Where To Find Every Recipe In Trails Through Daybreak 2

Where To Find Every Recipe In Trails Through Daybreak 2

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The Trails series has always had a charming obsession with food, and The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak 2 is no exception. The sweets king Van Arkride and his gang can all hit the kitchen and make their own signature dishes, which are actually some of the more potent healing items in the entire game. You just need to find their recipes first.


Trails Through Daybreak 2 Review – A Trail Not Really Worth Following

Trails Through Daybreak 2 has several vast improvements, but a lackluster story with poorly implemented time travel makes it difficult to recommend.

Fear not though, as we’re here with this guide to ensure that you get to make every sweet treat and tasty morsel on offer. There are 21 recipes in total for you to find, with some you have to go out of your way to obtain, so here’s when and where you can grab them.

Where To Find Every Recipe In Trails Through Daybreak 2

A list of food

Every recipe in the game can be found in a store of some kind, sometimes in ones that you wouldn’t naturally associate with food. To make your life easier, you should check out any store you see that is symbolized by a red marker on your minimap, as that means they have new stock. Not every recipe is available immediately, so it’s worth checking in at every shop a few times.

Without further ado, here’s every recipe in the game, which store you can buy them from, and when they become accessible in the story:





Soul Chef: Salad

Josephina’s Food Truck


Act 1-A

Soul Chef: Pie

White Whale Inn


Act 1-A

Soul Chef: Frying

Arpeggio Books & Records

Centre Marche

Act 1-B

Soul Chef: Éclairs

Quincy Parlour

Trion Tower

Act 1-B

Soul Chef: Pudding

Cyprus Food Imports

Langport: New Town

Act 2-A

Soul Chef: Couscous

Baogui Books & Souvenirs

Langport: First Ward

Act 2-A

Soul Chef: Beef

Urfa Meat & Spices

Centre Marche

Act 2-B

Soul Chef: Pizza

Villa Bar Counter

Nemeth Island


Soul Chef: Mantou

The Haurvatat

Nemeth Island


Soul Chef: Spare Ribs

Holden Foods

Station Street

Act 3 – Route A

Soul Chef: Knafeh

Stuart Bookstore

Tyrell District

Act 3 – Route A

Soul Chef: Pastries

Gâteau de Dunne

Centre Marche

Act 3 – Route A

Soul Chef: Hamburger Steak

Montmart Bistro

Old Town

Act 3 – Route B

Soul Chef: Fried Rice

Caiyunge Eastern Restaurant

Tyrell District

Act 3 – Route B

Soul Chef: Eastern Delicacies

Lindsey’s Books & Goods

Blacklight District

Act 3 – Route B

Soul Chef: Tea

Iota Café Counter

Station Street

Act 3 – Route D

Soul Chef: Macarons

Quincy Parlour

Trion Tower

Act 3 – Route D

Soul Chef: Burgers

Golden Hour Beer Garden

Grand Circuit

Act 3 – Route D

Soul Chef: Bread

Andalucia Pâtisserie

Auber District


Soul Chef: Parties

Newberry General Store

Old Town


Soul Chef: Hot-Pots

Gabriella’s Pub

Blacklight District


If you want to maximize Van’s Gourmet Rank (which you should as it gives you tonnes of stat boosts), then grabbing these recipes is a must. Food that you make with your party is worth a lot more Gourmet Points than food you buy from stores, and is pretty much necessary if you want to max it out.

A lot of these recipes also require rare ingredients, such as Prime Beast Essence. Your best place to get stuff like this is by trading for it with one of the many merchants out there that accept trade. The rest of the ingredients you should acquire naturally while playing, though you can always equip quartz – such as Serendipity – that make monster drop rates higher if you need the ingredients urgently and can’t buy them.



Action RPG





February 14, 2025


T for Teen – Blood, Drug Reference, Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco, Violence


Nihon Falcom, PH3 GmbH

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