Best Seasons Of Rick And Morty

Best Seasons Of Rick And Morty
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  • Season 2 ranks as the best season of Rick and Morty, perfecting the show’s formula and providing endless entertainment.
  • Season 1 showcases the incredible potential of Rick and Morty, featuring consistently high-quality episodes that introduce staple characters and themes.
  • Season 5 of Rick and Morty starts and ends strong but is hampered by lackluster mid-season episodes.

Upon it’s debut, Rick and Morty became a massive hit for Adult Swim. The adventures of Rick Sanchez, a genius scientist, and his grandson Morty stood out from other adult animated shows with their sci-fi concepts and humor. Fans of the show have gotten to know an incredibly varied range of characters, from the Smith family to recurring side-characters like Birdperson and Mr. Poopybutthole, whilst being entertained by the endless possibilities the show seems to have. With the focus of the series stemming from each episode containing a different adventure, the series has had the chance to experiment with serialization and longer story arcs to differing results.


Rick and Morty: 8 Most Evil Versions of Rick

There are countless Ricks out there in the multiverse of Rick and Morty, but these are the most fearsome and cruel.

Rick and Morty already has seven seasons (and an eighth is on the way in 2025), but for some fans, the quality of the show has dipped from the early days. This begs the question, what season of Rick and Morty reigns supreme as the best the show has to offer, and how does every season of Rick and Morty rank?


Season 5

A Great Start And End Hampered By The Middle Of Its Run

  • Best Episode: “Rickmurai Jack”
  • Worst Episode: “Rickdependence Spray”

Season 5 of Rick and Morty has some great moments in its first and last two episodes, but it is hampered by its mid-season episodes. The highlights of the season come from the arrival of Rick’s nemesis, Mr. Nimbus, the King of Atlantis who controls the police, and the return of evil Morty in the series finale.

However, it’s the middle of the season really lets Season 5 down, with episodes being focused around sperm monsters and an incest baby that many fans have deemed to be the worst the show has to offer. This disparity in quality leads to a season that, although hitting real highs, is bogged down by its lows, arguably making it the worst season of Rick and Morty.


Season 6

A Return To Consistency Without Hitting Previous Heights

  • Best Episode: “Night Family”
  • Worst Episode: “A Rick In King Mortur’s Mort”

Season 6 doesn’t suffer from the same inconsistencies as season five, but it still doesn’t hold up as well as other seasons. It opens well with Rick not having access to portal travel, limiting his abilities before returning to the status quo during the sixth episode.


Rick And Morty: 8 Biggest Season 6 Revelations

Season 6 of Rick and Morty has shed a lot of light on some of the show’s most burning questions. These are a few of the biggest revelations.

Season 6 provides many entertaining episodes, with “Solaricks,” “Night Family,” and “Analyze Piss” having great plots and plenty of humor, but the stories never excel into the upper echelons that Rick and Morty has previously. This places Season 6 in sixth place when ranking every season of Rick and Morty.


Season 7

After A Rocky Start, Season 7 Improves On Its Predecessor

  • Best Episode: “Fear No Mort”
  • Worst Episode: “Rise Of The Numbericons: The Movie”

The latest season of Rick and Morty had a heavy weight on its shoulders. As a new voice-cast joined the ranks, replacing Justin Roiland, and fans began to tune out, they needed to knock Season 7 out of the park. And in many ways, Season 7 achieved this whilst still being inconsistent in its episodes.

Season seven features some of the best the show has to offer with “That’s Amorte,” “Unmortricken,” and “Fear No Mort,” forcing the titular characters to confront their biggest enemies, fears, and consequences, leading to some excellent episodes. However, one of the worst episodes the show has to offer is also in Season 7 with “Rise of the Numbericons: The Movie.” This lack of consistency is what places this particular season in fifth place when ranking every season of Rick and Morty.


Season Four

The Last Great Season Of Rick And Morty To Date

  • Best Episode: “The Vat of Acid”
  • Worst Episode: “Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim’s Morty”

Season 4 of Rick and Morty is deemed by many fans to be the last great season of the show, and this belief is well-founded, having some of the best episodes the show has to offer whilst maintaining its quality across its ten-episode run. The season starts strong with “Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat” and ends with an all-time classic in “Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri.”

The season isn’t hampered by a succession of poor episodes, with only “Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim’s Morty” falling below the standard set, and even this episode has a great sub-plot involving a talking cat. This places Season 4 comfortably in fourth place when ranking every season of Rick and Morty.


Season One

The First Season Of The Show Showcases The Incredible Potential Of Rick And Morty

  • Best Episode: “Close Rick-Counters Of The Rick Kind”
  • Worst Episode: “Pilot”

The season that started it all is an absolute blast from start to finish. Aiming to establish the characters and themes of the series, Season 1 of Rick and Morty delivers in almost every way possible when introducing a new show. Season 1 sees the introduction of Mr. Meeseeks, evil Morty, and Interdimensional cable, which went on to become staples of the show with episodes that are jam-packed with humor.


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Rick Sanchez in Rick and Morty is an unlikable grouch with countless issues, but he does have a few people he considers friends.

Even the worst episodes of Season 1 rank highly among the rest of the series, which means that there isn’t an episode that could be considered bad here. This consistency and quality are what cemented Rick and Morty in the pop-culture zeitgeist, allowing it to take third place when ranking every season of Rick and Morty.


Season Three

A Superb Ten-Episode Season Packed With Incredible Episodes

  • Best Episode: “The Ricklantis Mixup”
  • Worst Episode: “The ABCs Of Beth”

Rick and Morty‘s third season includes some of the best episodes the series has to offer, with “The Ricklantis Mixup,” “Pickle Rick,” and “The Rickshank Redemption” setting a very high bar for the series. Even the worst episode of the series, “The ABCs of Beth,” offers a fun adventure into a world Rick created for Beth as a child and gives depth to both their characters.

Tucked into the series are adventures exploring toxic versions of Rick and Morty, the superhero team the Vindicators, and another epic adventure with the President. Overall, Season 3 could easily take the top spot on another day, as it’s all down to personal preference, but it comes in at second in the best seasons of Rick and Morty.


Season Two

The Best Season Of Rick And Morty

  • Best Episode: “Total Rickall”
  • Worst Episode: “Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate”

With Season 2, Rick and Morty perfected its formula, creating one of the best seasons of an adult animated show ever. Each episode of Season 2 provides endless entertainment and is re-watchable many times over. The best of the season comes in “Total Rickall,” with its concept of an alien parasite that multiplies through the use of memories introducing many memorable one-off characters in a great sci-fi concept.


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Undoubtedly, Rick is the heartbeat of Rick and Morty, and this iconic character has uttered memorable lines that fans will easily remember.

Even the season’s worst episode, “Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate,” is great, showcasing the potential of the Interdimensional Cable premise, but it just doesn’t match the rest of the season. Taking on many sci-fi tropes like split timelines, mini-verses and hive-minds, as well as taking on the premise of movies like The Purge, Season 2 showcases Rick and Morty at its best. This ranks season two as the best season of Rick and Morty.

Rick and Morty Poster

Rick and Morty

Release Date

December 2, 2013


Dan Harmon

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