, place them into a City with a low Resource Limit to generate 2x Victory points each turn.

Remember, settlements that are not connected by land water must be settled on the coast and have a Port to enter your Rail Network.

The more Cities you have with Factory Resources, the more Railroad Tycoon Victory Points you will be able to generate. Settle as many Towns as possible, then convert them to Cities and use your Gold reserves to buy Rail Stations and Factories that will connect them to your Rail Network and start generating more points.

Over time, you will accumulate Factory Points every turn and passively reach the final milestone. After getting 500x Railroad Tycoon Victory Points, you will unlock the final Economic Victory Condition in Civ 7: establishing the World Bank.

Final Economic Victory Condition: World Bank

Once your empire has finished the Modern Age Economic Legacy Path, a Great Banker will spawn in your capital city. Once this unit spawns, take the number of opponents in your game, and multiply that number by two – the result is how many turns you have until victory.


Civilization 7: What Are Migrants?

This guide will tell players what they need to know about Migrants in Civ 7.

The Great Banker has two abilities: “Travel To City”, and “Activate Great Person” (establish World Bank). Your goal to complete the Economic Victory is to move the Great Banker to each opponent’s Capital and establish a World Bank Office in each City.

  • Click on the “Travel To City” button, and every Capital City in the world will be highlighted in green.
  • Ignore your own Capital, and move the Great Banker to any area highlighted in green.
  • On their next turn, use the “Activate Great Person” ability to create a World Bank Office in that Capital.

You can hover over the “Activate Great Person” ability to see which Capitals remain.

Continue traveling to each Capital and establishing World Bank Offices, a process that takes two turns for each Capital. After you activate the Great Banker in the final Capital, a cutscene will play of the World Bank being constructed, much like a Wonder cutscene.

After the cutscene, the game will end, an animatic of London will play as Gwendoline Christie speaks to the economic might of your empireand you will have achieved an Economic Victory in Civ 7!

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Grand Strategy

Turn-Based Strategy



February 11, 2025


Sid Meier’s Civilization

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